Friday, October 12, 2012

It Came From Above

Looking around and longing for love,

It Came From Above

The love that I want, is from the lord up above.
He is my strength and all that I need,
The love of a lifetime, We will all surely agree.
He inspires us daily, and everyone knows,
His everlasting light The spirit he give us will always flow.
Look at all of the beauty that he has created,
All that we want and need, Just as the lord had stated.
His promises to us are oh so true,
As we walk in his path and wait in his view.
A place he has for us, our just reward.
Only comes from within our savior our holy lord.
We must follow his word until he comes back
The enemy will tempt us, will try to attack.
Give the lord all you have, all of your heart.
He will keep you safe and he will never part.
Do what he willed for us, his blood flowed for our sins.
We thought that was the end, but that's were he begins.
Looking about and longing for love.
I found what I needed it came from above.
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why ?


I watch the sun rise in the sky
I ask God the question, Why?
Why is there hatred in the world?
Why are there starving boys and girls?
Why is there addiction everywhere?
Why are there people not willing to share?
Why is there prejudice and fear?
Why are there people not willing to be near?
I say, God please tell me why.
Then he whispers me a simple reply,
You must experience bad to know the good
You must do right just as you know you should
You must love me, yourself, and everyone
You must spread hope, faith, and love until your life is done
You must do unto others as you want them to do to you
You must persevere in all you do
All these things you must embrace
And God assures, everything else will fall into place.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

God Only A Breath Away

I enjoy writing about God and sharing whatever he has allowed me to learn about him. I have found that, although, sometimes God seems far away, he is always very near. Because he breathed into man the breath of life, he is in our very breath.

 God Only A Breath Away!

When I feel far from God,
There’s a special thing that I do;
I take a very deep breath!
He gave it also to you.

The breath that we breathe so easily,
It came from God above.
It’s a divine connection,
To the one that we love.

His offspring we are, and,
It is Him from whence we came.
He gave us our lives,
And He knows us by name.

He’s aware of our conditions,
Having numbered our head of hairs.
God is not far from us;
God is near and He cares.

Breathing into man the breath of life,
Man became a living soul!
Reach to Him, He reaches back!
He wants to make us whole.

So when you are feeling far from God,
And are having a lonesome day,
Take a deep breath and remind yourself,
“God is only a breath away!”
“He’s only a breath away!”`
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Never Unsaid

If something should ever happen to me, my love for my sons should never go unsaid.

Never Unsaid

I never want this to go unsaid,
So here in this poem, is for it to be said. 
There are no words to express how much you mean to me,
A son like you, I thought could never be.
Because the day you were born, I just knew,
God sent me a blessing- and that was you.
For this I thank Him everyday, 
You are the true definition of a son, in everyway.
It is because of you that my life has meaning,
Becoming a Dad has shown me a new sense of being.
I want you to know that you were the purpose of my life,
Out of everything I did- it was you that I did right.
Always remember that I know how much you care,
I can tell by the relationship that we share.
For a son like you there could be no other,
And whether we are together or apart,
Please do not ever forget-
You will always have a piece of my heart.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
To my sons , Scott and David Bagwell

Monday, October 8, 2012

Peaceful Waters Flow

 Peaceful Waters Flow

The clouds break forth the streams of light 
To dance upon the earth,
And cradled in the sands of time, 
Comes a newborn babies'' birth.
A gentle breeze blows through the night, 
It whispers through the grass,
And ripples on the water form 
As rain glistens on the glass.

And you listen to the sound, 
The Lords' presence all around.
He summons us to go 
Where peaceful waters flow.

A rainbow arcs across the sky, 
A promise is displayed.
The graceful flight of a butterfly, 
It takes my breath away.
The autumn leaves in their splendor 
Fall gracefully to the earth,
And stars proclaim their song at night, 
What is their beauty worth?

And you listen to the sound, 
The Lords' presence all around.
He summons us to go 
Where peaceful waters flow.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
Happy Birthday Jimmy D Holliday