Friday, February 12, 2016

Let God Use You

Let God Use You

Her color is different,
Her ways strange to you.
You do not include her,
In things that you do.

But did you ever think
That she's feeling alone,
Would love tea and cookies
And visit your home?

She may not be your friend,
But how are friends made?
By taking the first step,
And not being afraid.

It may take her a while
To warm up to you,
She may have good reason
For being aloof.

It could be she's strugg'ling
With things that corrode,
But just let God use you
To lighten the load.

Be God's hand, and reach out,
Be God face, and smile.
You may make a good friend
In a little while.

And she may just see God,
In things that you do.
And finally reach out,
To accept Him, too.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Girl by Wishing Well

A Girl  by Wishing  Well
Miss Thompson was my teacher
When I was in third grade.
To decorate for Valentine's Day,
Many red paper hearts we made.

Valentine's Day finally came,
And before the day was through,
We had cookies and popcorn
And red cherry Koolaid too.

Everybody passed out valentines,
And we had a splendid time.
My teacher gave me a valentine
I thought was so sublime.

It had a picture of a little girl
Standing beside a wishing well,
Wishing a happy Valentine's Day.
I thought it was so swell!

I kept that precious valentine.
I looked at it year after year.
I really loved Miss Thompson.
To me, she was so very dear.

That valentine reminds me about
The woman who came to the well.
That is where she met Jesus,
And she went to others to tell.

As a boy, I also met Jesus
At a revival meeting long ago.
I accepted Him as my Savior.
I'll see Him in Glory, I know.
Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Old Valentine Card

 Old Valentine Card

I was invited to a friend's house
For a Valentine's Day feast.
Her husband had passed away.
She was lonely, to say the least.

We had a lovely, tasty dinner.
In the table's center, there sat
A very old pretty Valentine card
On top of a pretty lacy placemat.

I did not ask about the card,
But soon she wanted to share.
There was a story about that card
That rested on the table there.

"My husband was deployed overseas
The day after Valentine's Day.
He gave me this lovely Valentine,
And the next day, he went away."

"He told me just before he left,
'Keep this card in a safe place,
And remember it says I LOVE YOU,
Though you cannot see my face.'"

"I looked at this card everyday
And prayed for his safe return.
To see his loving face again
In my heart, this I did yearn."

"Every time he was deployed,
The story was just the same.
I held onto this Valentine card.
In prayer, I called his name."

"Finally he left the Navy.
Together we spent many years.
One day God took him to Heaven,
And sadly I shed many tears."

"One day I remembered the card,
And I took it from its place.
I said, 'Death can't take our love.
In Heaven, I'll see your face.'"

"Now I cherish this Valentine.
Do you think this is absurd?"
I answered, "Your love story
Is the sweetest I've ever heard!"
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank you Aunt  Bertha Wilson  for your story !

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

For Evermore

For Evermore

When my worries are final over,
and I stand in peace galore
all my fears and trepidation
will not trouble me ~ evermore.

When my nights are full of light,
and I stand on freedom's moor
all my struggles and my labor
will not beset me ~ evermore

When my heart stops to beat,
and I stand at mercy's door
all my pain and all that hurts
will not grieve me ~ evermore.

When my days on earth are done,
and I stand ~ to plea and implore
all my sins and transgressions
will not damn me ~ evermore

When my last breath is taken,
and I stand on heaven's shore
all my sobs and every sorrow
will not be ~ for evermore!
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless
Revelation 21:4

"And God shall wipe away all tears from
their eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away."

Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

If only there could be a happily ever after,
Days of fragrant flowers and a life full of laughter,
A place of liberation for my soul to run free
Like an eagle soaring high above the trees.

Oh…to feel the breathe of God blowing in my face
As I dance with the stars that God has put in place.
How my soul would rejoice just to be totally free
For I am weighted down with sins captivity.

Even nature's longing for the day of perfect rest
When the curse is lifted and we become heaven's guest.
We're groaning and travailing, longing to be released
From this dreadful curse of life without perfect peace.

Oh… soul I know that it can't be very much longer
Till we're finally there in the happily ever after.
Some say this cannot be, that there is no such place
But we will be taken there by his love and grace

To a place where all creation will finally rest
A place where we'll go after the trials and the tests!
In the happily ever after, spirits running free
As we fall into Jesus arms just loving on thee!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Meanwhile, we groan as we're longing to be released,
To be clothed with our Father's righteousness and peace.
We will enjoy the presence of his holy laughter
Living with our Father in the happily ever after!
II. Cor. 5:2, Rom. 8:18-23
"Meanwhile we groan, longing for our heavenly dwelling because when we are clothed we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling."