Friday, October 28, 2016

I Marvel at His Grace

I Marvel at His Grace

May the light of Jesus,
turn you away from sin
may it shine in your heart
so not to let darkness in.

May His tender mercies,
touch you where you are
may His gentle compassion
shine like the Morning Star.

May His grace cover you,
with His endless peace
may His free gift of love
bring to your soul release.

May His favor fill you,
with salvation's forgiving balm
may His goodwill seal you
with a sense of unending calm.

May you marvel at His mercy,
and the bounty of His grace
may the light of Christ Jesus
in your heart and soul embrace.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Ephesians 2:8
King James Version 

"For by grace are ye saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves: it 
is the gift of God:"

Thursday, October 27, 2016

When A Big Church Becomes Small

When A Big Church Becomes Small

Have you ever pondered why?
The small church stayed the same?
Yet when calamity struck us down
It was the Big Church that came!

But what of the Big Church?
Well, it surely is wondrous
Hands lifted up by the hundreds
Music boisterous and thunderous!

Oh, they will come running
When they hear the Father call
The Big Church stoops down
To pick up those who fall.

For it matters not the size
In times such as these
We are Kingdom people—His
Together we pray on bended knees.

Have you ever pondered why?
A church remains so small?
The Big Church is the Small Church
We are Kingdom people—One and All.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Worse Than That

Worse Than That

While I was strolling near a pond
one bright and breezy day,
a splendid scene had caught my eye
in such a special way.

Decided I, to lie a spell,
to take in nature's views.
So I had lain on greener grass
and kicked off both my shoes.

I saw the mirror images which
'bounced' beneath the sky,
on tips of little ripples that had
seemed to tip-toe by.

So beautiful, the lights reflected
off the little pond,
off the dancing water that
had seemed to just respond.

But life is not as it appears.
My thoughts took all this in,
When I had found that I had laid
right in this world's sin.

Once tempted by the greener grass,
well used by dog and cat,
I'm humbled now with just one whiff-
and sin is worse than that.

Don't laugh at me. It's just the way
this evil world turns.
So now I set my eyes on God.
My soul no longer yearns.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Song of Jesus

The Song of Jesus
A rhapsody of love so dear,
It makes the Angels cry.
A song about a perfect King,
Who chose for us to die.

A tender tune that lifts the soul,
Sweet harmony so true.
Of one who walked an earthly path,
Just for me and you.

The steady drum of a warrior's heart,
Beat within this gentle man.
He sang the solo in this song,
Conducted by His Father's Hand.

The melody turned haunting,
When He lay upon the tree.
The timpani of the hammer,
Played out in three part harmony.

Resounding peals from crystal bells,
Rang out from that battered cross.
To signify Our Savior's tears,
As He bled for the souls of the lost.

A mighty King sang a loving song,
His tender notes bring us grace.
Listen for His symphony in the wind,
No other can take it's place.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless