Friday, March 19, 2010

Although things are not perfect {ABC}

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of "Camp Complaining"
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To "thank" is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

"I AM Too blessed to be stressed!" The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.
The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything. Love and peace be with you forever, Amen.

Jan Bagwell

Thursday, March 18, 2010

More Faith

More Faith

God has more faith in you than you do in yourself.

You know what's ON you.
He knows what's IN you.

You know the weight you carry.
He knows your strength.

You know your pain.
He knows where your healing is.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD.
"They are plans for good and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope." (Jer 29:11 NLT)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Life's Fairest Flower

Life’s Fairest Flower
I have a garden within my soul
Of wondrous beauty rare
Wherein the blossoms of all my life
Bloom ever in splendor fair .
The fragrance and charm of that garden
Where all of life’s flowers bloom ,
Fill my aching heart with sweet content,
And banish failure,s gloom .
Each flower a message is bringing ,
A mem’ry of someone dear ,
A picture of deepest devotion ,
Dispelling all doubt and fear .
Amid all this beauty and splendor ,
One flower stands forth as queen-
Alone in her dazzling beauty,
Alone but ever supreme ,
This flower of love and devotion ,
Has guided me all thru life ,
Softening my grief and my sorrow ,
Sharing my toil and my strife .
This flower has helped me to conquer
Temptation so black and grim
And led me to victory and honor ,
Over my enemy –sin
I have vainly sought in my garden ,
Thru blossoms of love and light ,
For a flower of equal wonder ,
To compare with this one so bright .
But ever Iv’e met with failure ,
My search has been in vain-
For never a flower existed ,
Like the blossom I can claim .
For after years I now can see ,
A,mid life’s roses and rue ,
God’s greatest gift – to a little child ,
It was our Darling mothers .
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reason For Life

Reason For Life
I don’t know how to it
but somehow it seems to me
That maybe we are stationed
where God wanted us to be ;
That the little place I’m filling
is the reason for my birth ,
And just to do the work I do
He put me on this earth .

If God had wanted otherwise ,
I reckon He’d have made
me just a little different ,
of a worse or better grade .
And since God knows and understands
all things of land and sea
I fancy that He placed me here
just where He wanted me .

Sometimes I get to thinking
as my labors I review
That I should like a higher place
with greater tasks to do .
But I come to the conclusion ,
when the envying is stilled
That the post to which God sent me
Is the post He wanted filled

So I plod along and struggle
in the hope when day is through
That I’m really necessary
to the things God wants to do .
and there isn’t any service
I can give which I should scorn
For it may be just the reason
God allowed me to be born .
Jan Bagwell

Monday, March 15, 2010

Praying Hands

Praying Hands
There are hands that help and comfort
Hands that plan and teach
Hands that rest and hands that strive
For a goal just of reach …
Hands that grasp and hands that give
Hands that work and play
Friendly hands and loving hands
That soothe life’s cares away
But praying hands are dearest
In the sight of God above
For in their sweet and earnest clasp
Is reverence and love …
No hands can do an unkind act
Nor cause another care
Nor sin against Our Father’s Love
When they are clasped in prayer
Jan Bagwell