Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Ministry

The Ministry

I felt the call of God so strong 
I desired to do His will 
I prepared for ministry so long 
His purpose to fulfill

I labored in the sacred cause 
I made the sacrifice 
I preached the gospel without pause 
I tried to pay the price 

I continued on for many years
To tell the world of grace 
Through many turmoils, trials, and tears 
I tried to keep the pace. 

There were failures along the way 
Sometimes I failed to trust 
At other times I went astray 
Some sermons were a bust

Opportunities slipped away 
Circumstances were such 
That very soon there was a day 
I didn’t preach that much

As time went on the ministry 
I felt God called me to
Was exercised less frequently 
Then vanished from my view

For months I wondered aimlessly 
But then one day I heard
About a special ministry 
Taught often in the Word 

A ministry done on one’s knees 
Before the throne of grace
Kneeling there to intercede
To plead another’s case 

Though no longer as a preacher 
I still seek to do His will 
With the Bible as my teacher
His purpose to fulfill 

I now come to God beseeching 
To rescue from the snare 
What I could not do by preaching 
I will now attempt by prayer

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Did You Feel It?

Did You Feel It?

Did you feel it, the subtle stir in the air?
A breath on your heart, a sigh in your ear
Did you feel it, a loving touch deep within?
A sudden peace where your pain had been?

Did you feel an angel pass over-head?
Replacing your fear with a sweet calm instead
Did the night that was dark and lonely and cold
Wrap you in warmth of burnished gold

Did an invisible smile softly kiss your brow?
Brushing away the tear of sorrow
Did you feel it, arms of tender love
Softly enfolding you from somewhere above?

Did you wonder what in the world it could be?
This sudden sense of serenity
Did you feel it, like a whisper in the air?
Did you feel it, my love, did you feel my prayer?

Be Patient, Be Kind

Be Patient, Be Kind

Be patient with others,
be kind to them too
show them the same mercy
God has shown to you.

Be not resentful,
be not quarrelsome
don’t let anger dim
the Light of the Son.

Be loving, be nice,
have self-control
let others see
the fruits of your soul.

Be not moody,
be not testy or rude
let God’s grace
out of you exude.

Be patent with others,
be forgiving too
just like Jesus . . .
has been with you!
Colossians 3:13

“Forbearing one another,
and forgiving one another,
if any man have a quarrel
against any: even as
Christ forgave you,
so also do ye.”
King James Version
Public Domain

Tuesday, January 29, 2019



It's not easy as we live our lives on earth from day to day
To face all life's temptations that come along our way
But we surely have a promise and it’s written in God’s word
That he will always be there and you can rest assured
He watches ore his children with tender loving care
And there is not one moment that he is never there
Do not fear for I am with you from right now until the end
Just know that I’m your savior I am a faithful friend
Don’t ever think that I have chosen just to walk away
And leave you in your time of need for that is not my way
I see I care I understand just what your going through
You may not see right now but child but I truely do love you
So lean on me and do not fret stay strong and just believe
I’ll soon be coming back my child and take you home with me
But until that day when I shall call you home safe by my side
Lift up your head rejoice my friend redemption draweth nigh

Monday, January 28, 2019

A City God's Children Long to See

A City God's Children Long to See

God's children long to see God's New Jerusalem, 
a wonderful, glorious, and beautiful city.
They're going to this city, 
where they will never experience any pain, sickness, death, or pity.

A promised city that was foretold in God's word, 
that has shining streets of pure gold, 
and they in this city will forever live.
A city with many wonderful breath taking sights, 
that to them, Jesus will freely give.

They will live with Jesus in this beautiful city, 
a city where no one ever grows old.
A city that they will learn much more about, 
for the greatest stories of this city have yet to be told.

They believe the story in God's word about the New Jerusalem, 
in how John saw it coming down.
They believe it, because they believe in all of God's word, 
and they in this city, will one day be found.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Unequaled Thrill

A placid picture about God, a poet cannot pen.
For who can comprehend it all? Not selfish, sinful men!

If only eyes could see the truth. If only ears could hear...
but noise of earthly living seem to make mere words unclear.

Incessant, louder beating drums in earphones is not peace -
and rancid words corrupting minds just seems to never cease.

While sinful men ignore God's words in heart and soul and mind,
the Judge of all the universe is patient, loving, kind.

So grasp your pen with loving thoughts and set your glass aside,
then write to your heart's full content until you're satisfied.

We may not be a preacher that the sinners come to see,
but by our words, through loving hearts, we might a teacher be.

We will not know where our words go, but I can only say -
that if we do not write the words then they aren't on display.

So pen a placid picture on your clear and empty page,
so people see your humble gift that only God can gauge.

Just give all glory unto God and let Him do His will
and may all sinners wake one day to that unequaled thrill.