Saturday, December 22, 2018

Presents or Presence

Presents or Presence

Presents or presence surrounding the tree
Paper wrapped boxes or sweet thoughts of Thee?
Tinsel and garland with lights all a’glow 
Or hearts set on Jesus from where blessings flow? 

Clamorous shopping to get the best deal
Constant consumption consumers reveal
Emptiness stalking in each human heart
Searching for value in each shopping cart

Quiet and comfort that we can’t afford
Offered us freely from Jesus, the Lord
He who has granted us intrinsic worth
Godhead incarnate through a virgin birth

Seems now the focus of holiday cheer
Stuff we’re collecting as Christmas draws near
Never imagine these things could replace
Peace in God’s presence, the gift of His grace

Appreciate presents wrapped up with bows
Give thanks for the gifts that family bestows
Never forget the most important part
The presence of Jesus in each Christian heart

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Give the Gift of Jesus

Give the Gift of Jesus

This Christmas . . . 

I'm decorating my heart,
with the wrappings of His love.
Tying a ribbon around my soul,
with His blessings from above.

I going to avoid all the malls,
and stop not at a single store.
The only present I will give,
is the One that will restore.

I'm giving the gift of forgiveness,
sending cards about His grace.
I'm letting the glory of His birth,
beam across my thankful face.

I'm opening up my home,
for everyone to come and see.
The light of His beauty,
so to celebrate His birth with me.

I'm serving a dish of Christmas joy,
and offering up God's good cheer.
We will feast upon His holiness, 
and rejoice that our Savior's here.

I'm baking Him up a special cake,
singing to Him a birthday song.
And a slice of His love and mercy,
I'll give out for all to take along. 

I'm giving the offering of Jesus,
at naught at cost to me.
I'm sending out the message,
there is One gift that is truly free!

Christmas' True Meaning

Christmas' True Meaning

Let Christmas' true meaning,
rise up in you today . . .
may you see the real splendor
of Jesus' birth on this day.

May His beauty and grandeur,
cause your heart to sing
may the gift of His excellence
become your eternal spring.

May His majesty you behold,
with all dignity and honor
may the fullness of His truth
glorify His heavenly Father.

May the wonder of His grace,
reveal its magnificence in you
may the gratefulness you feel
be in all you say and do.

Let Christmas' true meaning,
bring your Savior near today
may you see the need for Him
today . . . and every day.
John 1:14
King James Version 

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt
among us, (and we beheld his glory, 
the glory as of the only begotten of 
the Father,) full of grace and truth."

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Listen to the bells

Listen to the bells

Listen to the bells - it’s Christmas Morning!
Listen to the tale they tell, a new day dawning,
Listen as they ring the Christmas Story - 
Listen as they welcome in the newborn King of Glory.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells - how they’re ringing!
Listen - and you’ll hear the sound of angel voices singing.
Listen to the wind - it’s softly sighing,
Listen - and you’ll hear a tiny newborn baby crying.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells, a mother sleeping.
Can you see the shepherds round the doorway shyly peeping?
Can you see the babe - He knows no danger,
Cradled with the cattle, sleeping safely in His manger.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells - a death-knell warning 
Premonition of a different morning.
Christmas Bells foretell the day He went to Glory -
Taking all my sins away, the Easter Story.
Listen, listen to the bells.

Listen to the bells, forever ringing -
Echo down two thousand years of people gladly singing.
Listen to the bells, His Glory praising.
Come and join our worship now, your joyful voices raising -
Listen! Listen to the bells!

In Jesus' Name

In Jesus' Name

Dear Lord and Savior, hear my plea.
It's all of you and not of me.
Forgive me for the wrong I've done
and all my past I can't outrun.

Until I learn, do what it takes
to chasten me for my mistakes.
Please humble me so I can't brag,
for I am just one filthy rag.

Please help the ones I've sinned against.
I'll make amends. I'll recompense.
You love the world so I can live.
I thank you Lord that You forgive.

Please help me not to money love,
but focus there on You above.
Please give me faith that's ever true.
Please help me love forever You.

Please give me strength to do your will
and heed Your Word 'til breath is still.
Please help the sick and heal the lame.
I pray this all in Jesus' name.


Monday, December 17, 2018

The Hay Ride

Hay Ride

Goliath horses paired ahead
were harnessed tight in Christmas red.
They breathed out puffs of cloudy steam.
Excitement made the children scream.

My father lifted me on board.
A seat of straw was our reward.
The chilly air, the mountain peaks
brought smiles to our rosy cheeks.

Anticipation of the ride
had brought me goosebumps deep inside,
but air was frigid, maybe that
had made me pull down tight, my hat.

Afford, dad couldn't, warmer clothes.
Inside my boots were frozen toes.
I wiggled them as best I could.
I hugged my mom. She understood.

It seemed too thick and seemed too wide
when scarf, around my neck, was tied.
My mittens too, were very thin.
but knew that soon, we would begin.

There were, on board, a lot of folks,
(while most were quiet, some told jokes),
yet there was room for ev'ryone
and with a jerk, we had begun.

With bumpy trail, I held on tight
with bushes veiled in frosty white.
As trees held high their snowy limbs,
in 'a cappella' we sang hymns.

With Christmas carols, young and old
had all ignored the bitter cold.
As we rode through the dips and swells
our voices chimed with harness bells.

The wagon groaned with heavy heart,
I thought it might just fall apart.
But it did not. It never broke.
That wagon floor was solid oak.

Between those boards as we passed by
were horse hoof tracks that caught my eye
and puffs of grass above the snow
caressed the floor boards down below.

The snowy paths, those horses knew.
God's countryside held quite a view.
The sun went down. I saw the stars.
Our praise was His. His eve was ours.

Like life, the path was very rough -
and straw was not the softest stuff,
but through our love, much fun we had
with brother, sister, mom and dad.

The celebration of Christ's birth
was perfect as His life on earth -
from star above His manger bed
to thorns upon His grieving head.

It brought us joy and we had fun.
Too quickly though, the ride was done.
We couldn't stay. We had to leave,
but I found Christ that Christmas Eve.