Friday, November 28, 2014

Tears From Heaven

Tears From Heaven

I believe that the Lord does sorrow
And sheds His tears upon the earth
When we hurt or avoid our brother
The jar of tears is filled with both
The jar of tears, it overflows
With God’s cherished pain and unfailing love
“Why do you crush my heart, my child?
Accept each one for what they’re worth.”
Tears of lost voices
Tears of shame
Tears of compassion
A deep pool in the heart again
Flowing endlessly, this river of life
Never to run dry, never to flood
And in its path is health and salvation
All mixed with fragrance, peace and God’s love

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Let Me Keep a Thankful Heart

Let Me Keep a Thankful Heart

I've loved and lost, I've loved and won
I've had my moments in the sun
I've danced upon the morning dew
I've had my share of rain-clouds too
Good days and bad, they come, they depart
Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've had some sugar in life's cup of tea
Sweet love and leisure as my company
But I've had some lemons, oh, I've been hurt
Knocked by life's demons, my face in the dirt
But Lord, through it all You never depart
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've been the bird in the cloudless sky
I've been the broken butterfly
My cup of joy has been full, over-flowing
It's also been shattered, empty, alone
Lord, Your compassion mends every part
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've known a hug, a cuddle and kiss
I've heard the music of life's sweeter bliss
I've cried the tears of the broken too
Disappointments and fears, I've had a few
But the bitter reveals the sweet inner part
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Have a Blessed  Thankgiving !

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Beautiful Story

A Beautiful Story

Softly as a pure, white dove,
The snowflakes gently fell,
A little lamb was given us,
On that crisp, winter morn.
And as He grew, new life was found,
Found deep within the earth,
Petals beautifully did spring forth,
And not a blemish spoiled.
Fresh sounds of song rolled off the leaves,
Of fragrance laced with heaven,
And that dear lamb, God’s chosen One,
Was led toward that tree.
The tree of death, the tree of life,
And today this is given thee,
To die with Christ, be born again,
Never again be led astray.
The wondrous Shepherd of mankind,
With grace whispers your name,
Come forth, come forth,
From darkness holding, life begins with Me.
Take My hand and walk beside Me,
Bring your heart to pastures green,
Living waters will cleanse, restore you,
Open the gate that is nailed with My pain,
Your shame is taken,
My love is given,
Silent knocking on your heart no more.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I feel  tears flowing Heaven

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The empty shoebox

The empty shoebox

The empty shoebox had fallen upon the ground
waiting there unnoticed and hoping to be found.
Lost and forgotten, gathering dust and alone
it was lying there upside down and all unknown.

Then a little girl came and saw it resting there
and she wanted to fill it with some things to share.
She took it home so that she could have a good look
and find some toys and some lovely clothes and a book.

She then finished the box tying a pretty bow.
Full of goodies and toys, it was ready to go.
She prayed that whoever received it would be blessed
and then she took it to the church to join the rest.

Just before Christmas Day her parcel had arrived
at the home of a girl who was feeling deprived.
As the girl opened the box with feelings of joy
the true love of Christmas she began to enjoy.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Sometimes I get so befuddled,
That I don't know where to turn.
Cares of this life weigh me down
With the troubles they concern.

I must always remind myself
I have access to a higher power.
I don't need to worry and fret.
God is with me every hour.

God is with me in the sunshine
And when the dark shadows fall.
I am His blood-bought child,
And upon Him I can always call.

He can solve all my problems.
For Him, nothing is too hard.
God always knows what I need.
He is never caught off guard.

Yes, when I feel downhearted
With some trifling, worldly care,
I must take this burden to God,
And then I must leave it there.
Jam Bagwell
God Bless !