Friday, November 22, 2019

Through the storms of life

Through the storms of life

The clouds had darkened, blackening the sky
and the waves roared as they rose up high
cascading down over their little boat;
as they bailed out water to stay afloat.

But in that boat upon the sea with them
was the One who was born in Bethlehem
and He whom Wise Men had come to see
Stood up, in awesome Power and Majesty.

“Peace, be still.” His powerful words spoken
and the fury of the storm was broken
as upon that once windswept, raging sea
the boat now floated calm and peacefully.

“What manner of man is this they cried,
that at his word the winds and waves subside?”
‘Twas Christ, the Lord of wind and wave and sea
shielding them from the storms ferocity!

Storms in our lives can suddenly appear.
Their great turbulence causes us to fear.
It’s wonderful to have Jesus in the boat
guiding the way and keeping us afloat.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Prayer Of Thanksgiving

This table, set with centerpiece,
fine china, silverware -
has food prepared deliciously
with tender loving care.
With hungry eye, I relish this -
this meal, my daily bread -
then fold my hands and bow my head
before my prayer is said.

I do recite it quick and slurred,
though with the best intent -
and now that grace is said and heard,
it is a blessed event.
The phrases I was taught to say
were pressed down deep in me -
but words are empty without thoughts
of pure sincerity.

Yes, just before I eat, I pray,
but there's a place so crude
which moves me closer to the truth -
that others have no food.
It haunts me as I look around, the
visions of the starved -
who wide-eyed blankly stare at me
behind my turkey, carved.

I see their bloated tummies and
the flies around their eyes.
I hear soft moans from babies lips,
and echoes of their cries.
I taste the mush that they call food.
It lingers on my breath.
I feel the tears start down my cheeks.
I smell the stench of death.

I hesitate with my first bite,
then ask myself, "Do I
really care they're teary eyed
and hungry 'til they die?"
I pray that all the "least of these"
are eating well in Heav'n.
Please help me Lord, to understand
the blessings I was giv'n.

So now when I recite my prayer,
as I sit down to feast,
I ask myself if I'm sincere
and thankful in the least.
For that's when I can hear my voice
ascending to His ear.
He knows if I speak empty words
or if I am sincere.

Made Righteous by Grace

Made Righteous by Grace

God judges us through Jesus to be clean,
Made righteous and like Him upon the earth.
Though in some minds our faults may still be seen,
Our Savior views us to be of great worth.
At times judged wrong by some who pass you by,
Put down behind your back by some at church,
How can they pick the speck out from your eye
When theirs have beams for which they need not search?
It’s true we are the apple of His eye,
The joy before our Savior at the cross.
While needlessly for prominence some vie,
Within God’s Kingdom silver has no dross.
It’s pointless trying to fit in with pride
As Jesus rose with our sins put aside.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

On Eagle's Wings

On Eagle's Wings

Rising oh so high
I hear the angels sing
The softest feathers comfort me
Nestled on the eagle's wing.

A peace that I have never known
When to the heavens, I see
My Father smiling down so sweet
As He reaches out for me.

The eagle sets me gently down
In my Father's arms, I cry
His tears will wash away my pain
His heart brings forth a sigh.

The eagle looks to his Master
Then gracefully flies away
Another soul waits unbeknown
To meet the Lord this day.

Rising oh so high
Through the clouds, a thunder
My heart cries out to be with Him
How long must I wait and wonder?

The eagle has become my friend
He tips his wings to say:
"I am watching over you"
Then blessed me on my way.

When it is time, he'll come
But not to say hello
Swooping down, he lifts me up
To my Savior I will go.

Rising up on eagle's wings
No longer weary shall I roam
Soaring, soaring through the sky
The eagle takes me home…

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Word of God

The Word of God
How powerful the Word of God
Able to create all things
How amazing the Word of God
Able to save from death's sting
How beautiful the Word of God
That edifies the souls of men
How wonderful every Word
With certainty we firmly stand

Weep not for behold The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed

Weep not for behold The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has prevailed

There in heaven John sobbed great tears and cried.
Then, “Weep not” one of the elders replied:
“The secrets of the scroll can be unveiled”
“for the Lion of Judah has prevailed.”

Before them stood a Lamb so clear and plain
pierced and looking as though it had been slain.
Then the Lamb took the scroll as angels sang
and throughout heaven this great chorus rang.

“Worthy is the Lamb” all the heavens cried,
and “Worthy is the Lamb” the earth replied,
“For He was slain for us and shed His blood
and purchased the people on earth for God..”

The Lion became a Lamb to pay the price
and saved the world by His great sacrifice,
as He hung there upon that wooden cross,
and gave up His life to redeem the lost.

So weep no more and shed no more tears
but join the song throughout eternal years.
For The Lion of Judah has prevailed,
where Satan and all his minions had failed.