Friday, March 15, 2013

A Little Country Church

A Little Country Church

'Twas a little frame Country Church, standing over there.
Many times, I walked this way, under parents' loving care.

We had a special pew, room enough for a babe to have a bed,
As we sat quietly and listened to what the preacher said.

He was a man of God. The Spirit of God, through him, truly ran.
God's words he spoke to us. He was a Godly man.

We would sing the songs of old, about our Savior's love
And how awesome it would be when we get to Heaven above.

Our Church was out in the country, beside a lovely wood.
We'd listen to the gentle breeze blowing through the trees, as oft as we could.

It seemed so peaceful, the little Church ever so full of Grace.
Wouldn't it be a wonder, someday, just to go back and see this place?

I can almost hear the singing now, about how amazing was God's love;
How the river of life was ever flowing in Heaven, there, above.

When a soul was saved by grace, the Angels would shout and sing
For the victory of our Savior, to Heaven, more souls to bring.

There aren't as many little Churches, today, standing closely by.
We would have to go back to yesterday, maybe break down and cry.

But those days are gone forever. For, now, we have Churches of brick and stone.
But if we can still, in our hearts go back, then it's never really gone.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Father God , I just want to thank you , Praise You , and thanks for menories !

Thursday, March 14, 2013

His True Church

His True Church

I know many religious people, and one Church with no steeple,
A church that’s built with no walls, built on only believing souls,
Built upon an Eternal Foundation, that being our very Salvation,
Built upon The One Cornerstone, and that is Jesus Christ alone.

Many, who worship in a building, to Truth alone, are unyielding,
Building a church on tradition, God’s Truth, with man’s addition,
Added to the work finished by, Jesus Christ who reigns on high,
Ignoring His words “it is finished”, Grace by many is diminished.

Men making a way to Heaven, not by grace but religious leaven,
Building church in a human way, as they lead many souls astray,
As many souls weekly perch, in the pews of a manmade church,
Relying on their religious activity, to help them work into eternity.

“I will build my Church” He said, that was Christ, who is the Head,
Head of His True Church on earth, filled with souls, by New Birth,
All members being Born Again, into His Church, not one of men,
You’ll find, you no longer search, as a member of God’s Church.

Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life, as Head of the Church of Christ,
And each of us is a living stone, built through faith in Christ alone,
His Church He proceeds to build, to complete as His Father willed,
Leading the only True Church friend, as others shall see in the end. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Thank you in advance for reading this My Blog, I love God . 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus

Thank you Jesus
Precious Jesus
You are Holy
Yet you died for me

Something stirs within me when I call you.

Just to realize,
You pierced your sides for me
Drove nails through your hands and feet;
Your arms opened wide for me
You died for me
Rose for me
Continue to rise in me

You love me
You took on my sins
In you, Christ Jesus, I am born again

You died that I may live
Your hands hold my heart
Your word gives me life

Your love sees beyond my mess
I have to say thank you
I couldn't say it enough
How many ways can I express my gratitude
That's why I'm writing this poem for you

My savior
My redeemer
Prince of peace
Thank you

Love always,
Your Servant ,
Your Son,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless ! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lord You Are All Powerful

Lord You are all powerful,
Almighty God are You
You generate the energy
To see the believer through
By Your Holy Spirit
Indwelling us down here
We’ve no cause for worry
Nor any cause for fear

You have triumphed mightily
Over sin, death, and hell.
All the ransomed hosts now sing
With our soul 'tis well
Though satan seeks to devour us
In our walk each day
We can have the Victory
For Lord, You are our Stay

For greater is He that’s within us
Than he that is in the world
With our shield of faith
Deflecting darts that are hurled
We have a conflict daily
Yet You have said “Stand fast”
The trials you are experiencing
These too shall pass

With no hope the people perish
But Lord our hope’s in Thee
Creator and Redeemer
The Lamb of Calvary
Now we’re really living
For up from the grave You arose
Righteousness exalts that nation
Whom our God doth know

With steps of faith we plod on
Here am I, use me
Make my heart a burden place
For lost souls such as we
Give out the bread my brother
Pass out the water too
Give that Bread of Life to others
That they may drink Anew

Jan Bagwell 
God Bless 
Please pray for Mary Phillips , David Bagwell ,Brad Rogers,Elizabeth Drummond , Frankie Wilson , J.D. Holliday , Amanda Cunningham , Derek Bayne ,Zac Cunningham , John Moore ,

Monday, March 11, 2013

In Life

Faith and Courage is what will get you through this life.

In Life

In life there are people that will hurt us and cause us pain,
but we must learn to forgive and forget and not hold grudges.

In life there are mistakes we will make,
but we must learn from our wrongs and grow from them.

In life there are regrets we will have to live with, 
but we must learn to leave the past behind and realize it is something we can't change.

In life there are people we will loose forever and can't have back,
but we must learn to let go & move on.

In life there are going to be obstacles that will cause interference,
but we must learn to overcome these challenges and grow stronger.

In life there are fears that will hold us back from what we want,
but we must learn to fight them with the courage from within.

God holds our lives in his hands. He holds the key to our future. 
Only he knows our fate. 

He see's everything and knows everything. 
Everything in life really does happen for a reason: "God's Reason".
Please pray for David  Bagwell , Mary Phillip , Frankie Wilson daughter is getting married
Jan Bagwell , 
God Bless !