Friday, June 6, 2014

Our American Flag

Our American Flag

 We call it the "Star-spangled Banner."
We call it "Old Faithful" too.
We use many descriptive names
To honor the "Red, White, and Blue."

Our flag has seen many battles
Fought to keep our nation free.
We fight for what it stands for,
Freedom from dictators and tyranny.

We carried it to World War One
Where thousands of lives were lost.
Americans fought on foreign soil.
For freedom, we paid the cost.

Americans raised it on Iwo Jima
Near the end of World War Two.
We took it to the land of Korea
To fight there for what was true.

In the foreign land of Viet Nam,
Our flag lingered for many years,
Through loss of many precious lives,
Through sorrow, pain, and tears.

After the Nine-Eleven tragedies,
Against terrorists, we took a stand.
We rallied around our flag anew
To stamp out terrorism in our land.

Let us pray for our dear nation
And for all our many leaders too.
Let us stand for what is right
And fly the Red, White, and Blue.
Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations , I will be exalted in the earth . 
Pslam 46:10[NIV]

When our country  stop standing for God , will God still stand for America .
Freedom is not Free , somebody has to pay the price .

Thursday, June 5, 2014



We are all walking to Him
Each at a different pace
None the less we are going
To that unimaginable place.

The road is sometimes difficult
But time passes quickly by
Until a feeling of content
Breathing a heartfelt sigh.

He waits with open arms
Our journey soon will end
His peace flows so sweetly
From angels that He will send.

The look of sorrow is fading
There is nothing we will miss
All of the hurts inside us
Replaced by exquisite bliss.

We pass others on the road
Their tears touch our soul
Knowledge and wisdom fill a heart
So close to becoming whole.

Wanting to live a godly life
Trusting only in His Word
Every prayer we cried to Him
He answered and He heard.

We are all walking to Him
On a road that is Heaven sent
To hear Him whisper softly
Dear ones, I bring to you content. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !!
Philippians 4:11-13
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

The Truth
The truth doesn't just show up.
The truth shows outward.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Power To Salvation

The Power To Salvation

In Egypt I wandered for many a year;
Entrapped in its pleasures, too blinded to fear.
For sin was attractive and easy to find,
Though it rotted my soul, I just didn't mind

Temptations abundant distracted my eye;
I walked all around - never looked to the sky.
All thoughts of a Saviour I tried to ignore,
I banished my guilt by indulging in more.

Till one day my sin seemed to please me no longer.
Though I tried every vice, discontentment was stronger.
Sin had taken me farther than I wanted to go,
And slowly I realised sin, not I, had control!

I scrambled and grasped for some means of escape;
I reformed many times, my life I tried to reshape.
And when all my efforts had come to an end,
I was still just as captive, not willing to bend.

And then, when I'd come to the end of my rope,
I heard once again the sweet message of hope.
This time my ears listened to what I'd stifled before,
And the message that entered shook to the core!

As the gospel of God caused my proud heart to tremble,
I shook to discover I did not resemble
Even closely the Lord who became propitiation,
Bearing my sin so I could have salvation.

And then with a contrite heart God had broken,
I surrendered my being to the Word He had spoken.
And as God brought the increase from the seed one had sown,
I knelt in repentance, claiming Him as my own.

A peace so unnatural flowed into my soul,
And joy more abundant, now that I'd been made whole.
No effort required, "Praise the Lord! Free at last!"
Sin's prison doors open, I turned from my past.

And now I go forward, pressing on t'ward the mark.
There's a fire in my spirit that began with the spark
Of the gospel of God, the power to salvation.
My life is His now, in full
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Soldier Comes Home

A Soldier Comes Home

He listens carefully to every sound.
He learns to keep an ear to the ground.
He does his duty in all kinds of weather,
And war and sleep do not go together.

Of battlefields, the soldier grows weary.
Oft times the outlook is very dreary,
But then his mind begins to roam
To happy scenes and thoughts of home.

With life so fragile from day to day,
The soldier doth all his priorities weigh.
Though terrors of war may take their toll,
Going home is the number one goal.

The plane lands at an American base.
A soldier departs with a smile on his face.
He exits the plane with a leap and a bound.
Then he kneels down and kisses the ground.

A Christian soldier stays on the alert.
He serves his Savior and does not desert.
He serves through trials, sorrows, and woe.
Victory comes through Christ who loves us so.

Battling temptations from day to day,
That soldier gets weary along the way.
Then happy thoughts of home may loom,
And victory seems to swallow the gloom.

He knows it will be worth it all
When before his Savior he will fall,
Because that soldier was saved by grace,
He'll go home to see Jesus face to face.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Thank  you  Lord Jesus  for Grace and home !

Monday, June 2, 2014

Heaven Is On My Mind

Heaven Is On My Mind

Someday I'll shed this mortal flesh
And fly away to my Heavenly home,
Leaving behind this old world,
And in sin no more will I roam.

The closer I get to that goal,
I think of Heaven more and more.
How will it be when I arrive
Upon that celestial, golden shore?

Yes, the gates are made of pearl,
And the streets are made of gold,
But also God's Word tells us
That the half has never been told.

Will my loved ones meet me there
When I arrive on that glad day,
Or will my Savior greet me first
When I arrive at my home to stay?

Will I have to wait in line
To see my dear Savior's face,
Or will I see Him just shortly
On my arrival in that place?

Am I too Heavenly minded
To be of any earthly good?
I must be about God's business
And work the way I should.

Still, I am so very anxious
To see my dear Savior's face.
I want to thank Him for His love
And for His matchless grace.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!