Friday, January 4, 2013

His Shines His Light

He Shines His Light

He shines his light
Upon my life
He shines his grace on me
If it was not for him
my life would hang
Like a man hanging from a rope
I would float in darkness
My sins would over shadow me
My toil would grow great
He shines light on me
If it wasn't for him my spirit would die
I would cry a river of tears
My eyes look upon on a hill
Where angels fly and spread joy and peace
If it was not for him
I would be lead a stray
My days would be dark with gloom
My precious soul would be doomed
For it was not for him I would not be alive
I would struggle and fall to the ground
If it was not for him
My life would be stuck in limbo
He shines his light on me
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please remember Mary Phillips {Carpenter} , she need your prayers 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

On Days

 On Days...

On days when your world is turned upside down, 
Have the guts to face it with a smile, do not frown. 
Gather all your trust and place it with God, 
Even when the chances to win seem very odd. 
And a little ray of sunlight with show up soon, 
The birds will start singing & the flowers will bloom. 
For it is God who gives us the strength and the hope, 
Even in trails he helps us to find it easier to cope. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

1 pm Thursday Jan 3 - Bernice Atkins calls to request prayer for her birth mother, Sharon.
Sharon is at this moment in ER in critical condition and Bernice is on her way to see what going on . { prayer request came from Judy Howard ]
 would like all my friends at  to come to Easley , to The Neighborhood Church , and listen to a God call Minister , I believe that God has call a number to Preach { not all that preach are call } . If you listen you will be able tell which ones are call . God has call men and women into the Ministry . Many are call but few are chosen . Pastor David Bagwell has a annoying that God only give to few . His calling started when he was nine years old .

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Nights of Winter

I Had Gazed out the Window 
Of a World Turned Grey
Where Trees Took Shapes 
Of Troubled Men
Thinly Frozen Water 
Bouncing Low Rays of Sunlight
Skimming Across to No Place
Chimneys Billowing Smoky Dust
Rising into Dark Colored Skies
As Though Speaking 
To a Dreary Night-scape
Cutting Winds Chilling Air
Sun Awaiting to Rise Again
No Songbirds Here
Scavenging for What Little They May
Feathers Frilled 
Nesting among Naked Shrubs
Little Do They Know
Of Stern Relentless Fate
The Earth Is Left Tired . . . and Cold
Whisteling Winds Weary and Brief
The Ghostly Sounds of Winters Sleep
Long Casting Shadows 
Laying upon the Souls of Man
As We Curse These Days
Like Days of War
Leaving Us to Wonder and Think
Soon this Will Pass I Know
Blight of Snow and Ice will Melt
Birds Rebuilding Nests to Nurture
While Blooming Color Awaits a Thaw
Such Power of Spring Bringing New Life
Blue Sky Openings as Day Grows Long
Winter Gloom Brings Springtime Song
 Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, December 31, 2012



The Church is not a building; 
It's a body. 
It has no rooms for cleaning, 
Or a lobby. 
You cannot paint its walls -or- 
Greet in the halls. 
The Church is not a building; 
It's a body. 

The Church is not an office;
It's a body.
It's not a place for business
Or a party.
It's not where we meet -or-
Where we take a seat.
The Church is not a building;
It's a body.

The Church is not in town;
It is the City.
It's not built upon the ground
Or with money.
You can't hang up a sign
On brick, oak, or pine.
The Church is not in town;
It is the City.

The Church is the Bride;
Jesus is the Groom.
Together they abide
As new Jerusalem.

The Church is the Kingdom;
Its light is the Lord.
For us He has come,
So faithful is His Word!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !