Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Gift

Christmas Gift

I thought long and hard
About a gift to bring
I don't really have much,
And I can't really sing

Christmas has always been hard
As we never had very much
Being together was about it
But we seem to be out of touch

I typically find myself
Lost during the holidays
For so many years it has
Been just another day

So I think this year
I will try something new
I want to take a look back
Something I rarely seem to do

Remembering the good times
That I had as a child
A time when on that old couch
My family sat and piled

I think about my sister and I
Trying to figure out
What MeeMaw's numbering system
Was really all about

Going outside with the cousins
To throw around the ball
May be the thing
That I miss most of all

It's been such a long time
Since we all sat as one
Talking about life
Joking and picking fun

Looking back now is hard
But not in vain
As I have a new family
To help ease the pain

New memories to be made
With each one of you
A family under God
To help me through

All of you here tonight
Reminisce of times gone by
Brothers and sisters is Christ
We celebrate our Lord most high

Forget about the gifts
And the things we wish for
The Christmas message
Is about so much more

It's about the unwavering love
That we all have tonight
For the one and only Son
Who's light shines so bright

I thought long and hard
About a gift to bring
But the best gift was already given
The birth of Jesus our Savior, our King.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless