Friday, June 15, 2012

Dads sometimes are imperfect

 Dads are imperfect people, and it only takes a single thoughtless mistake to create misfortune. On a recent Saturday night, for example, a man in Greenville , N.C. pulled into a convenience store to buy a drink, leaving his car running. A thief jumped into the vehicle and took off, not realizing the owner's 6-year-old son was asleep in the backseat. Thankfully, the boy slept through the whole ordeal. He was safe and sound—and still asleep—when officials found him inside the abandoned vehicle a half-hour later. The thief wasn't caught, but the dad was charged with endangering the child.
All dads make mistakes—some worse than others—but there is one Father who will never make a mistake, let us down, endanger our lives, risk our well-being, leave us or forsake us. He loves us with an everlasting love, and nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
On the other hand , God has given us some Great Dads . I hope God Bless all the Fathers reading  this blog .Scott Bagwell Mike wells , Melvin Mobley ,Billy Phillips and etc Bless you all
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Dad

My dad

A man passed away many years ago
A man of great resolve
Who strived to live
A different life
One of love and soul
He didn't care about material things
Only knowledge and truth were his way
A man of ideas and thought
A man from yesterday
Still relevant today
He was a father and husband
A teacher and a poet
A dreamer and a traveller
Who loved the earth and the bush
Who made simple things an adventure
And made things remain
And gave us all a chance to dream
Of things that made life
More to us it's seems
Did he doubt and wonder why
Did he have some regrets
A life lived well always will
It's a life I won't forget  
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless!
Tonight after church , I sat on a bench outside , and I felt the spirit of God move  and it felt like  a great peace came upon me !

The Corner Stone { For Father Day ]

The Corner Stone (For Father's Day)

The father is the source of strength of his family.
He can weather storm in order to protect them.
He will endure rain or shine to provide his love ones.
He is always ready to give his support and guidance all the time.
The father is consistent for his duty and love for the family.
He can move mountains and shy away the temptation.
He gives himself fully to his family with love and devotion.
Children who have a father to guide them are blessed from heaven.
A husband is a gift for his wife and siblings.
The fathers may look tough in the outside yet so soft inside.
His happiness is to see his family well provided.
He sacrifices his own needs for the sake of his family.
Fathers may mean sometimes but his heart is bleeding for his child.
Fathers are the makers of what we become.
Fathers are always there to lend a helping hand.
Fathers sometimes misunderstood of his wisdom not knowing the meaning.
Fathers are gifted to be strong and stable, firm and durable as the homes foundation.
The father is the source of life itself as we become a family.
A home with out a father can not be a family at all. 
A child is lucky who have a father's love and care.
A mother is blessed to have her partner and companion in life.
A house is not a home with out the foundation.
A family is blissful when love abounds.
God bless the fathers that honor his love for his family.
And for whom who remain faithful in their vows of love and devotion. 
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless !

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

        Sometime We’ll Understand

Not now , but in the coming years ,
   It may be in the Better Land ,
We’ll read the meaning of our tears ,
And there , sometime , we’ll understand.

We’ll catch the broken threads again ,
    And finish what we here began ;
Heav’n will the mysteries explain ,
    And then , ah then ,we’ll understand .

We’ll know why clouds instead of sun
    Were over many a  cherished plan
Why song has ceased , when scarce began ;
    Tis there , sometime , we’ll understand .

God knows the way , He holds the key ,
    He guides us with unerring hand ;
Sometimes with tearless eyes we’ll see
 Yes , there , up there ,we’ll understand .

Then trust in God through all thy days ;
   Fear not , for he doth hold thy hand ;
Through dark the way  ,still sing and praise ;
   Sometime  , sometime , we’ll understand .
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless !

Monday, June 11, 2012

   The Breaking Heart

When your lonely heart is breaking
    ‘Neath a heavy load of care ,
And your tears have been exhausted
     But the pain still lingers there –
Then take it to the mender ,
     Commit it all to Him –
And let Him bind the broken chords,
     And give new joy within .
For underneath the burden sore ,
     Your spirit cries cloud ,
And Jesus’ ear is turned to hear
      Your cry above the crowed,
Why hold it then , within your heart ,
      To eat your soul away ,
When Jesus beckons  you to come
       And hide in Him today ?
He wants to heal your broken heart ,
      He died for one you know-
And in His dying , met your need , 
      And conquered every  foe.
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless !
Prayer list :
Jan Bagwell [ knees and neck ]
Judy Howard [ Knees ]
Billy Phillips Mother
Hali Bagwell and David Bagwell
Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell
Hazel Bagwell
Nadine Stvan
Mike Wells and mother