Friday, June 26, 2020

Have You Opened The Book?

Have You Opened The Book?

Have you opened the book, have you sat down a while,
The book will cause you to think, it may bring a sweet smile.
Some call it God's Holy Word, but it's the Bible for me,
The book of beginnings, it's new life given free.

Have you opened the book, and found eternal truth,
Advice for the old, for young children, and youth.
Picture God on His throne, and Christ Jesus his Son,
When they spoke forth creation, our world was then done.

Have you opened the book, for our God He did rest,
Passed it on down to us, hoping we'd do our best.
Share respect for His words, that we stop, watch, and pray,
Come before Him in Worship, as you give Him your day.

Have you opened the book, when your lonely and sad,
When the world closes in, and you're feeling that bad.
When your cares just surround you, will you trust him today?
He will carry your burden, and he'll lighten your way!

Have you opened the book, found new life in God's Son?
Held communion now with Him, shared his praise with someone.
Let Him into your heart, brought within you new life,
Now eternally anchored, no more living with strife.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Beneath That Old Cross

Beneath That Old Cross

Your grace draws me to You as I have observed.
But I linger often. It's so undeserved.
Your love overwhelms me, Your strength holds me tight,
forgiveness is calling but guilt is my plight.

Effects of my sins are embossed in hard stone.
I cannot undo them. I can't, not alone.
A carp without fin or a crow without wing,
I try as I might but can't fix anything.

Regret is the shadow I cannot outrun,
I cannot erase it or kill it with gun.
I cry for your blessings to shower as rain,
on those I have hurt so that peace they obtain.

Please hold them and guard them and don't let them fall,
then bless me with life that is pleasing to all.
Reminded of what I have put others through,
I so need forgiveness, but leave that to You.

I cry out in anguish. I cry out in shame.
I know life is real and cry out Your name.
Please shake me of old days and don't let them kill
a future of loving and doing 'Your will'.

Immersed in contrition as life goes along,
dear Lord, please forgive me for all I've done wrong.
Your grace, so sufficient, Your love, so immense,
was proven at Cal'vry at Your great expense.

Please bury my burdens and bury my guilt,
beneath that old cross where Your blood had been spilt.
Remembering all You still do from above,
my tears now replace these mere words with my love.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Word Will Speak

The Word Will Speak

The Word will speak of Christ's atoning work,
Of Jesus as the perfect sacrifice.
His cruel death on the cross He didn't shirk,
Salvation by our works would not suffice.
One can't depend on friends of influence
Or rest one's hope on popularity,
For when beliefs don't meet in confluence
The context needs be sought out prayerfully.
Away from Jesus Christ false doctrines point,
Omitting His debt payment to the full.
These doctrines Holy Spirit won't anoint,
Though they're compelling others with their pull.
God's Spirit quickens, bringing us to trust
In Jesus' sacrifice to make us just.

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Cross will Cost

The Cross will Cost

Certain company we keep
Comes at cost we could find steep
Hanging round with Jesus Christ
Will never come without a price

Serving Christ means we refrain
From sinful, selfish, greedy gain
Striving for the foremost seat
Is where the proud of heart compete

When accused for wrongs not done
Or ridiculed for battles won
Do not let your anger rise
Your Christian witness compromise

Seems like those who do what's right
Will seldom stand beneath spotlight
Those who reckless aim to be
Are gaining popularity

Looks like the equality
We're told to welcome readily
Does not always tolerate
The values Christians propagate

Maybe you're unseen, unheard
Or seldom get the final word
Don't forget the cross will cost
The difference leaves you saved or lost

Morning Devotion

Morning Devotion

Creator of the morning light,
My joy by day, my peace at night,
My everlasting hope and friend,
Your loving kindness has no end.

Creator of the morning light,
the earth and all the stars of night,
To you, so perfect in you're ways,
I pledge my heart and give you praise.

Creator of the morning light,
You're my desire, my soul's delight.
My Lord, my God, my only King,
My worship to your throne I bring.

Sunday, June 21, 2020



Dad, a father, a teacher
Knowledge he earned through the years
I can smile as I think back
Then I blink away a few tears

It's been so long since he's passed
Dad, he went to heaven to wait
Together again, we will be
God knows that time and date

We really had a house full
seven when I was small
So many things he taught us
Though I wasn't a good kid at all

Dad, older and wiser
Just knows the way to teach
For him it came natural
Though I was a bit hard to reach

One lesson taught, fixing cars
As dad explained this engine
dark hair dark eyes, bright smile
He pointed out the piston

Hands were worn by years of work
He pointed to the lawn mower motor
Fingers that were rough but strong
"This is a spark plug, this is a rotor."

Tall and slim, his stature
He got my full attention
"It works the same" he said
"As most any car engine."

The Lord made us in his image
Myself, my dad, by my God, above
I will always be their child
And for them filled with undying love

The teacher with a huge heart
is one more memory for me to hold
I pray for the happiness dad possessed
As each new day, our Lord, unfolds