Friday, January 18, 2013

I Lose Without You

I Lose Without You
I can’t win without putting you first
You must feed my heart
Pure into me your word
As I enter this world
I cant go to an interview without praying
I can’t begin this race without worshipping
You must be everywhere that I go
Because without your wisdom, what do I know?
I can’t complete this day without you ordering my steps
I can’t take each breath without you blessing me with one
You are the centre of my life
And I confine with you before anything
I lose without you
I win with you
I can’t make it without you
I can with you
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

The biggest failure in life is not failing in something you do ,
But the biggest failure in life is losing your trust in God. 
For in life there is nothing that can't be given another try by you. 
But without trust in the Almightly, any amount of success will feel small. 

Please  let's set a goal  for ourself , this year let's win 500 people to  Jesus  Christ .
Our Church has set that goal , to win 500 people to Jesus Christ this year  . If  I can be of service to any of  you , let me know >

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Your not sure what you must do
Contemplating on where to go
Your not sure whether to go left or right
Not sure which road is right
Scared of making the wrong decision
So right now you’re in a state of confusion
You’re not really confident in either way
But in the position you’re in you know you can’t stay
We look for guidance in other people
For advice and a solution
We search for answers in various men
But the answer lies in somebody greater than them
The Lord Jesus Christ
With His counsel, He doesn’t have to tell you twice
Sometimes you can doubt the circumstance you’re in
But don’t doubt Jesus Christ who is greater than each one of them
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless  !

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Follow Jesus

Follow Jesus
Many of us have all been called by the higher power
But few of us have picked up the phone or thought to answer
There is a tug against your flesh to take the next exit
But there's always an excuse, for us not to submit
Whether it's our time or the sure commitment of trusting Jesus
The comfort zone we must escape, to get our true freedom
If the cup is good enough for Jesus then surely it's good enough for you and me
But our problem is our own cup, it just may be a tad too fizzy
The more we drink from our own cup
The further away we get from the hill top
The world may taste so good and it can always grab our attention
But if it's not good enough for the Lord, then it sure isn't good enough for your salvation
Jesus says "Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink"
If we are true to ourselves then there is no time to think
If you are able
Then don't hesitate to make yourself available
                                                Jan Bagwell
                                                 God Bless !

My Love

Today I spoke to God and this is what I heard
If you're out there being selfish, you haven't heard my word
People out here need you
The young and old need help
Please give them my love, and give it through yourself
Bury all your hatred
Show love, and lend a hand
Surrender all your hatred, and rectify my plan
You are my flowers in a meadow from above, and every single person
came from me, to earth, with love.
Please be in prayer for Loretta Stroud  , Mary Phillips , Frankie Wilson Patton , David  and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell  , J.D.Holliday
Zac Cunningham and Amanda Cunningham , John T more , and all my Brothers and Sisters at The Neighborhood  Church  . 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Be Made New

Be Made New
Once you receive the power of Jesus
A road you will take to start the process
The Lord is now your new King
He shall watch your feet and direct your paths
Once you take the dip in the pool
Old things have passed away and all things will be made new
The new outlook on life you will receive
Your dreams will become possible once you believe
Don’t slip back to your old ways
Keep on with God because He is the way
The light and your help in time of need
So when your struggling just receive
The power of God because if any man be in Christ he is a new creature
You know that the life you now live is so much better
Say goodbye to this corrupt world
And keep focussed in God’s word
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, January 14, 2013

God Can

God Can
Do you know someone who you can trust
Do you know someone who can keep your secrets
Do you know someone who is a healer
Do you know someone who can deliver
Do you know someone who can save
Do you know someone who can supply
Do you know someone who can protect
Do you know someone who can provide
Do you know someone who can be a lawyer
Do you know someone who can be everywhere
Do you know someone who has sacrificed their life for you
Do you know someone who can perform miracles
Do you know someone who can be tempted and not fall
Do you know someone who has the worlds best selling book
Do you know someone who can create this earth
God Can
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
There is Power in the Blood of Jesus ,