Friday, May 29, 2015

Heaven they say!

Heaven they say!

Heaven they say is the place to be
Up in the skies all I can see
are abstract clouds of glorious seas

Heaven they say is a promised dream
An unseen paradise to me it seems
Which we see only in our dreams

Heaven they say is home
Every inch of it I wish to roam

Heaven they say is the promised land
For the righteous if you understand

Heaven they say is forever
It is forever and after and not never

But I say!
Heaven is the ultimate reward
From the Almighty Lord
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hold to the Hand That Holds Us

Hold to the Hand That Holds Us

Hold to the hand that holds the sand that trickles through time’s glass
The Keeper of His promises knows what will come to pass
Then should the fight be hard and night reach far into the day
Still, hold the hand that holds us in each untold come-what-may

Hold to the hand that holds the land and sea in folds of blue
He parts the waters of the deep so that we may pass through
And should the way that he allows seem foreign to our want
Still, hold the hand that holds us close where fear and worry taunt

Hold to the hand that will not fail though oft it seems, we must
Yet, if we never failed then would we ever truly trust?
His hands are rich with mercy, granting courage for this strife
Hold to the hand that holds us in the gray and gold of life

Hold to the hand that holds the plans for every one of us
And wore the nails and bore the cross for our sin; Jesus
Hold to His hand, He understands what we can never know
Hold to the hand that holds us near and never lets us go
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Refine Me, Lord

Refine Me, Lord

Refine me, Lord,
purify me through and through.
Remove all my imperfections,
until I see only You.

Refine me, Lord,
until I am good as gold.
Take away all my insecurities,
and make me someone bold.

Refine me, Lord,
filter all my disbelieving out.
Reduce in me my hesitations,
until I no longer have a doubt.

Refine me, Lord,
cleanse me from my infirmities.
Hone in me Your strength,
and take from me my frailties.

Refine me, Lord,
purge the old man that lives inside.
Expose to me all my wickedness,
until I have nothing left to hide.

Refine, me Lord,
test me in Your truth and way.
Perfect in me a faultless heart,
and teach me not to stray.

Refine, me Lord,
purify Your love deep in me.
Polish joy into my very soul,
until Your image is all I see. 
Jan  Bagwell 
God Bless 
Zechariah 13: 9

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Praise God For Springtime

Praise God For Springtime

Trees are adorned with green leaves.
The grass has turned green too.
Flowers are in bloom everywhere,
And I would like to pick a few.

Pretty pink and rosy red azaleas
Line my neighbor's cement walkway.
Blooms of beautiful Easter lilies
Greet me throughout the day.

God gives us different seasons
To enjoy His wondrous works of art.
With the beauty of the springtime,
He can gladden everyone's heart.

God teaches lessons through nature
As He reigns from His throne above.
He uses changes in the seasons
To show His power and wondrous love.

Springtime is a happy, joyous time
Of resurrection and of new birth
As seeds germinate and live again
And new growth springs from the earth.

Also during everyone's lifetime,
Each one needs to have a new birth.
We need to trust Jesus as our Savior
Before we leave this old earth.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray for Billy Phillips  Sister

Monday, May 25, 2015

Thank You, Veterans

Thank You, Veterans

As Christians in America,
We put God number one.
He so loved the world
That He sent His only Son.

Christians love America,
And for our nation we pray
That God will give us mercy.
Some pray this every day.

Many veterans live among us.
Part of their lives they gave,
Serving these United States.
Freedom, they wanted to save.

Thank you, honored veterans,
For serving our great nation.
We know it was not easy,
Moving from station to station.

Some of you dear veterans
Fought for our great land.
You risked your life to go,
And for freedom took a stand!

We must not ever forget
Those who gave their lives,
Fighting for our country,
Leaving parents, kids, and wives.

Thank you, dear veterans.
On Veteran's Day, we honor you.
You served this nation well.
For it, you stood so true.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray  for Billy Phillips sister