Saturday, August 27, 2016

Our Prayers Make a Difference

Our Prayers Make a Difference

When our prayers,
get no response . . .
in prayer we need
to remain ensconced.

When mustn't give up,
or from prayer bail out
they'll make a difference
if we have no doubt.

We cannot lose heart,
in prayer we must persist
then fear and worry
we'll be able to resist.

We mustn't be weary,
or faint in our prayers
we need to remember
Jesus wants our cares.

When with our prayers,
God is slow to respond
expect an answer . . .
though it may be prolonged!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Luke 18:1

"And he spake a parable
unto them to this end,
that men ought always
to pray, and not to faint;"

King James Version
By Public Domain

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hold On Fast

Hold On Fast

When you grasp,
the end of the rope
don't slide off
or lose your hope.

Don't let go,
of that last thread
let God's mercy
hold you up instead.

When that rope,
begins to unravel
and your nerves
start to frazzle.

Don't let panic,
cause you to slip
on God's love
keep your grip.

When you're at,
the end of your rope
hold on fast . . .
to your one sure hope!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Hebrews 3:6

"But Christ as a son over his own house;
whose house are we, if we hold fast the
confidence and the rejoicing of the
hope firm unto the end."

King James Version
Public Domain

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Meet Him Daily

Meet Him Daily

Start your day with Jesus above
He will prepare you for the day through His love
Give you direction for the roads you should take
Help you with every decision you'll make

You can meet with him daily at the foot of the cross
As a reminder to you that He paid your cost
Hand Him your troubles and woes that you carry
And give Him thanks most of all; in this do not tarry

Your day will run smoother no matter what occurs
When you begin your day as the Father prefers
Just spend time in God's word and in fellowship with Him
Then your day will be part of His plan instead of your whim!



Every time the gospel of the kingdom is preached for a witness, the end time draws a little more near,
So we must preach the gospel with words and deeds three-hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Heavenly Father, remind us to bear witness of the great Light, as Jesus' soon coming draws near.
Help us to exercise our faith in You, as the Holy Spirit draws to us a precious heart that is dear.

Help us to remember to smile and to show kindness to everyone we see today,
So that when people see our walk, they can say that we are walking the right way.

Oh Holy Spirit, guide us as we go into the field today to tell someone the words of God, words that they need to hear,
While preparing their hearts to receive God's word, while calming ours and their fears.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

In Your Heart

In Your Heart

The winds push clouds across the sky,
the winds too clear to view.
Results, I see, but not the wind -
so tell me, is wind true?

I stumbled and I dropped a shoe,
then dropped my other shoe.
And no, I can't see gravity -
so tell me, is it true?

The thunder rumbled through the sky.
It scared both goat and ewe.
Though loud, I can't see thundering -
so tell me, is it true?

I memorized math tables that
began with 'two plus two'.
I cannot see equations though,
so tell me, are they true?

The fragrances from flowers seem
to greet my nose as glue.
But I can't see the fragrances -
so tell me, are they true?

The coffee flavors? Plentiful.
I taste a special brew.
But I can't see what I can taste,
so tell me, are they true?

A special feeling, special love,
for children and for you.
But once again, I can't see love -
so tell me, is it true?

Creation is spectacular.
It's Heaven's sneak preview.
But once again, I can't see God -
so tell me, is He true?

The physical and spiritual
seem much too far apart,
but you will know that it's all true
when God is in your heart.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Spiritual Eyes

Spiritual Eyes

The lightning cracked the blackened sky
While windswept waves towered high
And thunder tumbled to the sea
To shake the sway of Galilee.

Within the struggle of the storm
Twelve steadfast men of sturdy form
Thought their lot was surely cast
And this dark day would be their last.

But then their gaze beheld a sight
Which saved them from their dreadful plight,
For in the gale of their despair
They all discovered Jesus there.

He walked atop the torrid sea
And calmed that squall on Galilee
Of all its rushing, crushing, din,
As His disciples let Him in.

How comforting it is to see
Our Savior in our misery,
Walking on the surging tide,
Calling to be brought inside.

How soft our suffering should be,
How useful our adversity,
When storms of life attempt to seize us
Yet we still keep our eyes on Jesus.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !