Friday, September 20, 2013

Divine Appointments

Divine Appointments

Christian, were you ever upset
By some unforeseen delay,
But later you looked back to see
That it kept you from harm's way?

We set dates and make appointments.
We try to plan the best we can,
But sometimes God in His wisdom
Sees for us a much better plan.

We call it accident or coincidence
Or some other words we use and say
To explain the reason things happen
That send disappointments our way.

Consider the example of Joseph.
Look at the injustice he withstood.
He was the target of evil plotting,
But then God turned it into good.

In our limited human finite minds,
We just cannot seem to understand
That God makes divine appointments
When we are led by His mighty hand. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless ! We believe that the blessed hope of the Church is the personal and premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Neighborhood church
Sunday 9.30 am
Pastor David Bagwell , Come here this God anointed Minister. And be Blessed
5075 Calhoun Memorial highway, Easley, South Carolina 29640,
The Neighborhood Church
If you need a Church ? Please give us a try . God is blessing us , many have been Saved and Baptize . There no better joy in life than leading a person to the Lord and watching them grow . Let all get together and win the world to Jesus Christ . And above all things , God loves you and we do to !!
Love Jesus Name

Thursday, September 19, 2013



Life is a blessing given to us
From the day of our own birth
And through the hands of God Himself
He gives us all self-worth.

We all have the choice to choose what's right
'Cause he gave us all free will
For if you choose the things of this world
You will surely roll down hill.

You will land in a hole that you can't get out
No matter how hard you try
And no one will be able to help you out
No matter how loud you cry.

There is only one way out of this hole
On a path that is very thin
You must surrender your life to Jesus Christ
Then He'll forgive you for all your sin.

He will set your feet on solid ground
He will help you walk up hill
He will show you how to choose what's right
Then He'll show you His own will.

When we keep our eyes on Jesus
God's only begotten Son
Everything comes in second
For the Lord is number one. 
 Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I greet you in the wonderful and matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are thankful that God has allowed you to enter into our community of faith. We greet you with open hearts.
The Neighborhood Church has a passion for the possible. We believe strongly in the transforming power of Jesus Christ. To that end, we strive diligently to be instruments and resources for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We value the gift of a healthy Church environment and we seek to fulfill God’s command as we proclaim and teach, pray and worship, forgive and reconcile. We strive to be effective witnesses by following Christ’s example. We humbly accept God’s call to be servants; this is how we experience the true meaning of joy.
The one thing that is first and foremost at The Neighborhood Church is the reality of God, the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the abiding presence of The Holy Spirit.
If you don’t have a Church home, we invite you to consider The Neighborhood Church. It is our desire to bring all who we encounter into a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. God loves you, and so do we.
We welcome your presence, and encourage you to worship with us at any time your schedule permits.
As Moses said to Hobab, “…Come thou with us, and we will do you good…” (Numbers 10:29)

The Neighborhood church
Sunday 9.30 am
Pastor David Bagwell , Come here this God anointed Minister. And be Blessed
5075 Calhoun Memorial highway, Easley, South Carolina 29640,
The Neighborhood Church
If you need a Church ? Please give us a try . God is blessing us , many have been Saved and Baptize . There no better joy in life than leading a person to the Lord and watching them grow . Let all get together and win the world to Jesus Christ . And above all things , God loves you and we do to !!
Love Jesus Name
Jan Bagwell

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

At God's Slide

At God's Side

Having shed so many tears
Knowing this day would come
But I would not change one day
No, no, not even one.

From the very first memory
His face was strong and clear
Dad was a Christian man
And these things he held dear.

God, family, country, life
This is what mattered most
Of the Lord, our God and Savior
My Dad would surely boast.

He understood his limitations
And prayed to God each day
Asking the Father to help him
This was my Dad way.

He was someone to everyone
A son, husband, father, grandpa
The sweetest thought of all, was
His poetry-He wrote of God's call.

"When we have no place to go"
Speaks elegantly even after he died
He leaves behind a legacy of words
"Alive" and well now at God's side.

Oh, how it hurts to lose him
But we are blessed to know
Dad words of reassurance
For he had a place to go.

A Mansion in the heavens
A spirit life quite dignified
Feel the awe and truth of this
God and Dad side by side.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !\
My Friend and  brother in Christ ,  Billy Phillips lost  his Dad this past week  . This is for you and your Family

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

To See My Savior's Face

To See My Savior's Face

I looked through photo albums,
And memories flooded my heart.
Seeing many departed loved ones
Really made my teardrops start.

I looked through my Bible
And then read John fourteen.
My glad heart filled with joy
As I began to picture that scene.

Someday my God will call me
To that great Heavenly home.
Then I will see those loved ones,
And nevermore will I roam.

My greatest desire when arriving
In that glorious, beautiful place
Will be to meet my precious Savior
And to look upon His dear face. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Perfect Masterpiece

A Perfect Masterpiece

Peered I, up to the heavens. So stunned, I stood in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and this is what I saw...
A sight exposing every truth, that made me nearly faint.
A sight, that in a million years, no man could ever paint.
A special, brand new masterpiece that God creates each day.
A special, brand new vision that He gives along my way.

I see a vast creation that is pure outside and in
before His work is tarnished by horrendous, evil sin.
He paints His skies so differently. No two are just the same.
He paints the creatures on the earth - the wild and the tame.
The sunsets over mountain peaks are not identical -
and snowflakes falling from the sky - not precisely equal.

The clouds float freely with the breeze while rolling on thin air.
Though no two skies are just alike, they share the canvas there.
And no two meadows look the same as I walk down His path.
I see no trees identical when grown through nature's wrath.
Not equal are the mountain streams or creatures of the wild.
And so unique the sunsets are - as faces of a child.

So patiently, a flower bud waits ready to unfurl.
A swirl of brilliant petals bloom. I see a little girl.
Her whole life laid in front of her that she became forthwith -
another link within the chain this world had yanked her with.
Priorities had dragged her from her work to shopping mall.
And every day, a masterpiece - yet she had missed them all.

Now richly dressed as all the rest who never seemed to care,
she peered inside a cancer ward and saw young children there.
She saw the face of one small boy with cute and chubby cheeks -
and though the tears had dried away she saw the many streaks.
They washed away the happiness in life so short, but giving -
as sin has made the sky to fall on innocent still living.

God waves His hand across the sky, but have I failed to see -
out way beyond my own routine, beyond my vanity?
God paints a perfect masterpiece on each and every child.
I finally saw His masterpiece when that young child smiled.
Peered I, up to the heavens. Through tears, I prayed in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and that is what I saw... 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be in prayer for brother Billy Phillips and family , he lost his bestfriend , his Dad