Friday, August 20, 2010

More Faith

More Faith
God has more faith in you than you do in yourself.

You know what's ON you.
He knows what's IN you.

You know the weight you carry.
He knows your strength.

You know your pain.
He knows where your healing is.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD.
"They are plans for good and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope." (Jer 29:11 NLT)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

God's Wave Length

God’s Wave Length
There’s ever a call that is coming
Over a broadcasting station above ;
Tune in your heart and listen
To God tell of his wonderful love ,
The receiver must be in good order ,
The wires not rusted with sin ;
You won’t need much amplification ,
When His message comes rolling in ,
But if Satan has got into your heart ,
And ruined the works out of spite
Ask God to renew your receiver ,
He’ll give you one that works right .
Then keep your receiver in order,
Tuned to God’s own wave length ;
Close the circuit if Satan is calling ,
And God will add much to your strength .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless and keep you !

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


If but one message I may leave behind ,
One single word of courage for my kind ,
It would be this , Oh ,, brother , sister ,friend ,
Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,
No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,
Take head and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,
Your faith be dimmed ,and hope ,once cool and sweet ,
Be lost ,but suddenly above a hill ,
A heavenly lamp , set on a heavenly sill ,
Will shine for you and point the way to go ,
How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I
Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky
Repeatedly – It has not failed me yet
And I have learned God never will forget
To light his lamp , If we wait for it ,
It will be lit .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Times of stillness

Times of Stillness

When the rush of o’ertakes me ,
and my soul for quiet seeks ,
When my mind is full of pressures
That pursue me through the week ,
I have a little haven
Where I find my hearts content ,
And the quiet that surrounds me there
is truly heaven sent.

For we need times of stiffness ;
To relax and just unwind ,
And let go of small resentments
That clutter up our minds .
So I seek the soothing quiet ,
To my haven , safe I trod ,
And alone there in the silence ,
I feel very close to God !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Be still and know that I am God ! Ps. 46:10

Monday, August 16, 2010

Winning Ways

Winning Ways
We walk along life’s highway
meet the bitter and sweet .
Rejoice with those who’ve made it …
pity those who’ve met defeat .
And as we journey down the road ,
see sadness , joy and pain ,
We wonder why some lose the race
while others , goals attain ,
We know misfortune comes to all
and problems we must weigh;
The Lord will stand beside us
every minute of each day .
So walk the road with head held high ,
though life , at times , seems glum;
But if you keep the faith you’ll find …
your battles can be won .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless