Saturday, November 7, 2009

Seek Ye First the Kingdom

Seek Ye First the Kingdom
Life is a mixture
Of sunshine and rain ,
Good things and bad things
Pleasure and pain .
We can’t have all sunshine ,
But it’s certainly true
There is never a cloud
The sun does’nt shine through.
So always remenber
That whatever betide you
The power of God
Is always beside you
And if friends disappoint you
and plans go astray
And nothing works out
In just the right way ,
And you feel you have failed
In achieving your goal ,
And that life wrongly placed you
In an unfitting role ,
Take heart and stand tall
And think who you are ,
For God is your Father
And no one can bar
Or keep you from reaching
Your desired success ,
Or withhold the joy
That is yours to possess,
For with God on your side
It matters not who
Is working to keep
life’s good things from you ,
For you need nothing more
Than God’s guidance and love
To insure you the things
That you’re most worthy of .
So trust in His wisdom
And follow His ways ,
And be not concerned
With the world’s empty praise ,
But seek first His kingdom
And you will possess
The world’s greatest riches
Which is true happiness
Jan Bagwell

Friday, November 6, 2009

Your Life will be blessed if you look for the best

Your Life Will Be Blessed if you look for the Best

It’s easy to grow downhearted
when nothing goes your way ,
It’s easy to be discouraged
when you have a troublesome day ,
But trouble is only a challenge
to spur you on to achieve
The best that God has to offer
If you have the faith to believe !
Jan Bagwell

Thursday, November 5, 2009


In fall I share the dream of birds
to seek a warmer place,
To leave the cold and dark behind
for sunlight on my face .
On wings of faith I soar above
on some uncharted course
Which leads me closer to God’s love
which is itself a force .
The journey’s long and perilous
over land and time and sea ,
But then I reach the golden shore
where heaven smiles on me!
The northern winds have come and gone ,
there’s no forecast of snow ,
So I begin my journey home
to watch the roses grow.
In spring my heart is filled with hope
despite the pain I bear ,
So I return ,as do the birds ,
on a wing and a prayer !
Jan Bagwell

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No Favor Do I Seek Today

No Favor Do I Seek Today
I come not to ask , to plead ,or implore You ,
I just to tell you how much I adore you ,
And to keel in Your Presence makes me feel bless .
For I know that you know all my needs best .
And it fills me with joy just to linger with you
As my soul you replenish and my heart you renew ,
For prayer is much more than just asking for things –
It’s the peace and contentment that quietness brings .
So thank you again for your mercy and love
And for making me heir to Your kingdom above !

Jan Bagwell
God Bless , Please be in pray for my son , and for our brothers and sisters in Christ

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Within His Hands

Within His Hands
Whenever I grow weary ,
And miles seen much too long ,
And troubles think I am the one
To whom they all belong .
When things don’t always work out ,
According to my plan ,
It’s hard to drag my cross along ,
When I can barely stand .
And yet it’s times like these that test
The metal of my soul ,
If everything were gold ,
We would have naught to hope for ,
If skies were always blue ,
And it is true the sweetest smile
Must hide a tear or two .
And so in spite of everything ,
I know I’m not alone ,
God understands ,
When each of us can see ourselves ,
…Carved in the Savior’s Hands
Jan Bagwell

Monday, November 2, 2009

Springtime in Your Heart

Springtime in Your Heart

Keep Springtime in your heart
With its healing beams of gold .
Let the fire of Autunn
Warm you through the Winter’s cold .

All through the Wintry winds that blow,
When birds away have flown,
Picture rays of sunshine
Through Summers you have known.

Feel the warmth of springtime ,
Let Nature’s lovely sounds
Be heard again in spirit
Through all of Winter’s rounds .

And when it’s cold and dark
And dreary seems the day ,
Bask in the warmth of God’s great love
That can never pass away .

Keep Springtime in your heart
Though it may seem long ago
Through falling snow and icy winds
Its warmth in you will glow .

Spring’s lovely flowers , its azure sky ,
Kept fast in your mind’s eye,
Will show God’s love , keep hope alive
Til Winder passes by .
Jan Bagwell

Sunday, November 1, 2009

To set tree

To Set Tree

It takes love to set a tree –
Love for each twig and branch we see ,
Love for the beautiful God has made –
To clear the ground and use the spade .

It takes happiness to set a tree
With a heart so full of joy and glee ,
For no one could be otherwise
As he digs and looks to the skies .

It takes contentment to set a tree –
Content with all there is to be ,
For who could be dissatisfied
With anything that therein lies .

It takes courage to set a tree –
Courage to use the things we see
Instead of wishing for some sprier
Go to the woods and it is there.

It takes faith to set a tree –
Faith in all that comes from Thee,
For what assurance does one give
Or guarantee that it will live ?

IT takes hope to set a tree –
Hope that one will live to see
Some good thing that in it shows
As it looks to God and grows
Jan bagwell