Saturday, August 22, 2015

Circle of friends

Circle of friends

Oh,joy can be profound
Though foes be around
In the circle of friends
Life beautifully blends

It's so nice to be real
To know one understands how you feel
In the circle of friends
There's no need to pretend

Cheering us in times of tears
Helping us through heart-felt prayers
Through life's curves and bends
Friends help us comprehend

That we are needed and loved
Uniquely by our Father above
Through triumphs,through tears
Friends will always stay near

Oh,what joy,what joy!
Their company we really enjoy
Precious ones so dear
Lending us listening ears

Beaming their seraphic smile
Heaven enfolds us a while
Enjoying their warm embrace
We're wrapped in sweet grace

Their love helps us glow
And forget our sorrows
In the circle of friends
Broken hearts will mend

Oh,lost peace is found
At their lovely sound
Sweet,melodious voices
Encouraging right choices

Angels though in disguise
Giving us timely advice
Oh,the rare treasures God sends
In the circle of friends
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank  you Billy and Mary Phillips , You are true friends . You are there for me  and I am Blessed to have you all 

Friday, August 21, 2015

One More Big Reason

One More Big Reason

Mother, I know you are happy in Heaven
With God the Father and the Son.
One day I'll leave here and join you
When my race down here is run.

My Mother, You've been gone for awhile,
But you fill my thoughts each day.
I think about you all the time
As I trod along this life's way.

Did you happen to see my brother there
When you reached that golden shore?
Did you see your dad and mine too
When you strolled over Heaven more?

Mother, together we attended funerals
Of friends and loved ones dear.
Now you have gone to meet them.
Now you are with them so near.

Mother, I'm still down here waiting.
I miss all those up there I love.
Yes, you are one more big reason
I'm longing to go to Heaven above.
With  Love  your  Son

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Eternal Spring

Eternal Spring

At last, at last the winter's past,
The sun is liquid gold,
In waiting hearts its utmost parts
Are no longer cold,
Gone, the wind so oft unkind,
Replaced by Heaven's breeze,
And aching joints, sweet spring anoints
And Heaven's laughter frees

And he'll run outside with his arms flung wide
In that eternal spring,
For there is no shadow in Heaven's meadow,
No pain or suffering,
Where all is new 'midst Heaven's dew
And the Son forever shines,
No winter's cold, no growing old
Around His throne divine

Forever spring where God is King
And where He reigns supreme,
The old life past; made new at last
In meadows lush and green,
No toil or strife where the Tree of Life
Blooms with endless yield,
Where Lord, with Thee someday we'll be
In Spring's eternal field
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Personal Prayer

My Personal Prayer

My Father in heaven
I honor Your Name.
Let Your Kingdom come
while Your love I proclaim.
Your will is my pleasure;
help me to obey
Your every command
As in Heaven, I pray.
You know well my needs,
grant what I need to live;
and pardon my sins
as my foes I forgive.
Don't let me be tempted,
but when trials are strong
I'll claim Your protection
to keep me from wrong.
Then, when my life ends
and all troubles are past,
I'll share in Your Kingdom
and glory at last!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Out of The Dark

Out of The Dark

When we walk in the dark,
Jesus will bring us to His light
when we embrace our fears
He'll hold us through the night.

When we feel we are unloved,
Jesus will call out our name
when we feel our own disgrace
He'll take away our shame.

When we feel over burdened,
Jesus will carry away our strife
when we feel the sting of death
He'll bring us eternal life.

When we feel like giving up,
Jesus will stretch out His hand
when we feel faint and weak
He'll help us to rise and stand.

When we feel there is no hope,
Jesus will bring to us His love
when we feel our heart heavy
He'll send mercy from above.

When we walk in His light,
all things become more clear
when we come out of the dark
He will hold us close and near!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !!

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Music Box

The Music Box

I loved to entertain myself
so took the small box from the shelf.
I carefully, the dust, removed
from ev'ry little, tiny groove.

Beholding it for quite awhile,
I cherished its antique-ish style.
Can this old box, this afternoon,
play once again, its pretty tune?

Familiar songs with tiny chimes
are like a poet's perfect rhymes.
I hear the clock, its 'ticks' and 'tocks',
then slowly open music box.

It's been some years since it has played,
but soon a simple sound it made.
Through tears of joy and tears of love,
it's Mother now I'm thinking of.

Though she won't sing here anymore,
her music plays as years before.
Her praises in harmonic chord
lift ever higher to the Lord.

The heavens call, emotions float,
on each and ev'ry fragile note.
But time will passed... so will years.
She's often lost among my tears.

Though mem'ry may dim, I can recall,
her Godly ways, her life and all.
Her music box is all I've got
and like my Lord, it changes not.

He doesn't change. He never fails -
despite my storms, despite His nails.
In tune with peace and love for me,
God answers prayers so faithfully.

Before I place it back on shelf,
committed, I will humble self.
So blessed I am, I praise His name.
My life will never be the same.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I feel Blessed  to have had  my Mother for almost 97 years .
Thank you , Father God !!