Friday, February 19, 2010

Too Little

Too Little
Said a precious little laddie
To his father one bright day,
“May I give myself to Jesus ,
Let Him wash my sins away ?”

“Oh , my son , but you’re too little ,
Wait until you older grow ;
Bigger fold , ‘tis true , do need Him ,
But little folk are safe , you know .”

Said the father to his laddie ,
As a storm was coming on ,
“Are the sheep all safely sheltered ,
Safe within the fold , my son ?”

“All the big ones are , my father,
But the lambs , I let them go ,
For I didn’t think it mattered ;
Little ones are safe , you know .”

Oh , my brother ! oh, my sister !
Have you , too , made that mistake ?
Little hearts that now are yielding
May be hardened , then –too late .

Ere the evil days come nigh them ,
“Let the children come to me
And forbid them not ,”said Jesus ,
“ Of such shall my Kingdom be .”
Jan Bagwell
Be safe and be blessed .

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Little Boy's Prayer

A Little Boy’s Prayer
Last night my little boy confessed to me
Some childish wrong;
And kneeling at my knee ,
He prayed with tears –
“Dear God , make me a man
like daddy –wise and strong ;
I know you can.”

Then while he slept
I knelt beside his bed ,
Confessed my sins ,
And prayed with bow-bowed head ;
“O God , make me a child
Like my child here-
Pure , guileless ,
Trusting Thee with faith sincere !”
Jan Bagwell
God is Great , God is Good , Let us Praise Him !!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Prayer for my Friends

A Prayer for my Friends
Dear Lord if I could only be
Worthy of one wish from Thee ,
I would not ask for wealth or fame –
For I have more in Jesus’ Name;
I would not ask for homes and lands –
My treasuries lie in Jesus’ hands;
I would not ask for health or food –
For Thou dost give me all that’s good ;
But I would that I could see ,
Just how the greatest friend to be
To see Thou’st given me to love ,
Both here and in our Homes above –
That , Lord , the love Thou hast given me
Might fill their life and soul , that they
Will never question , never fear ,
My love for them is just veneer –
But man each time I clasp their hand ,
Feel friendship true , and understand
That of Thy many gifts I see ,
They are the precious ones to me .
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let Your Wish Become a Prayer

Let your Wish Become a Prayer

Put your dearest wish
in God’s hands today
And discuss it with Him
as you faithfully pray ,
And you can be sure
your wish will come true
If God feels that wish
will be good for you ,
For there’s no problem too big
and no question too small ,
Just ask God in faith
and he’ll answer them all ,
Not always at once ,
so be patient and wait
For God never comes
too soon or too late .
So trust in His wisdom ,
and believe in His Word ,
For no prayer’s unanswered
and no prayer’s unheard .
Jan Bagwell
Commit your way to the Lord ; trust in him , and he will act .
Psalm 37:5
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Wrapped in Winter

Wrapped in Winter

The world was wrapped in winter
This tiny world called home ,
A blanket soft as cotton
As nature’s beauty shown,
A touch of magic wonder
In snowflakes as they fell ,
And life held quiet beauty
That wintertime could tell .

The lane was wrapped in winter
Each tree wore ermine white , with fence posts capped in splendor
Within the dark of night ,

The pathway snug and cozy
Between the banks of snow ,
And stars shone down from heaven
Touched by the afterglow .

The earth was warm with winter
In peaceful , quiet bliss ,
Beneath snow’s magic blanket
A silent happiness ,
Within the arms of nature
All safe and glowing there ,
God wrapped His world in winter
Then left a sunbeam fair .
Jan Bagwell
God is great and we are blessed !!