Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's Christmas Day

It's Christmas Day

It's Christmas day,
Santa and sleigh.
He's left some toys for the kids to play.
Yours and mine,
Our families join
To eat minced pies and drink mulled wine.
Each takes a seat,
Eats turkey meat,
Then Christmas pud, makes meal complete.
We rest till three,
Drink cup of tea,
Turn on the box, Her Majesty.
Beneath the tree,
A gift for me
And each one in the family.
Without a care,
Kids paper tear,
Each wants to see just what's in there.
Granddad he's got socks,
Pink tie that shocks
Large handkerchiefs in fancy box.
For dear old Nan,
Some spray in can.
Asks, 'Will the smell attract young man.'
Now evening meal,
Cheap crackers reveal,
Plastic tat, paper hat, no appeal.
A time for play and then away.
Oh! did I say it's Christ's birthday.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas