Saturday, August 18, 2007

With God all things are possible

With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matthew


The Lord Jesus said, "Moreover if thy brother trespass against thee, go and
tell him his fault" (Matthew 18:15). You say, "He's the one that did wrong.
If he wants forgiveness, let him come and ask for it." But Jesus said, "No,
you go to him." Whether you are in the right or whether you are in the
wrong, as a child of God, you are to go to that individual. Isn't that what
God did in the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve sinned against God, and the
Bible tells us that God came looking for them. "Adam, where art thou?" That
was not the voice of a detective. That was the voice of a God Who pursues us
to forgive us.

Stop right now and ask God to show you if you have an unforgiving spirit
toward someone. Then, in His power and strength, call that person and ask
his or her forgiveness. It's going to be impossible in your strength, but
remember, God does the impossible

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Winning Game

The Winning Game

On a hot, sunny afternoon, a small boy stepped up to bat.
The crowd watched like hawks for his move, waiting for the
sought-after home run that most likely wasn't to be.

After all, these kids were five and six years old, much too
little to stroke a ball past the pitcher, if at all.

The little guy's determination showed in his stance: gritted
teeth, slightly bulging eyes, hat-clad head bobbing slightly,
feet apart, hands with a death grip on the bat.

In front of him was a small softball, sitting perched like a
parrot on a lone tee, awaiting the six swings that the batter
was allowed.

Strike one.

"Come on, you can do it!" came a solitary voice out of the

Strike two.

"Go for it, Son!" the proud father yelled encouragingly.

Strike three.

"Go, go, go..." the crowd joined in.

Strike four.

"You can do it!" just the father and a couple of viewers
crooned, others losing interest and turning to bleacher

"YOU CAN DO IT!" And suddenly bat hit ball, amazing the crowd
and the little boy, who stood rock still, watching it travel
slowly past the pitcher on its way to second base.


The stands rumbled with stomping feet. "Run, run!"
The little boy's head jerked ever so slightly and he took off
toward third base.

"No," the crowd yelled.

"The other way."

With a slight cast of his head toward the bleachers, the boy
turned back toward home.

"NO!" My son, the umpire, waved him toward first base.
The kids on both teams pointed the way. The crowd continued to
cheer him on. Confused, he ran back to third.

Then following the third baseman's frantic directions, he
finally ran toward first base but stopped triumphantly on the
pitcher's mound. The pitcher moved back, not sure what to do

The crowd stood, shaking the bleachers with the momentum.
All arms waved toward first base. And with no thought for his
position, the first baseman dropped his ball and ran toward the

"Come on," he yelled, grabbing the hand of the errant batter,
and tugged him toward first base while the crowd screamed its

The ball lay forgotten as a triumphant twosome hugged each other
on the piece of square plastic that marked the spot where lives
are forever shaped.

No one will remember the score of that summer afternoon game.

Two little boys, running hand in hand, toward a goal that only
one should have reached.

Both came out winners.

In fact, there wasn't a loser in the stands or on the field that
summer day, and that's a lesson none of us should ever forget.

Winning is more than being number one.

Winning is helping another when the chips are down.

It's remembering to love one another.

We are all in this together,
God Bless ,
Jan bagwell

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Give us this day our daily bread

Give us this day our daily bread." Matthew 6:11
A philosopher once said, "To whom little is not enough, nothing is enough." I know what I want, and I know what you want. I want to have some money in the bank, and I want to have something there so that when tomorrow comes, then I don't have to worry about it. Isn't that what you want? We call that security. Question: Is that really security? Who is more secure -- the man who has a warehouse full of stale bread that the rats or thieves can get or the man who has a father who is a very, very rich baker?
Begin your prayer time today with what people call the Lord's Prayer and ask Him to help you to be content.
Bow before Him in humble adoration of His provision in your life.
Then share the Bread of Life with someone who is hungry today.

We need God

We Need God’s Blessings in All Things We Do
You need to plan in advance, well in life, To do a lot of things you undertake; No one predicts when comes our unique strife; You ought to know the technique to bake cake.Man’s planning is not very accurate; The human mind is good but not too good; Depends on weather, how you navigate; More things can go awry, if bad is mood.Though you may plan and do things so perfect, God’s blessings must be there to bring success; All things are wrought by not man’s intellect; God’s help can make problems surely less.You plan and toil to achieve many things; But pray to God to bless your work, earthlings!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

If two agree or, The Power of United Prayer


If Two Agree Or, The Power Of United Prayer

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask,it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them. Matt. 18:19, 20.

ONE of the first lessons of our Lord in His school of prayer was: Not to be seen of men. Enter thy inner chamber; be alone with the Father. When He has thus taught us that the meaning of prayer is personal individual contact with God, He comes with a second lesson: You have need not only of secret solitary, but also of public united prayer. And He gives us a very special promise for the united prayer of two or three who agree in what they ask. As a tree has its root hidden in the ground and its stem growing up into the sunlight, so prayer needs equally for its full development the hidden secrecy in which the soul meets God alone, and the public fellowship with those who find in the name of Jesus their common meeting-place.

The reason why this must be so is plain. The bond that unites a man to his fellow-men is no less real and close than that which unites him to God: he is one with them. Grace renews not alone our relation to God but to man too. We not only learn to say My Father, but Our Father. Nothing would be more unnatural than that the children of a family should always meet their father separately, but never in the united expression of their desires or their love. Believers are not only members of one family, but even of one body. Just as each member of the body depends on the other, and the full action of the spirit dwelling in the body depends on the union and co-operation of all, so Christians cannot reach the full blessing God is ready to bestow through His Spirit, but as they seek and receive it in fellowship with each other. It is in the union and fellowship of believers that the Spirit can manifest His full power. It was to the hundred and twenty continuing in one place together, and praying with one accord, that the Spirit came from the throne of the glorified Lord.

The marks of true united prayer are given us in these words of our Lord. The first isagreementas to the thing asked. There must not only be generally the consent to agree with anything another may ask: there must be some special thing, matter of distinct united desire; the agreement must be, as all prayer, in spirit and in truth. In such agreement it will become very clear to us what exactly we are asking, whether we may confidently ask according to God's will, and whether we are ready to believe that we have received what we ask.

The second mark is the gathering in, or into, the Name of Jesus. We shall afterwards have much more to learn of the need and the power of the Name of Jesus in prayer; here our Lord teaches us that the Name must be the centre of union to which believers gather, the bond of union that makes them one, just as a home contains and unites all who are in it. The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and escape. That Name is such a reality to those who understand and believe it, that to meet within it is to have Himself present. The love and unity of His disciples have to Jesus infinite attraction: Where two or three are gathered in my Name,there am I in the midst of them.It is the living presence of Jesus, in the fellowship of His loving praying disciples, that gives united prayer its power.

The third mark is, the sure answer: It shall be done for them of my Father

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Miss Charlotte Elliott

Miss Charlotte Elliott was vi­sit­ing some friends in the West End of Lon­don, and there met the em­i­nent min­is­ter, Cé­sar Ma­lan. While seat­ed at sup­per, the min­is­ter said he hoped that she was a Christ­ian. She took of­fense at this, and re­plied that she would ra­ther not dis­cuss that quest­ion. Dr. Ma­lan said that he was sor­ry if had of­fend­ed her, that he al­ways liked to speak a word for his Mas­ter, and that he hoped that the young la­dy would some day be­come a work­er for Christ. When they met again at the home of a mu­tu­al friend, three weeks lat­er, Miss Ell­i­ott told the min­is­ter that ev­er since he had spok­en to her she had been try­ing to find her Sav­iour, and that she now wished him to tell her how to come to Christ. “Just come to him as you are,” Dr. Ma­lan said. This she did, and went away re­joic­ing. Shortly af­ter­ward she wrote this hymn.

About these words, her brother said:
In the course of a long min­is­try,
I hope I have been per­mit­ted to see some of the fruit of my la­bor,
but I feel that far more has been done by a sin­gle hymn of my sis­ter’s.

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, of that free love
The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,
Here for a season, then above,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

He locked Door

He Locked Door

In order to build interest in his traveling show, the great
escape artist Houdini would frequently arrive in a town early
and challenge the local jailer to try to keep him locked in a
cell. If he couldn’t escape within an hour, he would offer the
jailer a $1,000 reward.

In one town, he made the challenge and was dutifully ushered
into a jail cell. As soon as the door clanged shut behind him,
he began trying to find a way out. As the minutes slipped by,
he soon found that this escape was going to be tougher than he
had expected. He tried every trick, but he couldn’t find a way
out. At the end of the time, the jailers found him sitting in
the middle of the cell sobbing in frustration. He had failed.

The biggest surprise came when the jailer returned and
discovered that he had forgotten to lock the door. Houdini
could have walked out any time he wanted by just pushing the
door open. The irony was that his escape route was one that he
had never considered—an unlocked door!

