Friday, January 14, 2011

God Will Not ask Me

God Will Not Ask Me

God is not going to ask me how much I made.
He will ask me how much I gave.

God will not ask me about the size of my house.
He will ask me did I invite Him in.

God will not ask me about the elegance of the neighborhood.
He will ask me how I treated my neighbor.

God will not ask me what kind of car I drove.
He will ask me did I give those with no car a ride.

God will not ask me about the beauty of my wife.
He will ask me did I treat her with love.

God will not ask me about the style of my clothes.
He will ask me did I help clothe others.

God will not ask me the size of my bank account.
He will ask me how much is in my heavenly account.

God will not ask me how many children I fathered.
He will ask me if I was a good father to my children.

God will not ask me did I achieve fame.
He will ask me about my reputation.

God will not ask me if I traveled the world.
He will ask me did I improve the world.

God will not ask me about the troubles that I had.
He will ask me if I helped comfort the troubled.

God will not ask me if I did miracles in the name of His Son.
He will ask me if I really knew Him.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Be safe , and remember God love you . He only a prayer away . Again thank you for having fellowship with me .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let It Be Said

Let It Be Said
May I go on record as
One whose grateful lips have tasted
Of the sweetest nature has ,
On whose eyes no day was wasted .
May these humble ears be noted ,
For the melodies they heard ,
Pouring from the golden throated
Robin and the Mocking bird .

In the faded pages of
The musty volume of the years ,
Beneath the chapter labeled Love ,
Inscribe my smiles but not my tears .
List my name among the lowly ,
Lest this heart be puffed with pride ,
All that’s good and all that’s holy ,
Will not justly be denied .

These two feet were made to travel ,
Down whatever road He leads ,
And these two hands to unravel
Tender bloom from bitter weed .
Mine the pen , but His the phrases ,
And whatever these have stirred ,
Be it naught save what upraises
Each man closer to the Lord .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Of Gifts of Life

Of Gifts of Life
Do what you can with gifts of life
And gifts of heart and mind
While they are still , within your power
To share with humankind
For it is seldom meant to be
That gifts we own – today –
Will be forever ours to keep
Or ours to give away .

Don’t let them fade to trails of time
Or waste to dearths of age
For they are like the joys of youth
And luxuries of wages ,
They’re ours to own for just awhile –
To do with , as we can
That will endear our souls to God
And grace our fellow man .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Dear Jesus , please remember Mary Carpenter sister , Mike Wells mother and Judy Howard . I would ask each one that read these poems , be fill with your spirit Lord . And they would pray for one another . Amen
I would like to thank each and everyone that read my blog and hope you are blessed by it .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

He's There

He’s There
The storms of life will gather
and the bitter winds assail ,
Yet beyond the depths of anguish
is a love that cannot fail .

It’s a love that’s always with us
though at times it seems obsure,
But there never is desertion
in a love so true and pure .

When at times you feel deserted
And you seem to walk alone ,
Try to picture God in glory
Seated on the mercy throne .

Try to picture Christ at Calvary
as He hung upon the tree ,
And how lonely , when He cried out –
“ why has Thou forsaken Me ?”

Yes , our Lord once had the feeling
that He , too was all alone ,
Yet , God proved that He was present
sitting on the mercy throne .

Satan often tries to trick us
into thinking God’s not there ,
But if Calvary’s our example ,
He is closet in depair .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Pray request , sister Mary Carpenter sister , pray that she does'nt have cancer in her breast , and pray for sister Judy Howard needs . And as always pray for me .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wrapped in Winter

Wrapped in Winter
The world was wrapped in winter
This tiny world called home,
A blanket soft as cotton
As nature’s beauty shown,
A touch of magic wonder
In snowflakes as they fell,
And life held quiet beauty
That wintertime could tell.

The lane was wrapped in winter
Each tree wore ermine white,
With fence posts capped capped in splendor
Within the dark of night,

The pathway snug and cozy
Between the banks of snow,
And stars shone down from heaven
Touched by the afterglow

The earth was warm with winter
In peaceful, quiet bliss ,
Beneath snow’s magic blanket
A silent happiness,
Within the arms of nature
All safe and glowing there,
God wrapped His world in winter
Then left a sunbeam fair
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Dear God , I do thank you for what you have given me to write . I pray it reach a sinner . My brothers and sisters in Christ , I hope we all remember we are sinners save my grace .