Saturday, May 5, 2018

A New Heaven and Earth

A New Heaven and Earth

When I think about,
when the earth will be no more
into the Word of God I go
digging deeper as I explore.

I find throughout the pages,
the warnings God has given us
to seek His face while it can be found
and in Him, to learn to trust.

I see for generations,
man’s rebellion against God’s ways
and for the lack of faith
how we like sheep are led astray.

I come upon the verses,
when God knew what He had to do
and so He sent His begotten Son
to bring salvation to me and you.

When I think about,
when the heaven will be no more
I think about the new one . . .
and all for us it has in store!
Matthew 24:35

" Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away."

King James Version
Public Domain

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Sail On, O Christian Comrade

Sail On, O Christian Comrade

Sail on, O Christian comrade true.
Sail on until your journey's through.
Sail on; the lighthouse is in sight.
Sail on; sail toward that beacon light.

When fog tries to swallow the light,
Have faith and sail on through the night.
Fog can't swallow that light so great.
Sail on; that golden shore doth wait.

The Captain said, "We've reached the shore.
Your sailing is over forever more.
No more winds and storms will blow.
No more dangers will you ever know."

"You have reached that happy strand.
You are finally over in Gloryland.
See all that Heaven has in store
As you live with Jesus forever more."

A Far Better Place

A Far Better Place

We're on our way to a far better place
Where we'll see Jesus Christ face to Face,
Bridegroom and bride, united at last
Will walk hand in hand on streets clear as glass.

Surrounded by walls of transparent gold
We'll behold wonders as yet untold
While thousands 'pon thousands of angels will sing
Praises of joy to the queen and the King.

Heavenward, homeward bound are we
To a place where we will be free
From suffering, toil, heartache and sin;
Meeting again our old friends and kin.

Love and peace and joy will flow,
Over all this God's glory will glow;
Sweet communion between bride and Groom -
Oh, dear Jesus, may that Day come soon!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Heaven Is On My Mind

Heaven Is On My Mind

Someday I'll shed this mortal flesh
And fly away to my Heavenly home,
Leaving behind this old world,
And in sin no more will I roam.

The closer I get to that goal,
I think of Heaven more and more.
How will it be when I arrive
Upon that celestial, golden shore?

Yes, the gates are made of pearl,
And the streets are made of gold,
But also God's Word tells us
That the half has never been told.

Will my loved ones meet me there
When I arrive on that glad day,
Or will my Savior greet me first
When I arrive at my home to stay?

Will I have to wait in line
To see my dear Savior's face,
Or will I see Him just shortly
On my arrival in that place?

Am I too Heavenly minded
To be of any earthly good?
I must be about God's business
And work the way I should.

Still, I am so very anxious
To see my dear Savior's face.
I want to thank Him for His love
And for His matchless grace.