Friday, July 23, 2010

The Anchor Holds

The Anchor Holds

Words and music by Lawrence Chewning and Ray Boltz

I have journeyed
Through the long, dark night
Out on the open sea
By faith alone
Sight unknown
And yet His eyes were watching me

The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm

Ive had visions
Ive had dreams
Ive even held them in my hand
But I never knew
They would slip right through
Like they were only grains of sand


I have been young
But I am older now
And there has been beauty
That these eyes have seen
But it was in the night
Through the storms of my life
Oh, thats where God proved
His love to me

This past week has not been a good one for me . First of the week a brother in Christ call me , and was having a heart attack and I prayed and the anchor holds and he got better . Tuesday , I went to the hospital to see a sister in Christ [ she has Cancer } , My heart felt broken again . As I left and I was praying , and the song came to me again . { The Anchor Holds }.Wednesday , I was coming home from church and my car broke down on Washington Ave .A Car load of young men where about to commit a robbery . The person they where going to commit this act on was me .Just when I though I was done far , the Lord send not one but two Greenville County Deputies . When they arrived , I looked at one the Deputies and told him, “ Thank God the Anchor holds “ . He look back and said “ Yes , Thank God the Anchor Holds” .And I know my writing is terrible tonight and I am very sick. And I am sorry if it hard to read . But I felt like my Lord was telling me , to tell all of you that no matter what happening in your life , to look up . Thank God the Anchor holds . And if you run across a policemen just thank him for the job he is doing.
God Bless ,
Jan Bagwell

Thursday, July 22, 2010

God's Sunshine

God’s sunshine
Never since the world began
Has the sun ever stopped shining .
His face very often we can not see ,
And we grumble at his inconsistency ,
But the clouds were to blame , not the sun.
For behind the clouds he was still shining .

And so behind life’s darkest cloud
God’s love is always shining ,
We veil it at times , with our faithless fears’
And darken our sight with our foolish tears ,
But in time the atmosphere always clears ,
For His love is always shining .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Take Time to be Kind

Kindness is a virtue
given by the Lord .
It pays dividends in happiness ,
and joy is its reward ,
For if you practice kindness
in all you say and do ,
The Lord will wrap His kindness
all around your heart and you ,
And wrapped within His kindness
you are sheltered and secure ,
And under His direction
your way is safe and sure
Jan Bagwell
So put all malice and guile and insincerity and all slander .Like newborn babes, long for the pure milk , that by it you may grow up to salvation ; for you have tasted the kindness of the Lord . 1 Peter 2:1-3
Lisa Henson

Bank account @ Bank of Travel Rest
She want to go to MD Anderson Cancer Hospital
Phone no 713-792-0266
She is @ stage 4 colon Cancer
Check on financial help for consultation and possible treatment
“Lisa Henson benefit fund “
She is in Memorial Hospital 5th floor
Please be praying for her

Take Time to be Kind

Kindness is a virtue
given by the Lord .
It pays dividends in happiness ,
and joy is its reward ,
For if you practice kindness
in all you say and do ,
The Lord will wrap His kindness
all around your heart and you ,
And wrapped within His kindness
you are sheltered and secure ,
And under His direction
your way is safe and sure
Jan Bagwell
So put all malice and guile and insincerity and all slander .Like newborn babes, long for the pure milk , that by it you may grow up to salvation ; for you have tasted the kindness of the Lord . 1 Peter 2:1-3
Lisa Henson

Bank account @ Bank of Travel Rest
She want to go to MD Anderson Cancer Hospital
Phone no 713-792-0266
She is @ stage 4 colon Cancer
Check on financial help for consultation and possible treatment
“Lisa Henson benefit fund “
She is in Memorial Hospital 5th floor
Please be praying for her

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Has Been Is What Will Be

Today my soul is reaching out
For something that’s unknown ,
I cannot grasp or fathom it
For it’s known to God alone.
I cannot hold or harness it
Or put it into form ,
For it’s as uncontrollable
As the wind before the storm .
I know not where it came from
Or whither it will go ,
For it’s as inexplicable
As the restless winds that blow .
And like the wind it too will pass
And leave nothing more behind
Than the memory of a mystery
That blew across my mind .
But like the wind it will return
To keep reminding me
That everything that is new
Beneath God’s timeless sun ,
And present ,past ,and future
Are all molded into one .
And east and west and north and south
The same wind keeps on blowing ,
While rivers run on endlessly
Yet the sea’s not overflowing .
And the restless ,unknown longing
Of my searching soul won’t cease
Until God comes in glory
And my soul at last finds peace .
Jan Bagwell
Please keep praying for Liza Henson , that God will heal her . She has Cancer and we need for God to take over .She is at stage 4 colon Cancer. If any of you can help , it Liza Henson Benefit Fund , Bank Account is at Bank of Travel Rest . We are tiring to get her in the M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital in Texas . If anybody can help we would be thankful. She has a month .

Monday, July 19, 2010

Face To Face

Face To Face
I had walked life’s path with and easy tread,
I followed where comforts and pleasures led-
Until one day in a quiet place
I met my master face to face .

With station and rank and wealth as my goal
Much tho’t for the body , but none for the soul,
I had entered to win in life’s mad race
When I met my Master face to face .

I built my castles , reared them high ,
Until their towers pierced the sky
I had sworn to rule with an iron mace
When I met my Master face to face .

I met Him and know Him and blushed to see
That His eyes of sorrow were fixed on me ;
I faltered and fell at His feet that day
And all my castle vanished away.

They melted and vanished , and in their place
I saw naught else but Jesus’ face;
I cried aloud ,”O make me meet
To follow the footsteps of Thy wounded feet.

My tho’t is now for the souls of men ,
I lost my life to find it again ,
Ere since alone in that quiet place
I met my Master face to face .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please pray for Liza Henson