Friday, May 23, 2014

Jim's Answer To Prayer

Jim's Answer To Prayer

Jim, a Christian was let go
From a job he'd had for years.
He looked for jobs and prayed,
But now he was facing fears.

First, he would lose his truck.
He would be two payments behind.
He might even lose his house,
If soon a job he could not find.

If Jim continued to seek a job,
Gas for his truck he would need.
Surely he would need groceries,
For he had a family to feed.

As Jim rolled into the gas station,
He eyed something on the ground.
He left his truck to investigate.
Someone's wallet he had found.

The wallet was stuffed with money,
Containing many big bills too.
This money could pay some bills.
It could help get him through.

Then Jim cried out, "Dear Lord,
Why am I thinking this way?
I will surely return this wallet
To its owner this very day."

Jim found a number and called it
And waited at the service station.
A man named George met him there.
George had a little celebration.

"I was paid in cash," said George,
"For a job we finished today.
Then I missed my wallet and money,
And I frantically started to pray."

"Well George, I lost my job,
So that was a temptation for me,
But I am a blood-bought Christian.
I must do what's right, you see."

"Jim, I am a Christian also.
I'm looking to hire an honest man.
I own a big contractor company.
You may start right away if you can."

Jim's job-hunting ended that day
When he proved himself honest and true.
The Lord answered his urgent prayer.
O Christian, He can answer yours too.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Praise the Lord , Saved by Grace

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Memorial Day

We walked among the crosses
Where our fallen soldiers lay.
And listened to the bugle
As TAPS began to play.
The Chaplin led a prayer
We stood with heads bowed low.
And I thought of fallen comrades
I had known so long ago.
They came from every city
Across this fertile land.
That we might live in freedom.
They lie here 'neath the sand.
I felt a little guilty
My sacrifice was small.
I only lost a little time
But these men lost their all.
Now the services are over
For this Memorial Day.
To the names upon these crosses
I just want to say,
Thanks for what you've given
No one could ask for more.
May you rest with God in heaven
From now through evermore.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Young wife and mother in pain
Father's out having fun again
Heart's in love, but hands are full
Little ones have taken their toll
How does she find the strength?

Middle aged and husband's sick
Feels like life has pulled some trick
Exhausted, not much left to give
Wonders why she even lives
Where does she find the strength?

Old woman in her easy chair
Talks out loud though no one's there
Marking off each passing day
Longs to join her mate some way
Lord help her find the strength

A daughter, a mother, a wife
All they crave is a good life
All are feeling truly lost
But for them He's paid the cost
Thank you for your strength

Put it in His hands, young mother
Put it in His hands, your cares he'll take
Put it in His hands, old woman
Put it in His hands, for your life's sake
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, May 19, 2014

His Grace is Sufficient

His Grace is Sufficient ~

Some people feel guilty,
some still feel the shame
for their past sin
they still take the blame.

They refuse to let go,
of their past indiscretions
so they hang on to
their former transgressions.

But, once you're repented,
there's no need to go back
Jesus died for all of your sins
His grace, you'll never lack.

For, grace covers you now,
it's covered what you've done
it'll cover you all the way till
you enter into His kingdom.

So, throw away your guilt,
say goodbye to all the blame
Jesus' gift of sufficient grace
is yours, right now to claim!
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !!