Friday, May 30, 2014



 In God's light,
all things become clear
for it exposes the darkness
the things we should all fear.

It divulges the lies,
the secrets we hold onto
in the shadows it illuminates
the evil things we are into.

In God's light,
sin cannot be concealed
for our every hidden thought
will be bared and revealed.

It separates the bad,
from what is honest and just
the day Light entered the world
it exposed the wickedness in us.

In God's eternal light,
Jesus came to heal . . .
the darkness in our hearts
so His love ~ He could reveal! 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Only Today

Only Today

Only today I can give You my heart,
Only today I can make a new start.
Only today I can give You my praise,
For tomorrow is a day away.

God has not promised I would see the dawn,
Yet in my mind I think I'll live on.
Planning someday in the future to say,
"Jesus, I'll live my life Your way."

I want to change but don't know if I can.
I do wrong things saying, "It's just how I am."
There is no excuse I can offer to Him,
Jesus has died for all my sin.

Heaven is waiting to hear me call,
"Jesus, forgive me, I give You my all."
Angels rejoice as my name's written down,
A soul has been saved - a life turned around.

Only today I can give You my heart,
Only today I can make a new start.
Only today I can give You my praise,
For tomorrow is a day away.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
O Saviour, precious Saviour,
        Whom yet unseen we love,
O Name of might and favour,
            All other names above!
We worship Thee, we bless Thee
        To Thee alone we sing
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
            Our holy Lord and King

In Thee all fulness dwelleth,
            All grace and power divine,
    The glory that excelleth,
                O Son of God, is Thine!
We worship Thee, we bless Thee
         To Thee alone we sing,
We praise Thee and confess Thee,
            Our glorious Lord and King

Only Today

by A Janeen Quillman

Only today I can give You my heart,
Only today I can make a new start.
Only today I can give You my praise,
For tomorrow is a day away.

God has not promised I would see the dawn,
Yet in my mind I think I'll live on.
Planning someday in the future to say,
"Jesus, I'll live my life Your way."

I want to change but don't know if I can.
I do wrong things saying, "It's just how I am."
There is no excuse I can offer to Him,
Jesus has died for all my sin.

Heaven is waiting to hear me call,
"Jesus, forgive me, I give You my all."
Angels rejoice as my name's written down,
A soul has been saved - a life turned around.

Only today I can give You my heart,
Only today I can make a new start.
Only today I can give You my praise,
For tomorrow is a day away.
- See more at:

Only Today

by A Janeen Quillman

Only today I can give You my heart,
Only today I can make a new start.
Only today I can give You my praise,
For tomorrow is a day away.

God has not promised I would see the dawn,
Yet in my mind I think I'll live on.
Planning someday in the future to say,
"Jesus, I'll live my life Your way."

I want to change but don't know if I can.
I do wrong things saying, "It's just how I am."
There is no excuse I can offer to Him,
Jesus has died for all my sin.

Heaven is waiting to hear me call,
"Jesus, forgive me, I give You my all."
Angels rejoice as my name's written down,
A soul has been saved - a life turned around.

Only today I can give You my heart,
Only today I can make a new start.
Only today I can give You my praise,
For tomorrow is a day away.
- See more at:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It Could Be Me

It Could Be Me

I see this woman day by day
At the bus stop, there she lay
Where's her family, where's her kin
No one helps, or lets her in

Clothes look dirty, old and worn
Her rough face looks dour, forlorn
Dark, sun weathered, leather, skin
I long to help, where to begin

Ignored by people passing by
All I want to do is cry
She carries all she owns in tow
Neighbors want to see her go

desolation in her eyes
disgust from others passing by
distrust in her grave helpless voice
Is living on the street her choice?

What can I do to help this girl?
All alone in this harsh world
I pray for God to heal her heart
And that is how it all should start

This homeless child of God, could be me
That's what everyone should see
In this big world when feeling blue
Remember this, it could be you!
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

"Everyone knows in their bones that something is eternal and that something has to do with human beings. All the greatest people that ever lived have been telling us that for 5,000 years, and yet you'd be surprised how many people are losing hold of it. There's something way down deep that's eternal about every human being."
Our secular culture disparages that truth. We are told we only go around once, so we should grab for all the gusto we can. They say life is a game, and the one who dies with the most toys wins. The reason people are coming to church in droves is because something deep within them says this world is not all there is.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Hour's at Hand

The Hour's at Hand

A hundred years or so ago 
The 'War to end all wars' was fought -
Or so, at least, the people thought.

Nevertheless millions of people -
Women, babes, children and men
Have died between today and then.

Wars and rumors of more wars 
Have been increasing day by day;
They simply will not go away.

The future looks quite bleak and scary; 
Many things are going wrong;
What then, on earth, is going on?

We're daily moving ever closer 
To the beginning of the end -
The time has now come to repent.

Today's indeed the best of days
To confess sins and turn away
From all our wicked deeds and ways.

Don't wait until it is too late; 
The hour's at hand; the time has come
To turn to God's own Son.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I am sending you 2  because  my  computer was down for 2 days

Jim's Answer To Prayer

Jim, a Christian was let go
From a job he'd had for years.
He looked for jobs and prayed,
But now he was facing fears.

First, he would lose his truck.
He would be two payments behind.
He might even lose his house,
If soon a job he could not find.

If Jim continued to seek a job,
Gas for his truck he would need.
Surely he would need groceries,
For he had a family to feed.

As Jim rolled into the gas station,
He eyed something on the ground.
He left his truck to investigate.
Someone's wallet he had found.

The wallet was stuffed with money,
Containing many big bills too.
This money could pay some bills.
It could help get him through.

Then Jim cried out, "Dear Lord,
Why am I thinking this way?
I will surely return this wallet
To its owner this very day."

Jim found a number and called it
And waited at the service station.
A man named George met him there.
George had a little celebration.

"I was paid in cash," said George,
"For a job we finished today.
Then I missed my wallet and money,
And I frantically started to pray."

"Well George, I lost my job,
So that was a temptation for me,
But I am a blood-bought Christian.
I must do what's right, you see."

"Jim, I am a Christian also.
I'm looking to hire an honest man.
I own a big contractor company.
You may start right away if you can."

Jim's job-hunting ended that day
When he proved himself honest and true.
The Lord answered his urgent prayer.
O Christian, He can answer yours too.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Praise the Lord , Saved by Grace

Monday, May 26, 2014

Time in the Goldmine

Time in the Goldmine

With anticipation in his heart,
The saint opens the book.
Its binding breaking at the seams,
It seems not worth the look.
Its leather curling, cracked, and dried,
Its pages old and worn,
Belie the treasures hid within -
God's truths its leaves adorn.

Opening at a book, with prayer
Uttered over every word,
the saint begins to dig into
the goldmine of the Lord,
And phrase by phrase through the Spirit's power
the precious vein revealed,
Of Jesus Christ, the sinner's friend,
And God's grace, once concealed.

The faithful saint then follows
This vein through other pages;
The Saviour's blessèd character
Slowly revealed in stages.
And Christ is seen as He passes
From glory unto glory
And the saint with joyful tear in eye
Praises redemption's story

For reflected in the gold he sees
His own sinful condition
Now covered over, washed away -
Christ's shed blood brings remission.
God's Son displayed on every page -
Creator, Redeemer, and Friend -
In this vault of gold stretching eternal
In which saints their time should spend.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless