Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Veteran's Day Parade

The Veteran's Day Parade

I feel privileged to attend
A yearly Veteran's Day parade.
Veterans should be honored
For the sacrifices they made.

Some of our younger veterans
Of recent wars take part.
In Iraq or in Afghanistan,
Each served from one's heart.

Veterans of the Persian War
Are proudly on display,
For they bravely served,
And they also march today.

Also veterans of Viet Nam
Are riding on a parade float.
I see they're getting older,
With graying hair, I note.

A number of veterans of Korea
Also are riding on display.
They seem weak and elderly.
They served in a brave way.

Then come uniformed veterans
Right from a history book page.
They served us in World War Two.
Now they are really up in age.

I thank God for the veterans,
Who served and did not fail.
They bravely stood for freedom
And served our nation well!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Running to Dad

Running to Dad

You can run to your Father no matter what
Covered in sin, encrusted with smut
You haven't done anything He hasn't seen
And only His touch washes you clean
You can hide in a corner and bury your head
But shame like a jam will eventually spread
Slipping into your night, devouring your day
Like a child in mud, and fingerprint play
At first it feels good, and it all seems so right
When playing in darkness we turn out the light
Dancing in shadows and trying to find
Our purpose in life though traveling blind

The mountains are steep, the valleys are low
Wrapped in such recklessness from head to toe
Trying to climb it all on our own
But no one was made to do it alone
Yet still we continue to do our own thing
Holding on to a branch in desperate cling
All the while falling on the edge of a cliff
Where the stench of our sin leaves a terrible sniff
Hovering over, the portals of Hell
Dying of thirst with no wishing well
How foolish the child who tries to enact
The ways of his folly, so deeply intact

Run to your Dad, go ahead He's still there
He's already heard each heart wrenching prayer
His pockets are full of mercy and love
His compassion and grace fit just like a glove
He sees you in the distance, His heart just can't wait
To wrap His arms around you and wipe off the slate
That has kept you in a prison of sorrow and shame
Only the Father can call you by name
There is no one on earth who completely understands
And once you are there in the palm of His hands
Your Father in Heaven will never let go
There is peace in the presence of Your Daddy's glow.....
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Witnesses from across the vast Universe

Witnesses from across the vast Universe

I looked up at the starry heavens and could see
the galaxies proclaiming God's great majesty.
For across the whole world the shining stars declare
God's benevolence to all and His loving care.

There's no place on earth in which their voice is not heard
speaking in celestial tongues and olden word.
They tell of great distances and eons of time,
of beginnings and endings, and things so sublime.

Shining out brightly in the universe so vast,
as into my presence came light from the past
enabling me to see God’s creativity,
and to contemplate the things of eternity.

For each star in the interstellar space so bright
shone out for His Glory throughout the day and night
and unceasingly their wonderful anthems raise
singing “Glory to God” in harmonious praise.

Whenever I tune into what they have to say
I join in their praises as I walk on my way
lifting my spirit up to the heavens’ above,
and praising the Lord for His great mercy and love.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wounds of love

Wounds of love

A sharp and cruel crown of thorns
the brow of Jesus Christ adorns
as down from His wounded head
crimson drops of blood were shed.

Wounds of love borne in my stead
from those thorns upon His head.
Jesus wore that crown for me,
and suffered there to set me free.

They raised the whip in their hatred
and scourged His back until it bled.
Lash by lash my sins price He paid
as by each stripe His back was flayed.

'Forgive them Father', was His cry
as He bowed down His head to die.
From His hands, side and feet I see
those wounds of love He’d borne for me.

Such Love like this I'd never known
that He should die my love to own.
I do not deserve love like this;
a love so wonderful as His.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, May 18, 2015

Adversity Can Distress Us or Bless Us

Adversity Can Distress Us or Bless Us

The way we use adversity
is strictly own choice ,
For in God’s hands adversity
can make the heart rejoice .
For everything God sends to us ,
no matter in what form ,
Is sent with plan and purpose ,
for by the fierceness of  a storm
The atmosphere is changed and cleared
and the earth is washed and clean
And the high winds of adversity
can make restless souls serene .
And while it’s very difficult
for mankind to understand
God’s intentions and His purpose
and the workings of His hand ,
If we observe the miracles
that in His wondrous way
God makes what seemed unbearable
and painful and distressing ,
Easily acceptable
when we view it as a blessing .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
The only way to multiply happiness is to divide it.