Saturday, February 15, 2014

To My Valentine

To My Valentine

Dear, you were beside me
For almost forty years.
Then you went to Heaven,
And I shed so many tears.

It sounds like I feel sad
For having to let you go.
I know you're happy in Heaven,
But I still miss you so.

On every Valentine's Day,
You gave me roses and candy,
That was really too expensive,
But your act of love was dandy.

I have a collection of cards.
You gave me one every year.
I hold onto precious memories
Of those Valentine Days so dear.

This year on Valentine's Day,
I know you will have a part.
Although you're up in Heaven,
You are still in my heart.
To Lonnie and Hazel Bagwell
My Mom and Dad
Jan Bagwell and God Bless

Friday, February 14, 2014

Unnamed, But Not Unknown

Unnamed, But Not Unknown

Look over the fields with headstones of white;
Many have grieved for those lost in the fight.
On many headstones, you'll not find a name;
Maybe their lives, would not have known fame.
Just the same, they were somebody's child;
Strong-willed, God fearing, or meek and mild.
The gravestones seem to make one feel alone;
Though we may not know your name, you're not unknown.

Your parents were blessed with a newborn son;
You made them proud: yes, you were the one.
Your days were filled with many new things;
You enjoyed life each day; for all it would bring.
You were the one who fell and skinned a knee;
"Be careful next time", was mom's only plea.
Adventures and excitement along the way;
You and family went to Church come Sunday.

You always wanted to fight for your country;
So, when the time came, you joined the infantry.
No physicals, some training--you qualified;
You were ready, whether you lived or died.
Off to war--you knew only one thing: fight;
But your day came; it was your final plight.
Lost amongst the bodies-there were so many;
You weren't sent home; no names, not any.

As we look over the fields with headstones of white,
We grieve over you; you fought a good fight.
On the headstone, we can't find your name;
The things you died for, has brought you fame.
You are and will always be somebody's child;
God knows you feared Him, though meek and mild.
You're with many like you; you're not alone;
Though we may not know your name, you're not unknown.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Unnamed, But Not Unknown

by Deborah Smith Plemmons

Look over the fields with headstones of white;
Many have grieved for those lost in the fight.
On many headstones, you'll not find a name;
Maybe their lives, would not have known fame.
Just the same, they were somebody's child;
Strong-willed, God fearing, or meek and mild.
The gravestones seem to make one feel alone;
Though we may not know your name, you're not unknown.

Your parents were blessed with a newborn son;
You made them proud: yes, you were the one.
Your days were filled with many new things;
You enjoyed life each day; for all it would bring.
You were the one who fell and skinned a knee;
"Be careful next time", was mom's only plea.
Adventures and excitement along the way;
You and family went to Church come Sunday.

You always wanted to fight for your country;
So, when the time came, you joined the infantry.
No physicals, some training--you qualified;
You were ready, whether you lived or died.
Off to war--you knew only one thing: fight;
But your day came; it was your final plight.
Lost amongst the bodies-there were so many;
You weren't sent home; no names, not any.

As we look over the fields with headstones of white,
We grieve over you; you fought a good fight.
On the headstone, we can't find your name;
The things you died for, has brought you fame.
You are and will always be somebody's child;
God knows you feared Him, though meek and mild.
You're with many like you; you're not alone;
Though we may not know your name, you're not unknown.
- See more at:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Beauty of a Snowflake

The Beauty of a Snowflake

In the beauty of a snowflake ,
  Falling softly on the land ,
Is the mystery and the miracle
 Of  God’s great , creative hand ,
For what better answers are there
   To prove His holy Being
That the wonders all around us .
That are ours just for the seeing !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, February 12, 2014



A stranger asked if he could help.
I said, "...not going far."
(I'd tie this big old cab'net down
on top of my old car).
Insist, he did, that he should help.
He saw that I was stuck.
Twelve miles he drove out of his way.
He hauled it in his truck.

He backed up to my little shack.
He helped me take it out
and then said "God will bless you too"
without an ounce of doubt.
I said, "Thank you" repeatedly.
I had no cash that day,
but he just waved with widest smile
as he drove off, away.

When someone new in Christ is met
joy's tears begin to flow,
for kindness is the only gift
that some will ever know.
Aside from grace, his kindness was
the best gift I was given
and pray again, another time
to thank him up in Heaven.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for my Mother ,
She is doing a lot better but she still has more to go .
Please Pray for Frankie Wilson and her step mother , Betty .
Please Pray for Sister in Christ Julie

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Greatest Love

The Greatest Love

We show our love on Valentine's Day.

By giving gifts, we want to say,"I love you, oh, so very much!

"We give loved ones candy and such.

It's such a nice day of the year

To bring a loved one joy and cheer.

We express our love by giving cards

With love notes penned by poetic bards.

The words found in God's holy word

Are the greatest ones we've ever heard.

God's love for us is beyond compare.

With others these words we want to share.

The love of God is the greatest love.

He sent His Son from Glory above

To die for us on an old cruel cross.

To forgive our sins, He suffered and lost .

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !


Monday, February 10, 2014

I am Your's

I am Your's
I find myself again in this place
Far removed from your Grace
All I want is to hide my face,
You remind me time and again
You want to be my faithful friend
For your love it has no end
I am yours when I've walked away
Every time my heart will stray
Eternal love will not betray
You continue to call my name
Come ignite this smoldering flame
Have my heart and come reclaim
What is Yours, Lord remind me
For your blood has set me free
Open my eyes once again to see
When I hurt you I hide my face
I feel I don't deserve your Grace
But you offer me a hiding place
As I pass through flames of Fire
You should be my one desire
You pull me from the midst of mire
You hold my head above the water
And still call me your son or daughter
You keep my spirit from the slaughter
I am yours You've called my name
On my soul you have staked a claim
My life will never be the same
You hold my heart in Your hand
Give me now the strength to stand
Those demons flee at Your command
Providing love beneath your wing
You are my Savior God and King
Even when I fail to rise and sing
Again I bring to you this offering
Because I am Yours –
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray for my Mother {Hazel Bagwell ]
Please pray for  James Curtis Floyd .