Friday, October 13, 2017

My Vision

My Vision

I have a hope;I have a vision,
Since my soul made a decision.
I saw the Christ once lifted high,
On Calvary's cross I heard Him cry.
'Forgive them Father was His plea.'
A thief cried out 'remember me'.
This man too just felt his sin,
The perilous state that I was in.
A history a reputation,
One who fell to each temptation.
The cloud removed I now could see,
Nailed pierced hands had set me free.
Now in Christ a new creation,
A citizen of one holy nation.
Breathing in Gods word of life,
A man of peace no longer strife.
Now risk I'll take, ignore derision,
Win men for Christ, fulfill my vision

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Forgiven By Jesus

Forgiven By Jesus

The reason I love Jesus
is because he has forgiven me so much
My sins, which were many,
he washed away with his miraculous touch.

He told me to "go in peace,"
and by faith I was made whole
When I trusted him with my heart,
he saved my soul.

Because of his forgiveness,
I can talk to him and love him so,
have fellowship with his sufferings
and his wisdom know

It's all because Jesus forgave my sins,
not in part, but all
and throughout my pilgrim journey
I am listening for his call.
Luke 7:47 Wherefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
Luke 7:50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace.

If We Know

If We Know

If we know . . .
all things work for our good
then why don’t we trust God
like we know we should?

If we know . . .
together things will work out
then why don’t we trust God
instead of having doubt?

If we know . . .
with God all things are possible
then why don’t we trust God
with what is impossible?

If we know . . .
our life’s are in God’s control
then why don’t we trust God
with the things of the soul?

If we know . . .
and God we truly love
then why aren’t we willing
our fears to let go of?
Romans 8.28

“We know that all things
work together for
good to them that love God:

King James Version
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