Friday, February 6, 2015

When you were born again

When you were born again

Do you really know what happened
When you were born again ?
Do you really know God's gift
And things that He has said ?
Do you know the constants
Are not emotional trends ?
Do you really know what happened
When you were born again ?.

Do you really know you're righteous
And what that really means ?
Righteousness   imparted
Is more than just being clean,
living with a conscience
That is always clear,
Do you know you're righteous
And what that really means ?.

Did you know that you got holy
And that you cannot sin ?
Your spirit became perfect
Now you're born again,
Sanctified position
And grace became your twins,
Did you know that you got holy
And that you cannot sin ?.

Do you see God as your Father
And that you are a son ?
Relationship restored
When He said that it is done,
Inheritance received 
Now that you are one,
Do you see God as your Father
And that you are a son ?.

Did you know about your nature
And that it was exchanged ?
Christ's exchanged for Adam's
When Jesus took the strain ,
New bias to do good
Desires come unexplained,
Did you know about your nature
And that it was exchanged ?.

Do you know what really happened
When you were born again ?
The Spirit giving promptings
Of what has been re-gened,
A free ticket  given
To a kingdom that's not seen,
Do you know what really happened 
When you were born again ?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

John 3: 16

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that

 whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

Do you believe
I split the red sea
And that the seas in your life 
Are but a small thing for me

Do you believe?

Do you believe
I turn darkness to light
That I can make daytime spring 
In the midst of your night

Do you believe?

Do you believe
Your prayers are being heard
When in answer to your petitions
I haven't said a word

Do you believe?

Do you believe
I haven't left you alone
When you feel forsaken
And your friends are all gone

Do you believe?

Do you believe
I can restore the years
And that in my bottle
I hold all your tears

Do you believe?

Do you believe
No weapon formed can prosper  
And your life is
In the hands of the potter

Do you believe?

Do you believe
When it seems you won't be blessed
The things you see with your eyes 
Are only a test

Do you believe?

Do you believe
When things appear to be working against you
I'm in control 
And I will bring you through

Do you believe?

Do you believe 
When you feel you're being devoured
I have ordered your steps 
And in my hands I hold all power

Do you still believe?
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Old Valentine Card

The Old Valentine Card

I was invited to a friend's house
For a Valentine's Day feast.
Her husband had passed away.
She was lonely, to say the least.

We had a lovely, tasty dinner.
In the table's center, there sat
A very old pretty Valentine card
On top of a pretty lacy placemat.

I did not ask about the card,
But soon she wanted to share.
There was a story about that card
That rested on the table there.

"My husband was deployed overseas
The day after Valentine's Day.
He gave me this lovely Valentine,
And the next day, he went away."

"He told me just before he left,
'Keep this card in a safe place,
And remember it says I LOVE YOU,
Though you cannot see my face.'"

"I looked at this card everyday
And prayed for his safe return.
To see his loving face again
In my heart, this I did yearn."

"Every time he was deployed,
The story was just the same.
I held onto this Valentine card.
In prayer, I called his name."

"Finally he left the Navy.
Together we spent many years.
One day God took him to Heaven,
And sadly I shed many tears."

"One day I remembered the card,
And I took it from its place.
I said, 'Death can't take our love.
In Heaven, I'll see your face.'"

"Now I cherish this Valentine.
Do you think this is absurd?"
I answered, "Your love story
Is the sweetest I've ever heard!"
Jan Bagwell

God Bless !

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Tank Filled With Kindness

A Tank Filled With Kindness

When I was pumping my gas
At a service station one day,
I saw a man counting pennies.
"Not much!" I heard him say.

He was at the pump behind me
In an old aging, rusting car.
As the old man walked inside,
He said, "This won't get me far."

Walking over to the old man’s car
Was a gentleman, tall and lank.
He slid his card into the 
 And filled the old man's tank.

Then the old man returned soon
With his pennies still in hand.
He walked to his car mumbling,
"I just do not understand."

Then he said to that young man,
Who was putting his card away,
"You must be an angel of God!"
"I'm a child of God!" he did say.
Jan Bagwell

God Bless ! 
John 3: 16
 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that

 whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Monday, February 2, 2015

God Protects His Children

God Protects His Children

I stumbled on the stairs and said,
"I am lucky I did not fall!"
I almost wrecked my car and exclaimed,
"Wow! That was really a close call!"

Christian, our Father protects us
Even when we seem to be unaware.
He watches over His dear children
Because our Heavenly Father doth care.

He sends His angels to give us aid
When some great misfortune doth call.
They are there, encamped about us
When into some peril we may fall.

Let us give God all the credit
When "almost happened" is the case.
Thank Him and give Him the glory
For His protection, mercy, and grace.
Jan Bagwell

God Bless !