Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mover of Mountains

Faith is force that is greater
Than knowledge or power or skill ,
And the darkest defeat turns to triumph
If we trust in God’s wisdom and will .
For faith is a mover of mountains,
There’s nothing man cannot achieve
If he has the courage to try it
And then has the faith to believe .
Jan Bagwell

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Future is Yours


The future is yours ,
it belongs to you,
And with faith in God
and in yourself , too ,
No hill’s too high ,
No mountain’s too tall ,
For with faith in the Lord
You can conquer them all .
And that you wish for
That is honest and true
The Lord will certainly
give to you,
Not always the way
you most desire ,
But He always gives
what you most require.
So accept what He sends,
be it bitter or sweet ,
For God knows best
what makes life complete
Jan Bagwell

Success is be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succed

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The set tree

The Set Tree

It takes love to set a tree –
Love for each twig and branch we see ,
Love for the beautiful God has made –
To clear the ground and use the spade .

It takes happiness to set a tree
With a heart so full of joy and glee ,
For no one could be otherwise
As he digs and looks to the skies .

It takes contentment to set a tree –
Content with all there is to be ,
For who could be dissatisfied
With anything that therein lies .

It takes courage to set a tree –
Courage to use the things we see
Instead of wishing for some sprier
Go to the woods and it is there.

It takes faith to set a tree –
Faith in all that comes from Thee,
For what assurance does one give
Or guarantee that it will live ?

IT takes hope to set a tree –
Hope that one will live to see
Some good thing that in it shows
As it looks to God and grows
Jan bagwell
Please be in prayer for Sister Linda Easlic , she is in St Francis Hosp having a catherization . Lord Jesus , we thamk you for her ,and we pray your healing power will be unpon her.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Angels Don't Cry

Dear Jesus Can I be an angel What can I do I want to go to heaven Do you need me too I promise I'll be good I'll dance around your throne Mommy won't even notice That I'm gone Angel's don't bleed Or do they cry They bounce cloud to cloud On wings that fly Angel's don't hurt From a body black and blue Jesus, please take me To heaven with you Angel's aren't scared They don't feel no pain They don't lay on sheets With crimstone bloodstains Angel's don't have bruises Or cry in the night Angel's don't hide in closets To keep out of sight Angel's don't hurt From a body black and blue Jesus, please take me To heaven with you Amen © BY Linda Hill

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Springtime in Your Heart

Keep Springtime in your heart
With its healing beams of gold .
Let the fire of Autunn
Warm you through the Winter’s cold .

All through the Wintry winds that blow,
When birds always have flown,
Picture rays of sunshine
Through Summers you have known.

Feel the warmth of springtime ,
Let Nature’s lovely sounds
Be heard again in spirit
Through all of Winter’s rounds .

And when it’s cold and dark
And dreary seems the day ,
Bask in the warmth of God’s great love
That can never pass away .

Keep Springtime in your heart
Though it may seem long ago
Through falling snow and icy winds
Its warmth in you will glow .

Spring’s lovely flowers ,its azure sky ,
Kept fast in your mind’s eye,
Will show God’s love , keep hope alive
Till Winter passes by .
Jan Bagwell

Monday, August 17, 2009

worry no more God know the Score

Worry No More !
God Know the Score

Have you ever been caught
In a web you didn’t weave ,
Involved in conditions
that are to believe ?
Have you felt you must speak
And explain and deny
A story that’s groundless
Or a small ,whispered lie ?
Have you heard rumors
You would like to refute
Or some telltale gossip
You would like to depute ?
Well, don’t be upset ,
For God knows the score
And with God your judge
You need worry no more ,
For men may misjudge you
But God’s verdict is fair ,
For He looks deep inside
And He is clearly aware
Of every small detail
In your matter of living
And always He lenient
And fair and forgiving ---
And knowing that God
Is your judge and your jury
Frees you completely
From man’s falseness and fury ,
And secure in this knowledge
Let your thoughts rise above
Man’s small , shallow judgments
That are so empty of
God’s goodness in greatness
In judging all men
And forget ugly rumors
And be happy again.
Jan Bagwell

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Game

The Game
When clouds are gray I never mind ,
Somehow It seems I always find
Some little joy to lighten care
And cheer me just by being there ,
Life is a game we all must play ,
Each in his own and separate way ,
It all depends upon your view ,
Which way the world appears to you .
In every carnival there is a clown ,
Can only rise by falling down ,
For every man a set a rules ,
…And only those who cheat , are the fools .
Jan Bagwell