Saturday, July 27, 2019



There's a truth that God's revealed to me,
I'm always thinking of.

The gift His forgiveness,
Fruit of His eternal love.

It lifts me up on wings as eagles,
Makes me harmless as a dove.

In my heart a celebration,
Manna fresh from Heaven above.

It's His life that I'm receiving,
Freely given freely give.

It's no longer I that's living,
Christ in me, that I now live.

Not just a promise up in Heaven,
Mine forever mine to give.

No wrinkle, spot nor leaven,
Just believe, you too will Live.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflected Glory

Reflected Glory

The morning dew now glistens grass;
But know its glory soon will pass.
Would seem its brilliance has been won,
Not mere reflection from the sun.

As soon we’ll see, we are the same;
Our prideful boasts are just so lame.
We feel our glory must be won,
Not mere reflection from the son.

We sparkle, glisten, shine like dew.
We strain to be the proud, the few.
Whatever good we think we’ve done
Is mere reflection from the son.

We must see past reflection’s shine
To see his glory, most divine.
Achievements grand; all, some or one
Are mere reflections from the son.

May selfish honor fade to dim,
Replaced by glory due to Him.
For then we stand with God as one,
As bright reflections of his son.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

You Before Me

You Before Me

The love song of the Savior is "you before me"
To the extent of His choice to die on a tree
For the sins of all people, oh how can this be
A love that's so sweet, exceeding eternity.

What love is displayed as earth clutches His knees
Bowed down in the garden, to the Father He pleads
A way out if desired, all angels would lead
But Christ weeps at a heaven without you and me.

Eternity past witnessed complete harmony
Only now to be broken in Gethsemane
Oh why, Son of David, for this ungrateful breed
Would you bear guilt, so heavy, to set captives free?

If only a fraction of the cost we could see
Sin crushing the life of our Omnipotent King
Even greater the fact that He bled willingly
Might then sin be vile to God's worst enemies?

But this is the love that exceeds eternity
When Christ laid down His life singing "you before me"
Oh God You are forever exalted as He
Who prized us more than His own life, let us sing!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Jesus Reigns

Jesus Reigns

High above this earth He reigns
Can you still feel His pains
took his life to die for sin
Jesus reigns, He will come again

Jesus is the life in me
He has come to set all free
Jesus died upon that tree
to give us all eternity

Jesus reigns, high in the skies
Jesus reigns, in heaven He resides 
Jesus reigns, give Him your life
Jesus reigns, He paid the price

You are the true messiah
You are my heart's desire
You are my endless hope
to you my heart I devote

You are the shining star
You have revealed who you are
and you are the night and the day
the only to whom I will pray

Monday, July 22, 2019



It's not easy as we live our lives on earth from day to day
To face all life's temptations that come along our way
But we surely have a promise and it’s written in God’s word
That he will always be there and you can rest assured
He watches ore his children with tender loving care
And there is not one moment that he is never there
Do not fear for I am with you from right now until the end
Just know that I’m your savior I am a faithful friend
Don’t ever think that I have chosen just to walk away
And leave you in your time of need for that is not my way
I see I care I understand just what your going through
You may not see right now but child but I truely do love you
So lean on me and do not fret stay strong and just believe
I’ll soon be coming back my child and take you home with me
But until that day when I shall call you home safe by my side
Lift up your head rejoice my friend redemption draweth nigh

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

Within each of us,
the Holy Spirit lives
and His awesome power
in our life's He wants to give.

But, we must feel the fire,
the burning of desire
to call upon His strength
so His might we'll acquire.

Once we have received,
this supernatural gift
our souls will belong to Him
and we'll no longer drift.

For, He'll anchor us in His love,
in all things, we'll have peace
and His unexplainable joy
in our life's will never cease.

We'll have patience for everyone,
to others we'll be kind
His gentleness and goodness
will fill our hearts and minds.

People will see that our faith,
is kind and full of justice
for our meekness will shine
as they learn to trust us.

Within each of us,
the Holy Spirit lives
and all of His fruits . . . 
the Holy Spirit wants to give!
Galatians 5:22-23
King James Version

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, 
joy, peace,long-suffering, gentleness, 
goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: 
against such there is no law."