Saturday, May 6, 2017

The City of No More

The City of No More

In the City of ~ No More,
is where I long to be
and I can hardly wait
until Jesus sends for me.

I am going to walk,
on the street of ~ No More Tears
for God will wipe them away
along with all of my fears.

On the road of ~ No More Pain,
I will be compete and whole
for I will have a new body
with a ~ glorified in Him ~ soul.

I know I will run and jump,
down the path of ~ No More Sin
knowing that all wickedness
will be kept from joining in.

On the highway of ~ No More Death,
there will be a jubilant parade
and from Satan's evil-doings
I will never again be afraid.

The mansion of ~ No Separation,
is where I will spend eternity
and I can't wait to dwell in . . .
the City of ~ No More Anxiety!
Revelation 21:4
King James Version

"And God shall wipe away all tears from 
their eyes; and there shall be no more 
death, neither sorrow, nor crying, 
neither shall there be any more pain: 
for the former things are passed away."

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Spiritual Fruit

Spiritual Fruit

The fruits of the Spirit are given to us
By our Father from Heaven above
And through the Spirit of Christ Himself
He gave us the fruit of love

On this tree grows spiritual fruit
Such as joy that we can feel each day
He gives us peace and patience
But this tree has much more to say

There is kindness, goodness and faithfulness
That grows on this heavenly tree
They can change our lives right before our eyes
Not just for us, but for all to see

Then there's gentleness and self control
These fruits can be hard to bear
But because of the gift God gave to us
These things we all can share

Thank you Lord for this tree of life
That comes in this spiritual form
For without these fruits life can be real cold
But with them our lives feel warm.

Saved For His Service

Saved For His Service

Great peace fills the heart
When one's sins are forgiven.
Then do we sit down and wait
Until the day we go to Heaven?

Some get gloriously saved,
But then they sit idly by
Watching others serve Jesus,
But they will not even try.

We are truly saved to serve.
We do not have time to wait.
The fields are ripe for harvest.
Someday it will be too late.

Let us do service for our God.
Tell others the old sweet story
That God sent His only Son
Down from His home in Glory.

Jesus came to die for sinners
Just like you and just like me.
If we accept Jesus, the Savior,
From sin, we'll be set free.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Tongues Of Fire

Tongues Of Fire

What sounded like a roaring wind
shook the room they gathered in
imagine shock and great surprise
when tongues of fire was their prize

They now proclaimed His glory loud
which drew a large and boisterous crowd
amazed that they could understand
God praised in language from their land

They wondered what those had consumed
at 9 A.M. throughout that room
so Peter stood to set them straight
a gospel story to relate

About the Man they crucified
who paid for all the day He died
then rose to conquer death and sin
appeared to many and their kin

Those hearts were pierced like right away
three thousand added just that day
and many more would follow soon
thanks to the fire in that room

Now if there is a lesson here
please hear my plead which is sincere
the Spirit moves in power still
when we find worshiping a thrill

Then boys and girls will prophesy
old men dream dreams before they die
the young see visions that are clear
both slave and free will be drawn near

A people renewed by tongues of flame
will shake a church that had it tame
and we'll proclaim Jesus is Lord
when greater works have been restored

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

Everybody lives with disappointments that come their way
But you choose your own reactions each and every day
Discouragement can easily take a hold on you
Or you can rise to the challenge, knowing God will see you through

Faced with the knowledge of a horrible fate for his country
Instead of anger and hurt, Habbakuk held on to His faith in the Almighty
He wrote a hymn of worship and rejoiced in His Lord above
Rejoiced in God's strength and the knowledge of His love

God supports all of us in exactly the same way
He is always with us; And He's exactly the same God today
Don't let burdens and challenges consume your life
Trust in God and continually praise Him in through your struggles and strife