Saturday, August 15, 2009

Aunt Sarah Luckey's Quilt

Aunt Sarah Luckey’s Quilt
I have a dear possession ,
A quilt of many years ,
T’was made with loving fingers
By a maiden long since dead .

I wonder of the dreams she had
As she sewed the lovely color ,
Of the prince who’d someday come
And love her as no other .

I know she must have though a lot
Of how she’d have a home ,
And fill it full of lovely things
From which she ever roam .

Perhaps she dreamed of baby shoes,
Of tired little feet ,
And all the other things that go
To make a life complete .

But ah , her dreams they ne’er came true
For soon she was to rest
In that fair land beyond the blue ,
Where souls are ever blessed ..

Now I , the namesake of this aunt
In the second generation ,
Gaze on her lovely work of art
With praise and adoration ,

My life like hers is incomplete ,
I, too, dream of tomorrow
When all the worldly things have passed
Like love , and hate and sorrow .

May be we’ll meet on that fair shore
Along with many others

By jan bagwell

Friday, August 14, 2009

For Being Kind

For Being Kind
Of the many friends I’ve treasured –
Those who’ve lived the longest time
Are the ones who were the kindest
With their gifts of heart and mind ;
Never selfish; Never greedy ;
Never sparing loving care ;
Always sharing of harvests
And the fortunes of their prayers.

They were ,always busy people –
Helping others with their needs –
And, forever , sowing kindness
In their acts of Christian deeds ;
None were , ever rich or noble –
Or possessed of master minds;
They were only hunble people ,
God had blessed for being kind .
Jan Bagwell

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Steppingstone to God

Steppingstone to God
An acking heart is but a steppingstone
To greater joy than you’ve ever known ,
For things that cause the heart to ached
Until you feel that it must break
Become strength by which we climb
To higher heights that are sublime .
So when you’re overwhelmed with fears
And all your hopes are drenched in tears ,
Think not that life has been unfair
And given you too much to bear ,
For God has chosen you because
With all your weaknesses and flaws
He feels that you are worthy of
The greatness of His wondrous love .
So welcome every stumbling block
And every thorn and jagged rock
For each one is a steppingstone
To God, who wants you for His own ,
And on the steppingstone of strife
You reach at last eternal life .
Jan bagwell

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh God ,how great is Thy handiwork

Of Nature’s mighty works on display ,
For miles of breathtaking beauty ,
No pen of man could portray .
Such splender is given to Thy landscapes ,
To places both high and low ,
So that great or small might behold it
We know that our lord planned it so .
I thank God for eyes to behold such splender
And for heart attuned to His own ,
So I can appreciate the wonders of Autumn
Long after it come and gone .
I thank you ,God for each season
Which ever it may be,
For I know there is beauty to be found
If only eyes will see .
Let me not take for granted this great universe
You’ve given for us to enjoy and share,
We know from your word, eye has not seen or ear heard
The joys You’ve prepared for us there.
Jan Bagwell

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Little Girl

A Little Girl
There’s a little girl ‘most seven
Who came to earth to make a heaven
For the ones who’d pass her way
To watch her in her fancy play .

It takes so very little ,her childish
Joy to give –
A whole day thru of make believe,
Some magic thing pretend ,
Just the way she’d like it to be ,
Games without end .

There’d be tea parties ,all alone –
Still every place is filled
With Doris and Ruth and Betty Ann,
And just any one who willed
To sit with her in the magic chair ,
But really and truly no one is there .

She’d put her babies all to bed
With some terrible ache or pain ,
And have the doctor even declare
He’d soon have them all well again .
And with all the medicine he would give ,He is almost sure that they will live.

She’d dress up in her mother’s things
With skirt and shoes and hose,
And make the cutest gestures ,
As she trips around on toes,
Which reminds us that alas!
Her baby days will soon be passed .

May her really grown up days
Just as happy be,
As the fancied ones she spent
Sitting upon your knee ,
With not a disappointment there
To dim her sweet face with tear .
Jan Bagwell

This is for my friends Roise Barnett and Gerald Malone who are getting marry aug. 15 . And please enjoy the poem . And remenber the prayer request please .

An Ode


The spacious firmament on high ,
With all the blue ethereal sky ,
And spangled heavens ,a shining frame ,
Their great Original proclaim .
The unwearied sun from day to day
Does his Creator’s power display ,
And publishes to every land
The work of an almighty Hand .

Soon as the evening shades prevail ,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale ,
And nightly ,to the listening earth ,
Repeats the story of her birth ;
Whilst all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn ,
Confirm the tidings as they roll ,
And spread the truth from pole to pole

What though in solemn silence all
Move round the dark terrestrial ball ?
What though nor real voice nor sound
Amid their radiant orbs be found ?
In reason’s ear they all rejoice ,
And utter forth a glorious voice ,
For ever singing as they shine ,
“The Hand that made us is divine ! ”
Jan Bagwell

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mover of Mountains

Mover of Mountains

Faith is force that is greater
Than knowledge or power or skill ,
And the darkest defeat turns to triumph
If we trust in God’s wisdom and will .
For faith is a mover of mountains,
There’s nothing man cannot achieve
If he has the courage to try it
And then has the faith to believe .
Jan Bagwell