Saturday, June 20, 2015

I'm Walking Like You, Dad

I'm Walking Like You, Dad

A father took his little son
Out to the beach one day.
They would spend time together.
In the sand, the lad would play.

As they were walking together
Along the sandy seashore,
The father noticed that his son
Was watching him more and more.

Following closely behind his dad
Was the precious little lad.
Then the father heard him say,
"Look! I'm walking like you, Dad!"

He was stepping in Dad's footprints
As they strolled over the sand.
Dad saw the awesome responsibility
That lay in a good father's hand.

Sons follow their Dads' examples,
So he needed to examine his life.
He needed to be a Godly daddy
And a Godly husband to his wife.

Dad threw out his cigarettes,
His playing cards, and his beer.
He rededicated his life to God.
He had to rear a son so dear.

Dad, if you're not living for God,
Start today; please do not wait.
Your children's lives are precious.
One day it could be too late.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Some Dads

Some Dads

Some dads are really, really cool, and some are really smart,
Some dads barely went to school but still have big soft hearts,
Some dads stand up straight and tall and look all sober-like
As if they've never thrown a ball or raced on their old bike,
Some dads like to tease and wink and some dads laugh a lot,
I guess, I suppose, it depends, I think, on how many bills they've got,
'Cause dad says, as long as the bills keep a-comin',
He'll have to get up an' keep on a-workin',
And God bless the dad that keeps on a-hummin'
Even when the bills keep a-comin'

Some dads make lots of money and some, I've heard, are broke,
Some say things like sweetheart and honey and some dads never joke,
Some dads work from dawn 'til dark with little time to play,
Some take their children to the park and some just go away,
Some dads work so very hard so mother can stay home,
Some dads are so very tired, when at last they come,
But, God bless the dad, who at the end of his day
Still gets down on his knees to pray,
And God bless the faithful dad who
Teaches his little ones to pray too

Some dads are really big and tough, while some are short and thin,
Some dads are kinda' rough and some are gentlemen,
Some dad's hair is curly and some dad's hair is gray,
Some don't really worry 'cause their hair has gone away,
Some dads drive pick-ups shiny and new, some say any wheels will do,
As long as it takes me to work and such, and the insurance on it isn't too much,
Some dads whistle and some dads sing,
At home some dads feel as rich as a king,
But for one thing I sure am glad,
God knew how much we'd need some dads

Some dads read God's word every night, some never read at all,
Some dads teach us wrong from right to guide us lest we fall,
And some dads are a little like God, I suppose,
'Cause through trial and error this dad knows
Though hearts be broken and sometimes need mending,
A father's love is never-ending,
And God bless the dad whose love never fails,
When the going gets bad, love still prevails,
So, for one thing I sure am glad, God knew how much we'd need some dads,
Some dads' sure leave big shoes to fill but the One who guides them will be there still,
Someday, when someone says they're glad God knew how much we'd need some dads
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Do You Make Your Daddy Proud

Do You Make Your Daddy Proud

Little boy, little boy, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
In the choices of your day
Do you make your daddy proud?
At night when you lay down to rest
Does contentment fill your breast?
To know that what your hands have done
Would please a man to call you 'son'

Little man, little man, I'm just kinda thinkin' here,
As you lay down to rest at night
Is your mind and conscience clear?
In the actions you have done
Would dad be proud to call you 'son'?
If Someone watched you, little lad,
Would you make your Father glad?

Young man, young man, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
As you rise to face the day
Won't you make your father proud?
Is your spirit kind and true?
Would your dad be proud of you?
An' I'm not talkin' foolish pride
But the honorable kind deep down inside

Little boy, little boy, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
If you wish to give dad joy
Live to make your Father proud,
Then you can look him in the eye,
Stand straight an' tall with chin held high
To know the deeds which you have done
Would make him proud to call you 'son'

Daddy dear, daddy dear, I'm sittin' here an' thinkin' loud,
If your son followed you today,
Daddy, would you make him proud?
Would his heart swell in his chest
To know for sure his dad's the best?
And would it make him proud and glad
To tell his buddies 'that's my dad'?!
Oh, an' never let him hang his head,
Ashamed to whisper, that's my dad
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My Prayer:

My Prayer:

Please be there to help me,
For I cannot stand alone.
Please be there to guide me,
I can't make it on my own.
Please be there to lift me,
If I should fall by the way.
Please be there to give me
The right words to speak today.

Let me care for my brothers,
The ones who are down and out,
Putting love into action
Daring to be talked about.
Lifting someone's burden,
Telling them 'Jesus cares'
Give me strength and help me
To dry somebody's tears.

Someone was there for me,
When my life was in a mess,
Someone said, Jesus loved me,
And wanted me to find rest.
Now may I pass the message
To someone else in need,
Obeying His commandment,
By my words and my deeds.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Malefic Puppet Show

The Malefic Puppet Show

Come in - sit down in the front row
And welcome to my puppet show!
I'll dim the lights so you won't see
That I'm not who I seem to be -
That it's all a grand illusion
To create a mass delusion.

Oh, isn't it delectable
That they find me acceptable?
They think me and my fellow fiends
Are mankind's best and coolest friends,
But we're not what we seem to be:
Au contraire - believe you me!

'The Puppet Master' is my name,
World domination is my aim.
Through control; manipulation
Of every tongue and nation -
Pulling their strings to do my will
So I can move in for the kill.

Placing puppets in high places
(You know them: you've seen their faces)
To do as I command them to
To get to you, and you, and you.
I guide them and I edge them on
Setting them up against God's Son.

Words whispered in a leader's ear
Fill him with an unholy fear,
So off he sends his troops to war
(This is becoming such a bore!),
But war sure serves our purpose well
For it fills up the halls of hell.

Delicious anticipation -
Guiding men to their damnation:
I pull a string and voila! Look,
They've just published another book
To lead mankind further astray
From the only Truth and Way.

I pull one string; a mother sighs -
I pull another; baby dies.
The show goes on, and on and on
For those who do not know the Son.
Oh my! The things that I will do
Before I am forever through.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !