Saturday, May 19, 2018

Father Of The Fatherless

Father Of The Fatherless

"There are no orphans of God"
Is the theme of a Gospel song.
Being saved, God is your Father.
To Him you will always belong.

We see children in orphanages
Who have no fathers or mothers.
Some orphans long to be adopted.
They want a family just like others.

Some children have no father.
Maybe their dads have passed away.
Some dads abandon their children.
Maybe some will return one day.

God is "Father of the fatherless,"
Says Psalm sixty-eight, verse five,
So if you accept Jesus as your Savior,
You'll have a Father who's ever alive.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Praise of Peace, The Peace in Praise

The Praise of Peace, The Peace in Praise

The praise of peace
The peace in praise
Inside the heart is Jesus raised
The ransom paid in love the cost
So that my soul may not be lost
I praise the peace in Him alone
Forgiven sins He did atone
In peace He holds me close to thee
In praise I pray to constant be