Saturday, December 26, 2009

Give Them the Flowers now

Give Them the Flowers now

Closed eyes can’t the white roses.
Cold hands can’t hold them , you know .
Breath that is stilled cannot gather
The odors that sweet from them blow.
Its children of earth doth endow;
Life is the time we can help them,
So give them the flowers now!

Here are the struggles and striving.
Here are the cares and the tears;
Now is the time to be smoothing
The frowns and the furrows and fears .
What to closed eyes are kind saying?
What to hushed heart is deep vow?
Naught can avail after parting,
So give them the flowers now!
Just a kind word or a greeting;
Just a warm grasp or a smile –
These are the flowers that will lighten
The burdens for many a mile.
After the journey is over
What is the use of them; how
Can they carry them who must be carried ?
Oh , give them the flowers now!
Jan Bagwell

Thursday, December 24, 2009

First Christmas

First Christmas in heaven

I’ve had my first Christmas in heaven ,
A glorious, wonderful day !
I stood with saints of the ages
Who found Christ , the Truth , and the Way.

I sang with the heavenly choir ;
Just think ! I , who so long to sing !
And oh ! what celestial music
We brought to our Saviour and King !

We sang the glad songs of redemption ,
How Jesus to Bethlehem came ,
And how they had called His name .

We sang once again with the angels ,
The song that they sang that blest morn ,
When shepherds first heard the glad story
That Jesus ,the Saviour , was born .

O , dear one , I wish you had been here :
No Christmas on earth could compare
With all the rapture and glory
We witnessed in Heaven so fair .

You know how I always loved Christmas ;
It seemed such a wonderful day ,
With all of my loved ones around me ,
The children so happy and gay .

Yes, now I can see why I loved it ,
And , Oh ,what a joy it will be ,
When all of my loved ones are with me ,
To share in the glories I see .

So dear ones on earth , here’s my greeting :
Look up till the day dawn appears ,
And Oh ,what a Christmas awaits us ,
Beyond all our partings and tears .
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


They had a set of dishes
Given them when they wed ,
With luck and happiness and wishes
By loved ones ,who to them said
They wished they’d always be happy
As the moment when,”I will,”
Was said with so much rapture
That their hearts were standing still.

The dishes tell a lovely story
Of the lives they were to live _
How they shone in all their glory
When the very frist forgive
Was whispered, and I love you truly ,
Which made things right again ,
For it was just as surely said ,
As sun comes after rain

Time as long since passed ,
Since they were frist together ,
When he’d sit and gase and ask her
If she loved him as no other –
And she was just content
With the answer in her heart ,
For she knew that it was meant
That they should never part ..

Although their lives had many scars
Like cracks upon the china ,
Their love outshone the mars ,
For it was only minor ,
If the one who’d done the wrong
Down in his heart had sorrow ,
For they never let the sun go down
Without a ,” Bright Tomorrow ,”

She’s an old lady now ,
And he is eight-two ,
The cups and saucers wonder
What the other one will do ,
Until they both are able ,
To sit at God’s own perfect table ,
Be fed by His own hand

By Jan Bagwell
This is a poem I wrote for my mother , the christmas after my Dad had pass away . I hope you enjoy it . Merry Christmas

God Will Not ask Me

God Will Not Ask Me

God is not going to ask me how much I made.
He will ask me how much I gave.

God will not ask me about the size of my house.
He will ask me did I invite Him in.

God will not ask me about the elegance of the neighborhood.
He will ask me how I treated my neighbor.

God will not ask me what kind of car I drove.
He will ask me did I give those with no car a ride.

God will not ask me about the beauty of my wife.
He will ask me did I treat her with love.

God will not ask me about the style of my clothes.
He will ask me did I help clothe others.

God will not ask me the size of my bank account.
He will ask me how much is in my heavenly account.

God will not ask me how many children I fathered.
He will ask me if I was a good father to my children.

God will not ask me did I achieve fame.
He will ask me about my reputation.

God will not ask me if I traveled the world.
He will ask me did I improve the world.

God will not ask me about the troubles that I had.
He will ask me if I helped comfort the troubled.

God will not ask me if I did miracles in the name of His Son.
He will ask me if I really knew Him.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Joy to the world ! God Gift

Joy to the World!
God’s Gift
He did not use a silvery box
Or paper green and red.
God laid His Christmas Gift to men
Within a manger bed .
No silken cord was used to bind .
The Gift sent from above .
“Twas wrapped in swaddling clothes
and bound
In cords of tender love .
There was no evergreen to which
His precious Gift was tied .
Upon a bare tree on a hill
His Gift was hung …and died .
“Twas taken down from off the tree
And laid beneath the sod .
But death itself could not destroy
The precious Gift of God .
With mighty hand He lifted Him
From out the stony grave .
Forevermore for everyman
A living Gift He gave .
For God so loved the world , that He gave His only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life . John 3:16
Jan Bagwell 12/20/09