Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Colors of Age

The Colors of Age

I've lost the colors of my youth
With time it fades, the bitter truth.
The rosy blush that graced my cheeks
And vibrant life of which it speaks
Has been silenced and in its place
Are signs of age that trail my face. 
The auburn reds and raven blacks
With hints of gold that my hair lacks
Were once my shining crown of glory
Those locks now tell another story.
One of age in black and white
The change extreme and stark as night.
My skin a shade that told a tale
Of sun kissed days and life was well
Has lost its luster and now stands mute
Stripped away, aware, acute.
These eyes that once caught every sight
Have now grown dim and lost their light.
Despite it all, this lack and loss 
The years undressed, removed the gloss
Surprisingly, I would not trade 
The lessons learned, the memories made
Or turn back time and then restore
The days of beauty, the days before.
For in this place I am content
With growth I've had and all it's meant
Each day has drawn me closer nigh
Unto the One who reigns on high.
There in His presence, a wash of color
Has blinded me to any other
For none can stand, none to compare
The One who's made me His own heir
And once again my youth restored
By Him alone, Christ the Lord!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Come to Jesus

Come to Jesus

Come to Jesus weary sinner, 
Come to Jesus, look and live. 
Come thou broken and repentant, 
All your sin He will forgive. 

Never one approached Him needy, 
But a warm reception found. 
Never one came empty handed, 
But with heaven’s grace was crowned. 

Come to Jesus doubting sinner, 
Full atonement has been made. 
Though you have no good to bring Him, 
‘Tis no cause to be afraid. 

Jesus Christ hath died for sinners, 
Having sinned, you qualify. 
Seeing now your need for cleansing, 
To the flowing fountain fly. 

Come and welcome then to Jesus, 
Thou whose moral strength is spent. 
Wrap yourself in His perfection, 
Rest in Him and be content. 

Life is yours O troubled sinner, 
Life eternal, rich, and free, 
If by faith you will receive Him, 
Life abundant, come and see.