Friday, August 2, 2019

This Journey of Life

This Journey of Life

This journey of life
Can change from day to day.
Through valleys, over hills,
Let God lead the way.

We are but pilgrims,
Trav'ling through this land.
God is by our side,
Holding on to our hand.

The roads we travel
And the paths we trod,
May we be faithful
And fully trust in God.

When we face trying times
And don't know what to do,
We can be assured
That God will see us through.

When our journey is o'er,
On God we can depend;
For He will be with us
To the very end.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

No Greater Love

No Greater Love

My Jesus, I really love Thee.
You are such a Friend indeed.
I want to always put You first
And follow wherever You lead.

I want to thank You everyday
For dying for my great sin.
You shed Your blood for me
To give me Your peace within.

No greater love hath anyone
Than the love You have for all.
You will save the vilest sinner
If upon You, one will call.

My Jesus, I can never forget
What You have done for me.
I'll thank You again in Glory
When Your loving face I see.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

If It Be God's Will

If It Be God's Will

If we ask in faith
then we must believe
if it be God’s will . . .
our requests we’ll receive.

If we ask in faith,
and put aside our doubt
if it be God’s will . . .
our pleas He’ll carry out.

If we ask in faith,
without any hesitation
if it be God’s will . . .
He’ll bless our supplication.

If we ask in faith,
and not have any distrust
if it be God’s will . . .
our prayers He’ll grant us.

If we ask in faith,
if it be God’s will . . .
then our requests to Him
He will indeed fulfill!
James 1:6

“But let him ask in faith,
nothing wavering.
For he that wavereth
is like a wave
of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed.”

Dear Lord

Dear Lord

Every morning when I rise,
I know I have a price to pay,
Dear Lord, before every eyes,
Give me the best words to say.

I know I may not be the best today,
But that doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same,
Dear Lord, give me skills I pray,
To come out very victorious in this life's game.

Who am I that you are so mindful of me,
I'm not better of than a condemned sinner,
Dear Lord, open my eyes to see,
The essence of staying in you even deeper.

My earnest desire is to stay with you forever,
But sometimes I derail when life makes me suffer,
Dear Lord, help me hold fast to you to cross life's river,
That I may finally enjoy the benefits of knowing you better.

I seek peace everyday of my life,
But each day I'm faced with different forms of violence,
Dear Lord help me to live above this strife,
That I may fulfill the true essence of my existence.

I've come a very long way this far,
And I can't turn to go back to where I started from,
Dear Lord, give me grace to push further,
That I may be readily available when you shall come.

Finally, my utmost prayer is this,
When your trumpet shall sound,
And you shall come in peace,
Dear Lord, may I in thee be found.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

His Eyes

His Eyes

The multitude
was not subdued
with Jesus on display.
So I pushed near,
to better hear
what they all had to say.

It was his task
that Pilate ask,
Are You King of the Jews?
With Jesus mute
there was dispute
and so the crowd would choose.

Barabbas won,
so on the run
good Peter tried to hide.
The time was grim
when asked of him,
but three times he denied.

Now at the cross
was greater loss
with torture and with pain.
From crown of thorn
to nails and scorn,
would someone please explain?

Though not His fault,
they would not halt.
Was this unstoppable?
I called His name
so I could blame
the one responsible.

Above the din
I asked again,
"Oh, whose sin it could be?"
Through blood and sweat
I won't forget
when His eyes turned to me.