Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Do I Believe?

Why Do I Believe?

When people ask me,
why I believe the way I do
why in God I still trust
after all I have been through?

I take my time to respond,
with meekness I explain . . .
it wasn't God who went away
it was I, who did not remain.

God has never left my side,
He has always been with me
it was I, who became blind
who chose His will not to see.

It was I, who took the chance,
who wandered off the path
it was I, who stopped believing
sin still stirred up His wrath.

God has never failed me,
He has waited for me patiently
it was I, who broke His heart
so very shamelessly.

It was I, who began to doubt,
who needed something more
it was I, who went out looking
behind every tempting door.

God's grace has covered me,
His mercy awaited my return
it was I, who needed reminding
for my sins, in hell I'd burn.

Lord, when people ask me,
why I believe the way, I do . . .
I tell them that temptation's door
kept leading me back to You.

Jan Bagwell

God  Bless
1 Peter  3: 15-16
King James Version

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts :
and  be ready always to give an answer
to every man that asketh you a reason
of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Inspiration Received

Inspiration Received

The One inspiring me is The One
Who set me free,
Removing the sin blinders from
my eyes that I might see.
The truth that sin had covered
for far too long,
Rescuing me from it's hold into a
new life with new a song.

Jesus, The One inspiring me then,
continues to inspire,
For today, serving my Savior is
my greatest desire.
With love The Prince of Peace has
for a world full of rage,
He alone can turn it around to put
it on a different page.

Occasionally temptation moves, in
an attempt to turn my head,
Trying to distract my mind from the
path that it's being led.
Doubt begins to erase encouragement
I had in the beginning,
With thoughts of, is there any good
I do in souls I'm winning.
Now greater is He in me than he that
is in the world I live,
As this message fills my soul, I'll
give as God allows me to give.
Knowing that He inspires me to serve
and will guide me all the way,
Whether it's by pen or by speech, I
trust Him for the words to say. 

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

To The End

To The End

The Lord is my God,
from beginning to end
His love and mercy
are around every bend.

No matter where I go,
or whatever I do . . .
His grace is before me
it always shines through.

He is always with me,
I know that He cares
and all of my worries
I know that He bears.

When first I met Him,
I knew I was in love
for His goodness fits
my heart like a glove.

I'll never leave Him,
I'll follow Him to the end
for I have never found
a better helper or friend!

Hats Off To You

I was sitting in church Wednesday and happened to notice a young
man with his hat on. I was taught that it was very
disrespectful for a man to have his hat on in a church or when
eating, etc. so this was bothering me very much. I sat there
thinking how I could go about letting him know that wearing his
hat was disrespectful when all of a sudden I had a moment
It hit me that it wasn't right for me to judge another person,
in any way. I was in the Lord's house and if He thought it
was disrespectful, He would let the young man know himself.
I also realized that if I said something to him, the young man
may feel that he was unwelcome in our church. I could not be
the type of person who was so rigid and uptight that I would
actually chase someone away from hearing God's word.

I enjoyed the rest of the service so much better after asking
God's forgiveness about being so petty.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jesus Can Satisfy Our Souls

Jesus Can Satisfy Our Souls

We look for satisfaction
In our lives from day to day.
We try to fill our emptiness
In our own selfish way.

This world is full of things
That will never satisfy.
We seek fun and pleasure
In things that money can buy.

Jesus, the Lord and Savior
Can satisfy a hungry soul.
He can fill a heart with peace
As the years and ages roll.

If you accept Jesus as Savior,
Who for our sins was crucified,
He will come into your heart,
And your soul will be satisfied.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, September 15, 2014

Stand Strong For God

Stand Strong For God

by Margaret Cagle

Christians are certainly not exempt
From trials and problems in life.
Even when we do everything right,
We can still have pain and strife.

Whenever these troubles may come,
Think it not a strange thing.
Just keep standing strong for God,
For deliverance, our God can bring!

Be wise enough and humble enough
To seek help from the Lord above.
Read God's Word and always pray.
He will direct you in His love.

Just think! You are God's child!
He does not want His child to fail.
Stand true and strong for God,
For He will surely lead you well.
I Corinthians 16:13, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong."
- See more at:

Stand Strong For God

Christians are certainly not exempt
From trials and problems in life.
Even when we do everything right,
We can still have pain and strife.

Whenever these troubles may come,
Think it not a strange thing.
Just keep standing strong for God,
For deliverance, our God can bring!

Be wise enough and humble enough
To seek help from the Lord above.
Read God's Word and always pray.
He will direct you in His love.

Just think! You are God's child!
He does not want His child to fail.
Stand true and strong for God,
For He will surely lead you well.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
1 Corinthians 16: 13 ,” Watch ye , stand fast in the faith , quit  you like men , be  strong “