So many times we have the door locked in our minds long before
it swung shut behind us.

How many times have we failed because we didn’t consider the
unexpected answer to our problems?

God's Loving and Forgiving Enshoud mental Quilt

God's Loving And Forgiving Enshroud mental Quilt.

I've been put on earth in this life to play upon God's mortal infested playground...
To go full steam forward and conquer all obsticles of sin that were placed at my fetal mound.

How may I to win on this spherical ball of dirt? ...
Each and every day spent is lined with soulful hurt.

I can't wait to join in the other side...
A place by God and Jesus Christ without pain from this empty unjacketed life and soon to be free to flee and hide.

At last I'll be where there is only eternal rest of happy peace...
All earthly suffering where unsorrowful displeasure will forever cease.

God's love will surround and envelope me in a protective enshroud mental quilt...
No more sin or unhappy guilt.

The sky will be filled with angels enjoying displayful rare saught after poems and art...
A last breath breathed from my once young but now, dying heart.

God will embrace and hold us all...
To his flock, by his loving peace filled forgiving tranquil call.

Amen! ...
I say again! ...
Jan Bagwell 8/14/09

Jesus' Sake

Jesus' Sake
How great a man would I make. To love my foe for Jesus' sake. And what's it prove to turn my cheek, A stronger man or a man turned weak. For if I might endow the power to spare the world its final hour. Would I fend for just my brother, Or give myself to serve all others
Jan bagwell 8/13/07

Monday, August 13, 2007

Majestic Lightning


Majestic Lightning

Psalm 29:3-5, "The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon."

The verses here in Psalm 29, are very similar to Job 37:1-5, "At this my heart pounds and leaps from its place. Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth. He unleashes his lightnings beneath the whole Heaven and sends it to the ends of the Earth. After that comes the sound of his roar; he thunders with his majestic voice. When his voice resounds, he holds nothing back. God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding." The lightning is just one of many things that declares the Lord to be the God of glory. It is fitting that in the middle of summer, we consider the majesty of the voice of God in the lightning, but also look how God speaks to us even beyond this loud voice in the sky.

The lightning tells us of God's power and glory. Let not be foolish about this. Pharaoh was a dumb guy, but in not recognizing the voice of God in His thunder and lightning. We are duller in the head than he was. He at least knew that the thunder and lightning was from God (Exodus 9:28). Should we be more foolish than one of the most foolish men recorded in the Bible? Proud, pompous men have trembled under God's majestic voice in the thunder. The emperor Caligula would hide under his bed when it thundered. Horace, in one of his odes, hears thunder and trembles before Jehovah. The heathens tremble at the majestic voice of God in His thunderous speaking from Heaven. Should we not also acknowledge God's power in the midst of the storm? When the thunder claps, let it lead us to thoughts of God, and how He majestically speaks to us today. God's words and works go hand in hand. God still speaks to us today, but His primary way of speaking to us now is through His Holy Word, the Bible.

When God speaks in His Word, it is our first business to silently pay attention to what He says. It is not our place to question, correct, or disagree with what the Lord would say to us in His Word. We take His Word and meditate upon it. We digest it, and our only proper response is to, by faith, heed its admonitions to us in our lives and practices. As the majestic voice of the Lord in the thunder and lightning is compelling, so also His clear voice, in His Holy Word, is commanding. He speaks truth, can only speak truth, and we are called to believingly respond with our whole beings. His voice in His Word is majestic, because it is from Him. It compels simply because it is. Our fidelity unto our Lord is only as exact as our faithfulness to the majestic voice of the Lord in His Word

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Praise the Lord !!!


( PSALM 96:2 *NIV )

As you know Hymns are part of most Worship Services today,
Therefore we are to: "SING TO GOD, SING PRAISES TO HIS
( PSALM 147:1 ) & ( PSALM 68:4 )

Now have you ever wondered when music became part of our
Worship? Well, Moses and the Israelites sang the first
song to the Lord ( EXODUS 15:1-18 ) However King David played
a major role in bring Hymns to the Temple, for he wrote most of
the PSALMS or "Songs," found in the Book of PSALMS. The
words of those ancient Hymns are found in our Bibles, however
the actual music has been lost through the ages.

WITH MUSIC AND SONG." ( PSALM 95:1-2 ) Just as God's
Children have been doing for thousands of years now!

Have a wonderful day , and why not attend your
Church this Sunday, and Worship your Heavenly Father with songs
and praise! Amen.