Thursday, March 30, 2017

God Winked at Me

God Winked at Me

God winked at me one time
To tell me that I was ok.
But I did not see it,
For I had such a busy day.

God gave me a small wave.
He tried to get my attention.
Again I did not see,
For I was having too much fun.

God waved even bigger,
Because He had something for me.
It was eternal life,
A gift from God, completely free.

But I ignored His hand.
My attention wasn't on Him.
I could not hear His call.
My life was filled up to the brim.

Then God got hold of me
And showed me a different way.
I now have much more time
And it's because I stopped to pray.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

In The Early Hours

In The Early Hours

In the early hours . . .
before the day is born
while the moon still shines
before it is a new morn.

While the stars still twinkle,
before the daylight dawns
while a chill is still in the air
before dew forms on the lawns.

While our minds are calm,
and our hearts are at peace
while our thoughts are warm
and our anxieties have release.

That is when we should rise,
and meet with God in prayer
sending Him our heartfelt praise 
and our burdens for Him to bear.

God wants to meet with you,
in the early morning hour
so He can give you strength
and fill you with His power.

In the early hours . . .
before the day is born
look up and praise the Lord
before every new morn.
Psalm 5:3
King James Version

"My voice shalt thou hear in the 
morning, O LORD; in the morning will I 
direct my prayer unto thee, and will 
look up."

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The True and Righteous Way

The True and Righteous Way

Oh, that I may seek and know,
God's true and righteous way
that I may rise up and pursue 
His mercies throughout my day.

To find His grace and glory,
as I travel my daily course
to have His Word lead me
and be my wisdom's source.

To have a heart that is pure,
to run, without temptation
to walk in the Spirit . . .
with only love as my foundation.

To acknowledge Him in all things,
while I sing and give my praise
to give Him my heart song
for the rest of my living days.

Oh, that I may seek and know,
God's true and righteous way
there would not be a day
to Him, my heart wouldn't sway.
Proverbs 2:20
King James Version 

"That thou may walk in the way of 
good men, and keep the paths of the 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Stand For What's Right

Stand For What's Right

Christian, are you accustomed to
Taking the path of least resistance,
Or do you stand for what is right
With your precious Lord's assistance?

Others around you may do wrong,
And you feel you are on your own,
But when God is on your side,
You will never ever stand alone.

Even close friends may desert you,
And it hurts deep down inside.
Christians should die to self anyway.
In God's camp, we must abide.

We must seek to please our Savior
Rather than please our fellow man,
Always standing for what is right
And pleasing God all that we can.