Friday, October 14, 2011

In Control

In Control

It was August of '07.

I was in labor with my first child, I started Thursday and
didn't have her until Saturday. All while I was in labor,
I cried for my Mommy, the doctor, and even something for the

Finally, Saturday morning I was ready, I was still hollering for
the doctor. They wheeled me into the delivery room, I looked
around, and still no doctor, finally he came in, I felt
relieved, but something happened, my baby got stuck.

I was scared, afraid. I started crying for my mommy. The doctor
had to pull my child from me. I didn't hear her, I couldn't
hear my baby cry.

I cried out what was wrong, the doctor had asked one nurse to
rush out and get another doctor, I still didn't hear a baby cry.

I was still crying for my mommy. Finally another doctor rushed
in, it was like one of the scariest moments in my life,
everything stood still for a moment and then something happened,

I called the Lord, I asked Him to help me, I cried Lord have
mercy on my baby, let my baby live. Take me not my child.

Finally, the doctor asked a nurse what time it was, it was 11:22
a.m. My baby was pronounced dead. He turned around wiping the
tears from his eyes, and I knew what he was going to say, and I
just started praying Lord help me.

And before the doctor can tell me, she started crying.
A miracle had happened. My child was born at 11:00 and
pronounced dead at 11:22 a.m. and before 11:23 came back to me.

It was nothing but the grace of God.
I feel like that was my test.
The Lord showed me that Mommy can't do it, not even the doctors,
but He has ALL powers in His hands.

I realized that no one can acknowledge God but you yourself.
Everyone needs to know the Lord for themselves, and for me, I
honestly thought that I knew the Lord. My mother, she's a
preacher, I was practically raised in the church, but yet, God
had to remind me to go on my own faith.

Isn't it amazing how the Lord reminds us that He is in control
of everything? Through good times, bad times, and even through
our grief and pains.
Thank you Gail Norton for your life story
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

There’s a hint of a chill,
Autumn time has arrived ,
It came in with the dawn
In a winter’s disguise .
Everyone’s bundled
And they look out of place .
Everything’s still intact
With a Summertime face.
Oh , I love Autumn’s breeze ,
There is beauty a bound,
When the tinge of the leaves,
Flaunts their colors around
It’s a sight to behold
Autumn time everywhere ,
One can tell by the wind
Autumn’s sure in the air .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

winning Ways

Winning Ways
We walk along life’s highway
meet the bitter and the sweet .
Rejoice with those who’ve made it …
pity those who’ve met defeat ,
And as we journey down the road ,
see sadness , joy and pain ,
We wonder why some lose the race
while others , goals attain .
We know misfortune comes to all
and problems we must weight ;
The Lord will stand beside us
every minute of each day .
So walk the road with head held high ,
though life , at times , seems glum ;
But if you keep the faith you’ll find …
your battles can be won .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

winning Ways

Winning Ways
We walk along life’s highway
meet the bitter and the sweet .
Rejoice with those who’ve made it …
pity those who’ve met defeat ,
And as we journey down the road ,
see sadness , joy and pain ,
We wonder why some lose the race
while others , goals attain .
We know misfortune comes to all
and problems we must weight ;
The Lord will stand beside us
every minute of each day .
So walk the road with head held high ,
though life , at times , seems glum ;
But if you keep the faith you’ll find …
your battles can be won .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

winning Ways

Winning Ways
We walk along life’s highway
meet the bitter and the sweet .
Rejoice with those who’ve made it …
pity those who’ve met defeat ,
And as we journey down the road ,
see sadness , joy and pain ,
We wonder why some lose the race
while others , goals attain .
We know misfortune comes to all
and problems we must weight ;
The Lord will stand beside us
every minute of each day .
So walk the road with head held high ,
though life , at times , seems glum ;
But if you keep the faith you’ll find …
your battles can be won .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


If but one message I may leave behind ,
One single of courage for my kind ,
It would be this ,Oh , brother , sister ,friend ,
Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,
No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,
Take heed and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,
Your faith be dimmed , and hope ,once cool and sweet ,
Be last , but suddenly above a hill ,
A heavenly lamp ,set on a heavenly sill ,
Will shine for you and point the way to go ,
How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I
Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky
Repeatedly – It has not failed me yet
And I have learned God never will forget
To light his lamp . If we but wait for it ,
It will be lit .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Best You Can

The Best You Can
When others get ahead of you
In everything you try to do ,
Don’t give up trying , don’t feel blue …
Just do the best you can .

When those you trusted let you down
And greet your smile with scowl and frown ,
Don’t turn and run right out of town …
Just do the best you can .

Though other people criticize
The things you say , your work despise ;
Just straighten up and raise your eyes …
And do the best you can .

When sorrow strikes with crushing blow ,
When day by day you lonelier grow
Remember , there is One who’ll know ..
So do the best you can .

So when the course of Life is run ,
Though fame and wealth you have not won ,

He’ll say , “ That was a job well done “…
So do the best you can .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
God is Good All the Time !!