Friday, February 25, 2011

The Rusty Car

The Rusty Car

A car transport trailer pulled up to the house with ten cars.
The driver got out and rang the doorbell. Clad only in a
housecoat and slippers, the owner of the house answered the

"I have two Rolls Royce's, two Ferraris, a Bentley, a Cadillac,
a Mercedes, a Corvette, a Porsche, and an old Impala. All of
the cars are brand new except for the Impala," the driver of the
transport trailer said.

"What are you parked in front of my house for?" the homeowner

"The cars are for you. You have an anonymous benefactor who
has given you ten cars. There is no charge, there is no
obligation, you don't even have to say thanks. If you don't
want the cars, I can take them back immediately and tell him to
never send you anything again and he won't," said the driver.

The homeowner was both puzzled and excited. Who was this
person? Who in the world would give such valuable gifts without
a single string attached? Looking at the shiny new cars the
excitement grew.

"Will you sign this delivery receipt and this form that gives
you the titles to all of the cars?" the driver asked.

"Sure," the homeowner said. It was like winning the lottery.

With the titles freshly in hand the homeowner went to inspect
the newfound treasures more closely.

"Wow!" the homeowner thought examining each car as they
gleamed and shined in the bright sunlight.

"Magnificent, and I didn't have to pay one dime for them," said
the homeowner.

Then the homeowner approached the Impala. It was old and had
seen its better days decades ago. The paint was rusted. The
tires were worn. It didn't even look like it would run.

"Why in the world did he give me this?" the homeowner wondered.

Then the homeowner began to get angry.

"Does he think that I would drive around in a piece of junk like
that? It's ugly compared to the rest of these fine cars. What
was his purpose in giving me that?"

Just then an older neighbor passed by. He stopped at the
transport truck and admiringly viewed the cars. He inspected
each one carefully, one by one, the Rolls, the Ferraris, but
only the old Impala arrested his attention.

"My goodness, I used to have one of these when I was young," the
old neighbor recalled with a wishful look in his eyes.

Although he admired the other cars, he had no real interest in
them. His eyes were fixed on the Impala. "Would you by any
chance consider selling it? I'll pay you whatever you want for

The anger at the old car was abated as the homeowner thought,
"This is too good to be true. Nine new cars and now someone
wants to buy this piece of junk."

That's the end of this story.

Don't understand it?

It's a parable.

"About what?"

It's about old men and women and a Big God . We sometimes we don’t think like the young generation .
Years have taught us what sin in our lifes cost us . So next time you talk to dad ,mother or Grandfather or grandmother remember . We are just a old Impala , make from best steel this country every made . We been through the test of time , We seen name it and claim it . We seen everything man can come up with .
But we know there only one way , is to be born by the Blood of Jesus , and take his cross and follow him . There are no short cuts . So find yourself a old Impala and listen to what they have to tell you .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Old Bible

My Old Bible
Through the cover be worn,
And the pages are torn ,
And through places bear tears,
Yet more precious than gold
Is the Book, worn and old ,
That can shatter and scatter my fears .

When I prayerfully look
In the precious old Book ,
Many pleasures and treasures I see;
Many tokens of love ,
From the Father above ,
Who is nearest and dearest to me .

This old Book I is my guide,
‘Tis a friend by my side ,
It will lighten and brighten my way ,
Soothes and gladdens the mind ,
As I read it and heed it today .

To this Book I will cling ,
Of its worth I will sing ,
Though great loses and crosses be mine ;
For I cannot despair ,
Though surrounded by care ,
While possessing this blessing divine .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God's Wonderful Word

God’s Wonderful Word
Thy Word is like a garden , Lord ,
With flowers bright and fair ;
And every one who seeks may pluck
A lovely cluster there .
Thy Word is like a deep ,deep mine ;
And jewels rich and rare
Are hidden in its mighty depts.
For every searcher there ,
O may I love Thy precious Word ,
May I explore the mine ,
May I its fragrant flowers glean ,
May light upon me shine .
O may I find my armor there ,
There Word my trusty sword ;
I’ll learn to fight with every foe
The bottle of the Lord .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Prayer request , Betty , sister Mary Carpenter sister , please pray for both of them . Please pray for sister Judy Pangborn . And if any of you have a old computer that worked , a disabled person , that lived on limited income broke his . I would be glad to get you in touch with him . Betty Hill need your prayers . Please pray for Julie . Mike Wells and family , Melvin Mobley and his family .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Judged Not Worthy

Judged Not Worthy
A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two
survivors were able to make it to the shore of a small deserted
island. With no idea what else to do they agreed they had no
recourse but to pray to God. However, they were divided as to
whose prayer would be more effectual. They agreed finally to
divide the island between them and stay each to his own side of
the island.

The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the
first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the island,
and thus he ate. The other man's parcel of the island remained
barren, and thus he remained hungry.

After a couple of days the first man became lonely so he prayed
for a wife. The next day another ship wrecked and the lone
survivor, a woman swam to his side of the island. The other man
remained without a companion.

Next, the first man prayed for a house, clothes and more food.
The next day all of these miraculously appeared. However the
other man still had nothing.

Finally the first man prayed for rescue for he and his wife.
In the morning there was a ship docked on his side of the
island. He and his wife boarded the ship and left the other man
behind. As the ship was pulling away from the island a voice
from heaven boomed out,

"Why are you leaving that other man on the island?"

The man replied, "Well, Lord, I figured the blessings I prayed
for were mine, and since apparently none of his prayers were
answered he mustn't be worthy."

The Lord rebuked him saying, "Oh my son you are so mistaken, for
you see he only had one prayer, which I answered fully. If not
for that you would not have received the richness of blessings
that you have, you owe him everything."

"Tell me", the man asked, "what did he pray for that I should
give him anything?"

The Lord replied,
"He prayed that all of your prayers would be answered."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
This is about People we ben praying for
Billy is now in a private room and on the road to recovery. Still having a few problems, but looks like he will fully recover. Thanks for everyone’s prayer, God does work miracles.

Dillon had more test and the doctors are doing research to decide/confirm the diagnosis – early indications have not been good. Dillon still needs your prayers.
Thanks to Brother Mike Wells for reporting back about the people pray for . I alway enjoy what God doing in other lifes .

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Bible in the schools

The Bible in the Schools
I’d to see the Bible placed
Where the Bible used to be ,
Upon the top of the teacher’s desk
For every child to see ;
I’d like to hear the teacher say,
As my teacher used to do ;
“Before we work or play , dear ones ,
I want to read to you .”

I’d like to see the teacher stand
Before the class again
And lift with reverent care the Book
That makes God’s purpose plain ,
And ere the youngsters went to work ,
I’d like to hear her voice
Repeat those words of truth and faith
That makes one’s soul rejoice.

I’d like to see her face light up
At each resplendent word ,
And watch the children’s souls shine out
At the message they had heard ;
I’d like to see the sweet content
Fill that dear room , each nook ,
And know that joy had come to each
When teacher read the Book .

Yes , I’d like to see the Bible placed
Where the Bible used to be ,
I’d like to hear it read aloud
In the class room of the free .
I want my children taught to know
God’s matchless gift of love ,
The Book of books is wisdom’s gate
To that bright home above .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Prayer is the tuning fork which brings me into harmony with God . I still know by faith , that God can and will bring this country back .