Friday, April 7, 2017

What Awaits The Saints In Glory

What Awaits The Saints In Glory

His mystery, His majesty
His might upon the throne
the thunderstorm of praises born
engulfed in Him alone
thick rolling clouds His glory shrouds
approach we on our knees
then bursting light around Him bright
across deep crystal seas

How can it be that we don't see
how awesome is that place
explosions of emotions
in the center of His grace
by faith we'll know it tells us go
approach with godly fear
to lay it down and throw our crown
such is the atmosphere

And gathered by the brilliant sky
vast army's of the Lord
with elders near who lead a cheer
The Savior be adored
gold trumpets blown the seeds are sown
fall all before our King
He's placed inside where once was pride
new songs for us to sing

We will be dressed in garments blessed
by blood shed once for us
time standing still in His great will
no need to make a fuss
and I will wait for Him to state
that righteousness prevailed
then raise a shout with those about

Thursday, April 6, 2017



Papa, where is The Holy Place?
This child needs you so.
The loving light of heaven's grace,
Shines dimly here below.

Papa, my time on earth runs low.
Holding wind in empty fists;
The vain pursuit of life below,
Outruns my Godliness.

Papa, consume my own desire.
Light me as a living flame.
Burn up my life in holy fire,
To rise in Jesus' Name!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Sleep With Peace of Mind

Sleep With Peace of Mind

As I bowed down on my knees, I put my head upon my bed,
I talked with the Lord, and these are the words I said.

"Father, I put my trust in You as I prepare to go to bed and sleep,
While rejoicing in knowing that through the night, my soul You will safely keep."

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, while having no fears of any kind,
Since Your always being with me, always brings me great peace of mind."

"Thank You for the Holy Spirit within me, which You sent from heaven above,
Because He surrounds me with His holy presence and His great protective shield of love."

Monday, April 3, 2017

Total Surrender

Total Surrender

Total surrender,
God wants it all
everything you have
nothing is too small.

You must give Him,
all of your heart
He wants it in whole
even the smallest part.

Total surrender,
God wants to see
how much you want
to with Him ~ be.

You need to submit,
to His perfect will
you must be willing
to wait and be still.

Total surrender,
God wants to know
how much you want
to in Him ~ grow.

You have to let go,
of your selfish desires
you must be ready
to do all He requires.

Total surrender,
God wants all of you
but you have to want
all of Him too!
Romans 12:1
King James Version 

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by 
the mercies of God, that ye present 
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, 
acceptable unto God, which is your 
reasonable service."