Friday, February 26, 2016

A City God's Children Long to See

A City God's Children Long to See

God's children long to see God's New Jerusalem,
a wonderful, glorious, and beautiful city.
They're going to this city,
where they will never experience any pain, sickness, death, or pity.

A promised city that was foretold in God's word,
that has shining streets of pure gold,
and they in this city will forever live.
A city with many wonderful breath taking sights,
that to them, Jesus will freely give.

They will live with Jesus in this beautiful city,
a city where no one ever grows old.
A city that they will learn much more about,
for the greatest stories of this city have yet to be told.

They believe the story in God's word about the New Jerusalem,
in how John saw it coming down.
They believe it, because they believe in all of God's word,
and they in this city, will one day be found.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Along the Road

        Along the Road

How often you fear the road up ahead ,
How often you dread the unknown ,
How often too , do you tend to forget
That you never walk alone .

For there’s One who well knows where
you going ,
He’s sure every step of the way ,
For long , long ago He walked the same path
That you I travel today .

And He understands every misgiving ,
For fear is a part of us all ,
But in faith make each step firm and steady ,
And the Father will not let fall .

Just remember He’s walking beside you
With love that will never fail ,
His arm around your shoulders ,
His eye upon the trail
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell

A Saved Soul Smile

A Saved Soul Smile

As I stood in the midst of a refreshing,
brand new day,
I knew God had His reasons for allowing
me to stay.
To be a witness for Him with verses He
taught me to say,
Presenting Jesus to the lost or bringing
back one who's gone astray.

God has a mission for my life and I am
sure it's not complete,
Then when it is, He'll take me out and
from this life I retreat.
Until then I intend to be ready for any
opportunity He'll present,
To tell someone that Jesus is waiting
for them to repent.

God tells me there are many lost souls,
yet His laborers are few,
As I follow His lead, this may improve
by the time I'm through.
The number going to heaven growing as
the one to hell is less,
For some of those hearing the salvation
plan just may say yes.

God has a mission for all who are born
into this world He created,
However, only a few will ful-fill them
as His word has stated
I only have control of my mission and
I plan not to let God down,
My intention is to place a saved soul
smile onto a lost soul frown.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Don't Ever Stop Dreaming Your Dreams

Don't Ever Stop Dreaming Your Dreams
Don't ever be reluctant
to show your feelings when
you're happy, give in to it.
When you're not, live with it.

Don't ever be afraid to
try to make things better you might
be surprised at the results.
Don't ever take the weight of the
world on your shoulders.
Don't ever feel threatened by the future,
take life one day at a time.

Don't ever feel guilty about the past
what's done is done.
Learn from any mistakes you might have made.
Don't ever feel that you are alone
there is always somebody there
for you to reach out to.
Don't ever forget that you can achieve
so many of the things you can imagine. ...
It's not as hard as it seems.
Don't ever stop loving
don't ever stop believing,
don't ever stop dreaming your dreams. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Holy Spirit's Power

Holy Spirit's Power

This year I want to be,
filled with the Holy Spirit
to His mighty boldness . . .
I want daily to commit.

I want to be enlightened,
when I read the Good News
I want to help show others
the path they need to choose.

I want to be encouraged,
as I advance in the fight
I want to inspire others . . .
to come to the Saving Light.

I want to help set free,
the captives of the dark
I want to ignite in them
the Holy Spirit’s spark.

I want to exchange my pain,
for praise and joyfulness
I want to be a testimony
to God’s peacefulness.

This year I want to help,
others to learn to cope
I want them to see in me
the reason for my hope!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Acts 4:31

“And when they had prayed,
the place was shaken where
they were assembled together;
and they were all filled
with the Holy Ghost, and
they spake the word of
God with boldness.”