Friday, October 22, 2010

God Will Not ask Me

``God Will Not Ask Me
God is not going to ask me how much I made.
He will ask me how much I gave.

God will not ask me about the size of my house.
He will ask me did I invite Him in.

God will not ask me about the elegance of the neighborhood.
He will ask me how I treated my neighbor.

God will not ask me what kind of car I drove.
He will ask me did I give those with no car a ride.

God will not ask me about the beauty of my wife.
He will ask me did I treat her with love.

God will not ask me about the style of my clothes.
He will ask me did I help clothe others.

God will not ask me the size of my bank account.
He will ask me how much is in my heavenly account.

God will not ask me how many children I fathered.
He will ask me if I was a good father to my children.

God will not ask me did I achieve fame.
He will ask me about my reputation.

God will not ask me if I traveled the world.
He will ask me did I improve the world.

God will not ask me about the troubles that I had.
He will ask me if I helped comfort the troubled.

God will not ask me if I did miracles in the name of His Son.
He will ask me if I really knew Him.

Jan Bagwell
I asked if you would be in prayer for me , [Monday]I have enjoy the fellowship we have had .

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Give Them the Flowers now

Give Them the Flowers now

Closed eyes can’t the white roses.
Cold hands can’t hold them , you know .
Breath that is stilled cannot gather
The odors that sweet from them blow.
Its children of earth doth endow;
Life is the time we can help them,
So give them the flowers now!

Here are the struggles and striving.
Here are the cares and the tears;
Now is the time to be smoothing
The frowns and the furrows and fears .
What to closed eyes are kind saying?
What to hushed heart is deep vow?
Naught can avail after parting,
So give them the flowers now!
Just a kind word or a greeting;
Just a warm grasp or a smile –
These are the flowers that will lighten
The burdens for many a mile.
After the journey is over
What is the use of them; how
Can they carry them who must be carried ?
Oh , give them the flowers now!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Now and Then

Now and Then
Now as through a glass , but darkly ,
Future hopes by faith we trace ;
Then in realms of radiant glory
We shall see our Savior’s face .

Now by faith we see Him only ,
Our reflections may be dim ;
Then when He appears to call us ,
We shall really be like Him .

Now , by scientific findings ,
Men attempt to conquer space ;
Then , our mighty Lord will take us
Where He has prepared our place .

Now , by His command , we spread
His great Gospel Truth abroad ;
Then , we’ll see in His blest presence
Those we lead to Christ our Lord .

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Church Life

Church Life

Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him - Acts 12:5

A precious scene is placed before us, even in the midst of an otherwise tragic and painful time for the early church. James had just been martyred by Herod, and the apostle Peter is in prison. But neither the threat of persecution nor the darkness of discouragement separated the church from each other.

While Peter sits on a cold, hard floor, the saints of God kneel before God in unceasing intercession on his behalf. It seems the more suffering is inflicted on the church, the more pressure is exerted upon the church, the closer they grow to God and to each other.

It is sad and wrong that so often, in today's prosperous and peaceful Western culture, Christians so easily stumble and divide over petty and unimportant issues. We are oversensitive to criticism or correction; we feel as though others should forebear us, but we are not willing to forebear others. Offenses or differences which would go unnoticed in a time of persecution are made insurmountable obstacles to fellowship in the time of prosperity.

Doubtless James (one of the "sons of thunder") and Peter (who was always putting his foot in his mouth) had at times said and done some things that were disagreeable to others in the church. But those offenses are forgotten now, as the church hears of James' death and Peter's imprisonment.

Brothers and sisters, don't wait until persecution, or loss, or pain comes in order to love each other fervently. Look over faults; forgive wrongs; let go of past grievances. Love, and pray for, each other now!
God Bless
Jan Bagwell
Brothers ans Sisters in Christ , I wish for your prayers. I will be having knee replacement Oct 25 , 2010 So as of Friday of this week . My blog will shut down for a month .

Monday, October 18, 2010

God's Ways Can Be Hard to Understand

God's Ways Can be Hard to Understand

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

I learned these verses in my early years as a Christian. I have heard them quoted often, and I have spoken them many times, either to others or to myself. I am not always sure if they are comforting words or if they are confounding words. Intellectually, I know that God's thoughts and ways are not like mine. Of course my ways are not like God's, God is God and I am not. But when I go down a path that seems to make so much sense to me, then out of nowhere, the course dramatically changes: I must admit that I am more confounded than comforted. There are times when we pray for things or people and our prayers are answered just as we prayed them. Then, there are times when we pray and our prayers seem to go unheard, with no answer at all. We can usually handle both extremes because God is God and He can act as He pleases

But what about those times when we pray about something specifically, and we clearly see God's hand in it? We pray, God leads and we are getting it. We can even see what is coming as God reveals things to us. Our faith is being increased and we are finally gaining some spiritual strength and understanding. Even though the course is tough, we are making steady progress. But… then… out of the blue, something happens that changes our course so drastically that we feel the air has been knocked out of us. All of sudden, we find ourselves in a place of desolation and despair. What happened? It seemed like everything was moving along so well.

It is in these moments that we all must glean a deeper understanding that God's thoughts and ways are not ours. God does not play by our rules and God is never in a rush. Keep one thing in mind today as you meditate on these verses. Our Lord loves us more than we can ever comprehend and everything He does is in our best interest. His main desire for us is that we are His, totally and completely. Do you feel as though God has abandoned you or maybe has just forgotten about your needs? Ask Him to help you understand more of His ways. Ask Him to open your mind to comprehend the Scriptures. Go to Him, repent if you have un-confessed sin and trust that His higher ways will always be what is best.

Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit. Our [meaning all us ] Ministries makes a difference for the kingdom of God by teaching and training believers how to be in God's Word, how to pray and how to walk with Jesus every day, as His daily disciple.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!