Friday, January 31, 2014

The One

The One

We simply cannot grasp the loss
Until it becomes our painful cross
Whether we become the one
When at last all is said and done.

There is suffering and heartache
So humbling when we must take
Yet, if there would be but one
Who believes in God, the Son.

Rest and peace will surely come
Even when a body must succumb
Because God asks for us to care
Take the time to love and share.

And only time will truly tell
If we are the one, or the well
For the one who needs the friend
Might become you, in the end.

Life is hard and unpredictable
But God calls on the able
Yet sadly so many fail to give
In their own life they will live.

So hear the words the Savior sends
He says, "I have called you friends"
There is no greater love, cries the Son
When you are called to be the "one"
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for a friend... I have called you friends..." (John 15:13-15)
My mother is doing better , PRAISE  GOD , she will be move to rehap  on Monday  God willing . I like to thank all you for praying for her .
May God bless you !

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mother's Hands

Mother's Hands

Not because of gold or silver
Not because of jeweled bands
Not because they're soft and perfect
Do I love my mother's hands
But because these hands once held me
Tenderly close to her breast
And because these hands would point me
To the path she knew was best

Mother's hands so gladly labored
Mother's hands so seldom still
Never seeking her own favor
Giving always her free will
But the thing of greatest beauty
As she tended to each care
Was her source of strength for duty
Mother's hands were hands of prayer

Mother's hands would clap to praise me
For a good deed I had done
Mother's hands were there to save me
When my deeds had hurt someone
And my mother's hands would teach me
What is right and what is good
Mother's hands would always reach me
When no other hand e'er could
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember my mother in prayer

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

In This Changing Word

In This Changing Word

Lord, in this changing world,
where nothing stays the same
I found You to be faithful
when I call upon Your name.

Every day there’s so much,
that is being compromised
but, Your unfailing love
You have never modified.

No matter where I go,
I find things a bit strange
but, Your steadfast love
never seems to change.

The people who I know,
are making concessions
but, Your trustworthiness
I never have to question.

Lord, in this changing world,
of indulgences and greed
I find Your faithfulness . . .
is all my life ~ really needs!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Faith to Endure

Faith to Endure

I looked up at the sky
and said a quick prayer.
The kind that the heart
whispers while in despair.

I was confused in thought
about the righteous way.
I want to do as I should
and be living okay.

I get into a struggle
when I talk to a stranger.
I don't want to lose sight
and wander into sin danger.

I stay close to the Lord
and pray with all heart,
that the stranger I love
will be living as smart.

Aware of Jesus Christ
and all that is right.
I cry from the feelings
that tempt me at night.

I'm strong in my faith
and I will make it through.
As I live for the Lord
I will know what to do.

It is a part of my test
to be met with temptation.
God has a plan for me
and it includes salvation.

I pray with all heart
that God keeps me near.
and, that His guidance
settles feelings of fear.

I have done nothing
that would be wrong.
Even though the temptation
has hit me so strong.

The Lord is still with me
and the closer I stay.
I will be in safe arms
no matter the day.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray for my mother  she  fell and broke her wrist  , Update on mother has had complications in surgery today. The surgery has affected her heart they are moving her to icu.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Worse Than That

Worse Than That

While I was strolling near a pond
one bright and breezy day,
a splendid scene had caught my eye
in such a special way.

Decided I, to lie a spell,
to take in nature's views.
So I had lain on greener grass
and kicked off both my shoes.

I saw the mirror images which
'bounced' beneath the sky,
on tips of little ripples that had
seemed to tip-toe by.

So beautiful, the lights reflected
off the little pond,
off the dancing water that
had seemed to just respond.

But life is not as it appears.
My thoughts took all this in,
When I had found that I had laid
right in this world's sin.

Once tempted by the greener grass,
well used by dog and cat,
I'm humbled now with just one whiff-
and sin is worse than that.

Don't laugh at me. It's just the way
this evil world turns.
So now I set my eyes on God.
My soul no longer yearns.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember my mother she fell and  broke her wrist , she is 95 years old .